Any way to get interpretation as to what happened in a battle?
Okay, so I'm taking some advice (see the "Help, I suck at Ulm" thread) and playing single player, trying to figure out combinations and strategies for Ulm. It's not going so well, at least in part because the single player AI doesn't do anything like what humans do. It's hard to figure out what works when you are facing mostly independent heavy infantry, but that's for another time.
Anyway, I am giving the beatdown to Abysia, and I storm its fort. I've got a decently kitted out (well, I think so, but it doesn't actually make the stats that impressive) black knight leader. The battle goes about 5 turns in. Suddenly, some orange and yellow beam from the sky strikes, he is gone, and I have no idea what happened. There is no indication of what it was in the spell list in the upper left. The only thing that coincided was Abysia's pretender casting flare, but I think I know what flare looks like (based in part on the repeated castings in the rest of the combat), and that wasn't it.
I still see this as a big problem with bringing noobs into the game. Combat is a morass of sights and sounds, and it's hard to tell why[ things are happening.
Anyway, is there a way to post a turnfile or something to figure out what happened in this case?