July 2nd, 2004, 09:02 PM
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Re: Fun with Arco Astrologers
Originally posted by Kel:
Eh ? Not sure what you mean, mystics are commonly elemental 2 in one element. And, in any case, I wasn't necessarily saying they should go out and physically site search, site searching spells all find up to lvl 9.
you have some good points but i have still some questions /wonderings: all based at research difficulty not higher than normal :
ihmo best accashic Users are pythium , arco/ryhleh
arco has 4 astral , 1 nature gem base income .
pyhtium 5 astral , 2 air , 1 water .
ryhleh i think 3 astral , 2 water .
expect the dark knowlegde spell all the one kind of magic finding rituals are traumaturgy lvl 2 .
so you have to go traumaturgy 2 instead but this are only 60 rp so not very long .
but now my real problems :
according to the manual you need lvl 2 in the ritual + 2 gems of this path .
ok some of the lvl 2's you get on your mystics .
but how do you get the 2 gems of that colour ?
so as arco e.g. you could only search nature sites with your regular gem income . but since priestresses have only nature 1 and mystics can't get it you have to have it on your pretender in order to search it .
if you search by such a spell you find about ~1/8 of the possible sites in the province .
(holy/unholy sites you do not find at all , according to the excel graph they are about 20/4xx so ~5% , additional ~5% since you never will use the blood search ritual )
but with your nice 4/5 astral pearl income as pythium at turn 5 you can cast 1 accashic , turn 10 2 and so on.
if you find a sage province early you boost your research and can cast your first accashic at ~turn 12-20 . at this time you get 2-4 once
every ritual like dark knowlegde used and later accaishing is quite a waste .
but you only find about 1/8 of the sides so normally at setting 50% in a province are 2 sites . roughly estimated i think you have about 25% success in finding one site with one of the "find all sites of one colour" spells .
but since many sites are sites like gold mines , the sage recruting side and so on which you discover immediately and with luck you discover a lvl 1 site even without a mage the chance of success with this spells is even down to 10-15%.
the "best" method of site searching i have in mind at the moment is the following :
either :
make a rainbowish mage 2 in every colour ( expect blood ) .
search your first provinces with him until accaish record is researched . then first search the provinces which weren't searched by your rainbow . first moutains , swamps , forests .
or : search every province manually with a good astral mage ---> your astral income will become quite high .
then accaish everything .
but for pythium / ryhleh / arco the most valuable spell seems to be accaish record ihmo and the 8 find one element spells are total crap .
for almost every other nation this is a different story though 