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Old January 13th, 2004, 04:12 AM

alexti alexti is offline
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Default Re: Incompatible battle replays across OSes

I've seen this problem many times in MP game I play now and I'd like you to consider the possibility that it's not just the replay being incompatible between the platforms.

In one battle I had won with only 2 mercs left (of some weak variety). Usually these mercs rout way before they all get killed, so I can't realy imagine a scenario in which it would it be possible to win with only 2 of them remaining (opposition consisted of some indy forces). Of course, in Dominions it's impossible to foresee everything and there may be some explanation I'm missing. Replay was showing my mercs retreating pretty quickly after losing few comrades. And I had few other battles with weird results. Everytime, development in the replay looks quite logical and probable, but battle report sometimes produce results which I couldn't interprete at all (meaning that I couldn't imagine how the battle would have to be going to produce such results - as in that example with 2 mercs left).

From my cross-platform programming experience I would have considered that maybe some variable is left uninitialized and on different OS/compilers it gets initiaized differently which produces consistently wrong results in the case of one OS (or different wrong results in different OS). This could explain strange results due to altered battle mechanics.
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