Windows Server Questions
Hello, I'm trying to running a dom2 server on windows and I'm having some trouble. I was unable to find any kind of faq or guide on how to set up a server. Operating on the assumption that you start up a server for a specific game and it just runs indefinitely spawning turns when all the players haved turned in I came up with the following command line options:
--tcpserver --ipadr --port 2000 --textonly --statfile Multi_test --quickhost
where "Multi_test" is the name of the game which I started up manually with a non-text server.
The problem is that this process starts and then immediately exits. Shouldnt in run indefinitely just waiting for more moves and spawning turns? What am I doing wrong? Is this even the right way to start a multiplayer game? I'm really confused as to why there is no guide on the subject.