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Old June 20th, 2004, 06:11 AM

Blitz Blitz is offline
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Default Re: Arcoscephale Golden Era AAR

Turn Nine

Hell hath no fury like an angel posessed. While I had hoped that the armies of Pythium would remain in Avocca to be slaughtered by our Flambeau-wielding angel of death, they retreated back whence they came, leaving only a few irregulars behind. Perhaps they know how close they came to death just one month ago. Whatever the reason, Avocca is ours again, and with the gold saved in our coffers, Syren begins construction of a new castle on the mainland. While not the best province for a base of operations, Avocca will have to do for now. Our slow myrmidons will get to the front lines much more quickly with a training facility on the mainland. Lady Andromache and the remains of the army make plans to rejoin her there, however I instruct the myrmidons to stay out of any battles that may occur. They protest, but I assure them that they are needed for the "protection" of Lady Andromache. This seems to satisfy them, but in truth I fear their presence in battle may do more harm than good, and I do not wish to risk losing our new castle.

With the coffers strained by the purchace of a castle, I return to the training of myrmidons... but manage to afford a philosopher as well. Mesthies and four new men begin their trek to the mainland. Our new wind lord Melas has arrived, but I do not have plans for him as of yet. He will remain at the palace for now, but soon he will become the new voice of Syren for the people.
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