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Old May 2nd, 2004, 06:08 AM

rabelais rabelais is offline
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Default Best way to deal with ethereals en masse?

I'm playing MP against someone who is fielding a great many ethereals. It's almost like they appear out of nowhere.

He's also building lots of temples (and forts to keep me from easily razing said temples) ...which I suspect he affords by putting all his provinces at 200 tax, ...since he has a death dominion and therefore might as well.

{editorial}Note that *someone* became very irate when it was proposed that the ability to overtax be eliminated for the first two turns, ... whether the indignation and the strategy are related is not for me to say.. {/editorial}

But to the question at hand...

Obviously spells (and banishments!)are best, but are there any group buffs or other nonobvious strategies that allows normal (or even sacred)troops to hit the wispy types?

I don't have access to fire magic for flame arrow.

What are some other possibilites, preferably involving sorcery?

Note that research is at VERY hard, so exorbinant strategies in RPs may not be practicable.

I think *all* sacred units when blessed should probably count as having "magic" weapons for this purpose,(esp against Soul Gate) but I suspect I'm finding the principle so attractive due to circumstance.

Rabe the Ghostbuster-Elect
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