July 23rd, 2004, 01:15 AM
Major General
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Re: MP Game - Belle Air - now underway
Originally posted by Frosted Flake:
Skewing off topic..just curious which nations does Norfleet find the weakest and why?
In these specific conditions, or in general? In general, it is generally not disputed that Tien Chi is among the weakest nations. Their magical abilities can be compared to a flooded parking lot: Lots of breadth, but absolutely no depth. In these specific conditions, any nation that would ordinarily benefit greatly from Mausoleums or Watchtowers, due to use no-resource troops, that now can't take them and is thus overcharged in both nation points and gold for a castle that adds only useless features, is screwed. Nations that cannot or should not take a watchtower or mausoleum, or have a cheap substitute that isn't one of the above, benefit greatly.