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Old October 3rd, 2003, 01:24 AM
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Default Current patch history in Beta

Since there have been some discussion about some of the issues with StarFury recently, I thought I would post this for everyone to look at. This is the history file fromt he latest Beta:

Version History for Space Empires: Starfury

Version 1.03:
1. Fixed - Missing objects from SpaceObjects_XFiles would cause the
game to crash during map generation.
2. Fixed - Reduced list font size for better multi-machine support.
3. Fixed - LRS button was showing up for non ships.
4. Fixed - Point Defense would fire on fighters that were exploding.
5. Fixed - Can only have one Multiplex Tracking, Neural Combat Net, or
Master Computer component per ship.
6. Fixed - "Crew" on the main window would sometimes be transparent.
7. Fixed - Static in the display will only be shown if the Bridge is damaged
(as opposed to not present).
8. Added - Time scale settings of 1/8, 1/4, and 1/2.
9. Fixed - Better time scaling for extra effects like exposions, shield hits,
and firing flares.
10. Fixed - The Pirate Cruiser had a shield slot that provided shields to the wrong side.

Version 1.02:
1. Fixed - Sithrak Portal Warp Point was too high.
2. Fixed - Employer names weren't showing up in jobs.
3. Fixed - Possibly fixed the occasional missing textures problem.
4. Fixed - Invalid Index in combat.
5. Fixed - Bad internal damage allocation.
6. Fixed - Ship Purchase screen would error if there were no ships to purchase.
7. Added - Restriction Type and Restriction Value to Components.txt.
8. Fixed - Only one Bridge, Combat Sensors, or ECM is allowed per ship.
9. Fixed - Shield & Armor Piercing Damage was having both Shield Piercing and
Armor Piercing Resistance applied to it. Now, which ever resistance
is higher will alone be applied to the Shield & Armor Piercing Damage.

Version 1.01:
1. Fixed - Set the Combat Sensors and ECM back to a size of 10. The increased
size was causing problems with ship designs.
2. Fixed - Ships should not fire on their own fighters, either with normal
weapons or with point defense.
3. Fixed - The Abbidon Carrier would cause a Range Check Error when purchased.
4. Fixed - Enemy designs would put multiple "Must Have" components.
5. Changed - Engine glow level is now based on current speed.
6. Fixed - Bolt weapons will now lead their target.

Version 1.00:
1. Note - Full Release Version.

Version 0.26:
1. Fixed - Improved burn effect when beam hits ships.
2. Fixed - A beam stopping should not stop the shield hit effect.
3. Fixed - Modified weapon speeds.
4. Fixed - Launched fighters will no longer shoot their parent.
5. Fixed - You can now target through nebulae.
6. Fixed - Added spacedocks to more sites.
7. Fixed - Xiati Cruiser had problem with one of its heavy weapon firing arcs.
8. Fixed - Heavy weapons can no longer target fighters.
9. Fixed - Shields and Armor increases per level increased.
10. Fixed - Changed some of the Store Groups to better explain things.
11. Fixed - "Is Unit" was not in the Effects.txt file.
12. Changed - Increased the size and cost of Combat Sensors and ECM.
13. Fixed - Access Violation when a message was displayed starting a new campaign.
14. Changed - Repulser Beam values modified.
15. Changed - Tachyon Cannon values modified.
16. Changed - Removed damage modifiers from the top of the Components.txt file and
added individual "dmg inc per level" fields in weapon components.
17. Changed - Increased cost for fighters.
18. Fixed - Removed uneeded fields from Components.txt.

Version 0.25:
1. Fixed - Sometimes your ship would stop moving after using different time rates.
2. Fixed - The Mission Status button will only light up when you get new missions.
3. Fixed - Shield Regenerator was misspelled in the Enemies.txt file.
4. Fixed - Increased the chances for AI ships to use Shield Regnerators and Repair Bays.
5. Fixed - Firing Arcs will no longer error on non 22.5 degree increments.
6. Fixed - Weapons were not obeying their Weapon Target settings.
7. Fixed - Beam speed was half what it should be for new scale.
8. Fixed - AI ships will now carry and launch mines.
9. Changed - Decreased mine cost and size.
10. Fixed - Ships that warped into a system did not have any texture.
11. Added - An Attack Offset value for different target types to the CampaignData.txt file.
12. Added - Fighters and Fighter Bays. You can only have one fighter in space per each
fighter bay that you have.
13. Added - AI will use fighters.
14. Added - Carrier come equipped with fighter bays (but not fighters).
15. Fixed - Improved fighter attack patterns.
16. Fixed - Purchased Terran Carrier would not have a back shield generator.
17. Fixed - Key codes can now include Ctrl.
18. Added - Key codes for fighters and mines.
19. Added - More text display Messages for key codes.
20. Fixed - Some of the ships were above or below their actual center point.
21. Added - In spacedock, you can now right click a component on your ship or in cargo
to sell it to the store. Also, you can right click a component in the store
to buy it and have it added to your cargo bay.

Version 0.24:
1. Fixed - Campaign 2 Mission 2 was not completing correctly.
2. Changed - You can no longer right-click to target nebulae. Which also
means they will no longer prevent you from targeting ships
that are within them.
3. Changed - Better looking Shrapnel Logo.
4. Changed - To David Gervais' increased scale size.
5. Fixed - Put back the use of keypad Plus, Minus, Up, and Down arrow to
change the viewpoint when in F1 fixed view mode.
6. Fixed - Problem with purchased ships not having textures.
7. Changed - Preset XFiles now allows more entires than just cargo.
8. Fixed - Cargo lights were not drawing correctly.
9. Changed - Decreased the satellite defense offset.
10. Added - Mines and Mine Layers. The AI is not using mines yet.

Version 0.23:
1. Fixed - Player level was not being used correctly in To Hit calculations.
2. Fixed - Edit boxes showed the wrong color in full screen mode.
3. Fixed - Compass should be fixed in full screen and safe modes.
4. Fixed - Credits should be fixed for different modes.
5. Fixed - Added a better desription as to where Perdition can be found.
6. Fixed - Removed time limit for Enter Perdition mission.
7. Fixed - Removed time limit for Destroy Sithrak Starbase mission.
8. Fixed - Added more ship placements for Sithrak missions.
9. Fixed - Changed Job Commander Bensen 3 to a new location.
10. Fixed - Commander Bensen 3 freighters are now carrying data files.
11. Fixed - Increased time limit for all scanning missions.
12. Fixed - 2nd and 3rd campaign would error during creation.
13. Changed - All three campaigns so that contact text reflects success or failure.
14. Changed - 3rd campaign to be less repetitive.
15. Fixed - Ships in missions were not always dropping their cargo.
16. Changed - Computer Data Files picture.
17. Fixed - Rare Range Check Error.
18. Added - Specific System setting to Enemy Appearances in jobs.
19. Fixed - Sometimes random appearance ships from jobs would be placed on top of each other.
20. Fixed - Specific job ships were not being placed before enemy appearance Groups.
21. Fixed - Some Sithrak encounter names were wrong in the jobs.
22. Fixed - Enemy ship class names were not being stored internally.
23. Added - "Protect Map Obj" to Jobs.txt Enemy Appearance Loc types.
24. Fixed - Extended mission jobs to have more enemies per increased difficulty.

Version 0.22:
1. Fixed - Commented out Description field in CampaignData.txt.
2. Fixed - Made application a little more stable when Alt+Tabbing.
3. Fixed - Sometimes cargo containers were below the grid plane where you couldn't pick them up.
4. Fixed - Brightened up the communication text colors.
5. Fixed - Spelling error of "Mongol".
6. Fixed - Occasional Range Check Error.
7. Fixed - Resist All values from Enemies data file was not being used.
8. Fixed - Smoothed out movement speed over slower frame rates.
9. Fixed - Sometimes AI ships would move faster then allowed.
10. Fixed - Point Defense was never hitting.
11. Fixed - Cargo sitting in space will be gone if you return to a map after some time.
12. Fixed - Scanning planets job was only using colony planets.
13. Fixed - Scanning planets job should no longer use the same planet more than once.

Version 0.21:
1. Fixed - " is not an integer" error.
2. Fixed - Problem with starting and loading games.
3. Fixed - Sometimes weird windows would be displayed after closing the Quadrant Map.
4. Fixed - Intro gamma ramping.
5. Changed - Kilometers (km) measurement of distance to Light Seconds (ls).

Version 0.20:
1. Fixed - Spelling of Energy Dampener.
2. Changed - All components now have an "Allowed Vehicle Types" field.
3. Fixed - Fighter components can no longer be placed on ships.
4. Fixed - Normal reduction from speed damage would not time accelerate.
5. Fixed - Ship acceleration would not time accelerate.
6. Fixed - Weapons weren't defaulting to weapon bank 1.
7. Fixed - Individual nebulae clouds now show on your radar.
8. Added - "Map" button to the Jobs window.
9. Fixed - Space objects will no longer be "cut" when they go through the space box.
10. Fixed - Many speed optimizations.
11. Fixed - Ships specified on maps will now update their components over time.
12. Fixed - Compass should be fixed in safe mode.
13. Fixed - Increased time for Abbidon Operations 2 & 3.
14. Fixed - Added time limit to mission description for Abbidon Operation 3.
15. Fixed - Access Violation when a ship would talk to an incorrect target.
16. Fixed - Some helpful ship Groups were not showing up on missions.
17. Fixed - The enemy Groups in the EnemyAppearance.txt file were not working.
18. Fixed - Group names were being lowercased from Jobs.
19. Fixed - AI on jobs were not going after their targets.
20. Changed - Removed the selection for Full-Screen Antialiasing from the Setup window.
21. Added - "Stellar Detail" setting to the Setup window. High setting gives large thick
storms that slow down your frame rate. Low setting gives small "puff" storms.
22. Added - "Background Detail" setting to the Setup window. High setting gives you a
more detailed star background. Low setting is the background you're used to.

Version 0.19:
1. Fixed - Access Violation when trying to complete escort missions.
2. Fixed - Blue tab selection box for cargo bays on the Inventory window was in the wrong place
on greater than 1024x768 screen sizes.
3. Fixed - Blue tab selection box was not the same color as the display selection box.
4. Fixed - Sometimes target reticle would become huge.
5. Fixed - May have fixed the "ship not moving when really close to other ships or planets" bug.
6. Fixed - Universal Inoculants and Radiation Siphons were not showing their pictures in jobs.
7. Fixed - Controls dialog was not showing "Shuttle Over", "Turn Left, and "Turn Right".
8. Added - A new Controls window which has keys grouped into areas.
9. Fixed - Default button on Controls window was not working.
10. Changed - Took off some of the spots on the stars.
11. Added - "StellarObjectType_Asteroids.txt" and "StellarObjectType_Nebulae.txt" to define
asteroids and nebulae externally from map files.
12. Changed - Increased the size and layout of nebulae.
13. Changed - Increased the size and composition of asteroid fields.
14. Fixed - Screen Messages would still be displayed when you started a new game from an existing game.

Version 0.18:
1. Added - Completed the history descriptions for all of the purchase ships.
2. Fixed - Offensive & Defensive skill were not showing correctly in the Ship Status Window.
3. Fixed - Values for Attack Rating, Defense Rating, and Negotiation inm the CharacterStats.txt
data file were not loaded as decimal values.
4. Fixed - Negotiation stat was not correctly maxed.
5. Fixed - Add buttons were not being disabled when the maximum stat value was reached.
6. Fixed - Show FPS and Show Background Grid settings are now stored in your savegame.
7. Fixed - The Repair Options window would still charge you if you selected an item and hit cancel.
8. Added - A short text identifier to the Repair Options window to indicate if the damage being
repaired is "All" or "Some".
9. Added - Keys for Turn Left, Turn Right, and Shuttle Over.
10. Fixed - Problem where ships would not "right" themselves coming out of turns in time acceleration mode.
11. Fixed - Speed Reduction was not being recalculated at the correct times.
12. Fixed - Central light source was in wrong position.
13. Added - Settings to the CampaignData file for base and ship ambient color percentage.
14. Fixed - The Select Campaign window will now only list directories which contain a CampaignData file.
15. Fixed - The System Map Window will now center on the location you click on.
16. Fixed - Backwards Earth texture map.
17. Fixed - "Old Age" death bug.
18. Added - Speech from other ships.
19. Fixed - Spelling for some Terran ship names.
20. Added - Effects "Turn Rate Bonus", "Regenerate Shields From Damage", "Regenerate Energy From Damage".
21. Fixed - Crystalline Armor now uses "Regenerate Shield From Damage" effect.
22. Added - Maneuvering Thrusters component.
23. Added - Absorption Armor component.
24. Fixed - Some armor credit values.
25. Fixed - Turn Rate and Acceleration were switched on the Inventory screen.
26. Fixed - Switched places of Turn Rate and Acceleration on Ship Status screen to match Inventory layout.

Version 0.17:
1. Added - Min and Max distance fields to the SoundEffects file to control volume.
2. Added - Controls to the Game Options window to control Sound and Music Volume.
3. Added - MP3 Music files.
4. Fixed - Updated Credits list.
5. Fixed - Component text errors.
6. Fixed - Now using correct SE4 racial portraits.
7. Fixed - Damaged components always retain at least 50% of their value.
8. Added - The Repair option in the Spacedock will now allow you to choose whether
you want to repair internal, cargo, or all damage. You can also spend
just the credits you have to partially repair your ship.
9. Fixed - Enemy ships will "Crazy Ivan" a bit more when you chase them.
10. Fixed - Changed MW/s to MJ/s.
11. Fixed - Cargo removed when a job was completed would not update the cargo space.
12. Added - More smoke vents to damaged ships.
13. Fixed - Speed Slowing damage type was not working.
14. Fixed - Torpedoes and Bolts will now detonate on hitting any obstacle.
15. Fixed - Beams will stop firing if the target moves outside of the weapon arc.
16. Fixed - Beams can be blocked by other objects.
17. Fixed - Sometimes sound effects would not stop correctly.
18. Fixed - Mission Status window did not have enough space for some lines.
19. Fixed - The Down arrow on the mission list would sometime be on when it shouldn't.
20. Fixed - Trade-In value for a ship purchase is now added before the cost is subtracted.
21. Fixed - "Hull Repair" wasn't capitalized on the Ship Status window.
22. Fixed - A "Protect" job will now be complete if the ship is alive after the designated time
(and you are nearby).
23. Changed - Lowered Attack and Defense Ratings for command points.
24. Changed - Experience amount needed for each level.
25. Added - Experience for completing jobs.

Version 0.16:
1. Fixed - Possibly fixed the problem of super huge ships on international machines.
2. Fixed - All satellites should have weapons now.
3. Changed - Added another override field to the Enemies data file.
4. Fixed - Some ships would error when trying to view their inventory.
5. Fixed - Fixed Point Defense description.
6. Fixed - 2 & 4 shield and armor text was one pixel too low.
7. Fixed - Xiati Cruiser 2 didn't have the correct comp layout name.
8. Fixed - Xiati Cruiser 1 had a heavy weapon showing the wrong arc.
9. Fixed - Better spread of enemy weapons over all firing points.
10. Fixed - You cannot bring up the Enemy View screen for non-ships.
11. Fixed - Updated UI Panel (Thanks David!).
12. Fixed - F key is back to change between vertical and horizontal display of the readout numbers.
13. Fixed - You can no longer right-click the target readout panel to display the inventory.
You need the Long Range Scanner to get the ability to scan an enemy ship at a specified
distance. A "LRS" button will appear on the target readout when you are in range.
14. Added - "LRS" cheat code to turn on the Long Range Scanning ability even if you don't have the comp.
15. Fixed - The LRS scan window is now more specific and only shows what's needed.
16. Added - Created new component "System Scanners" which gives you increased radar range.
17. Fixed - Campaign list is now sorted.
18. Changed - The main campaign has now been split into 3 separate campaigns.
19. Fixed - Speed up for the explosion animation.
20. Fixed - Sithrak Portal was spinning too fast.
21. Fixed - Made some texture loading changes to help stop the garbled graphics problems.
22. Fixed - The Inventory window should show correctly in Safe Mode.
23. Fixed - Eternus II didn't match its text portrait.
24. Fixed - Enemy Appearance at specific map object was not working.
25. Fixed - Added "Scan Ship 1 Within Distance 2" to get Job Commander Bensen 5 job working.
26. Added - "movecomps" cheat code which allows you to move inventory components when not in spacedock.
27. Added - Field "Base Model Radius" to SpaceObjects_XFiles.txt file.
28. Fixed - Stellar objects should not be inter-penetrating any longer.
29. Fixed - Ships created for jobs should start a little farther off of the warp point.
30. Added - Artificial Warp Point to the Sithrak Portal.
31. Fixed - Absolute Object Coordinates was not allowing negative Z values.

Version 0.15:
1. Fixed - Shield and Armor Text readout display wouldn't show even 10 increments.
2. Added - "rep" cheat code to repair all ship damage and regenerate shields.
3. Fixed - F key no longer does anything.
4. Added - "Area Not Available" sound effect.
5. Fixed - An error sound and message is performed if you try to show the Galaxy Map or
System Map when they are not available.
6. Added - A fading in and out effect for the Shrapnel and MM logos (only works in full screen mode).
7. Fixed - Right-clicking a comp in inventory would cause it to dissappear.
8. Fixed - Visting some ship dealers would give an Invlid Index Error.
9. Changed - The PurchaseShips and StartingPlayerShips data files to allow for multiple sellers and
the chance that the ship class is present.
10. Fixed - Decreased the enemy regen amounts per level and difficulty.
11. Fixed - The "Sell Price" was displayed even for store items in spacedock.
12. Fixed - Decreased regneration amounts for components.
13. Added - "Additional Tonnage Structure" effect so that armor will increase structure with levels.
14. Added - "Additional Energy Consumption" effect so that energy consumption can change with levels.
15. Fixed - Decreased amount of regen per command point for your character.
16. Fixed - Cargo space wasn't updated when comps loaded on your ship through a job.
17. Fixed - Display Options - Sections are now individual option buttons.
18. Fixed - Components remember their repair priority setting even if moved.
19. Fixed - Armor will now be repaired in order of repair priority.
20. Fixed - All components of the same repair priority will share damage repair evenly.
21. Fixed - Bolts were not firing directly on target.
22. Fixed - The component report now shows the true power usage per second.
23. Fixed - Enemy ships now have actual components and take internal damage.
24. Changed - Multiple data file changes to support enemy ship components: CampaignData,
ComponentConfigurationSlots, Enemies, PurchaseShips, StartingPlayerShips, Components.
25. Changed - You can right click on the target readout for a ship to see its inventory. This will
be changed eventually so you can only see the internal comps if you have Long Range
Scanners. The window needs some work too.
26. Added - Some new components that are used for fighters and satellites.
27. Changed - The components size descriptions to actual tonnages in parenthesis after the name.
28. Fixed - The Total Hull Structure displayed in the Inventory Window was including armor.
29. Fixed - The chance to hit calculation wasn't quite right.
30. Fixed - Speed up for campaign creation.

Version 0.14:
1. Fixed - Hull and Armor regeneration were not working.
2. Changed - All regnerations are now in actual points per second, not percents.
3. Fixed - Component bitmap needed more pink.
4. Fixed - Enemy ships would stop firing because they would run out of energy.
5. Fixed - Increased regeneration amounts for various components.
6. Fixed - Some ship tonnage values were not being recomputed.
7. Added - "Video Memory Usage" to the Setup menu. For people experiencing
graphics garbling, set this to "Safe".
8. Fixed - Decreased fighter/satellite shield and hull strength.
9. Fixed - Display of damaged effects would round up instead of down.
10. Changed - Many of the Enemies class file values now allow decimals.
11. Added - Static to your readouts when the bridge is destroyed.
12. Fixed - Your ship would not be killed by running into something.
13. Fixed - Invunerable will now prevent crew death as well as damage.
14. Changed - Point Defense Cannons will now fire on both torpedoes and fighers.
15. Changed - Decreased the reload rate for Point Defense Cannons.
16. Fixed - Xiati Homeworld had zero population.
17. Fixed - Using Emergency Shield components would lock up the game.
18. Fixed - Armor repair would only effect one side.
19. Fixed - You can now activate components in your cargo bay directly by right-clicking
on them.
20. Added - Repair Priorities tab to the inventory screen. All Hull repair will proceed
from the lowest numbered repair priority components to the highest.
21. Changed - Destroyers now have only 3 engines, Battleships have 9, and Carriers have 8.
22. Changed - Increased all hull sizes.
23. Changed - Added another cargo bay to the purchased and starting ships.
24. Fixed - The readout displays now show armor on each side as well.
25. Changed - There is now only one Target Ship Readout Mode ("F" won't do anything).

Version 0.13:
1. Fixed - Full Speed of your ship is now calculated as the total propulsion of all of your
engines divided by the number of engine hardpoints on the ship.
2. Fixed - Bridge and Life Support now have a purpose.
3. Added - New effects to support Bridge & Life Support.
4. Fixed - Beam weapons can now miss their targets. Torpedoes always hit.
5. Fixed - Master Computer had effect values too low.
6. Fixed - Point Defense cannons will now fire on incoming torpedoes.
7. Fixed - Speed up for all bolt weapons.
8. Fixed - Bolt weapons would stop in mid flight if their target died.
9. Added - Setting to PurchaseShips.txt to set the base radar map range.
10. Fixed - Long Range Scanners now work and effect your radar map range.
All stellar bodies and starbases will be shown regardless of distance.
11. Fixed - System Map will now show ships within your radar range.
12. Fixed - Multiplex Tracking now gives a bonus to hit fighters and satellites.
13. Fixed - All weapon target types are now working.
14. Fixed - Bases are easier to hit, while fighters and satellites are harder to hit.
15. Changed - New Inventory Window.
16. Changed - New Ship Dealer Window.
17. Added - More ship types to purchase.
18. Changed - Ship will have a reduced speed if your cargo tonnage is higher than capacity.
19. Changed - Ship shields and armor now have specific facings.
20. Changed - Individual components can be damaged. Damage taken is applied to components
on that side of the ship.
21. Fixed - Weapon arcs in the data files are now oriented correctly.
22. Fixed - Weapon arc display will now allow for any arcs with 22.5 degree increments.
23. Changed - Shields are automatically repaired when you go to a Spacedock.
24. Changed - Repair All at a spacedock will repair damaged components.
25. Changed - Removed Armor effects. Armor is now based on the tonnage of the component.
26. Fixed - If you buy a comp from the spacedock, you can sell it back while in the
spacedock for the same price.

Version 0.12:
1. Fixed - Added settings to set the camera distance for ships you
purchase or start with. Terran Battleship does not take up the whole screen anymore.
2. Fixed - Dynamically generated ships were not being placed in the entire map.
3. Fixed - Modified some brightness levels and background blackness on the ship shield
layout bitmaps.
4. Fixed - The System Map was not scrollable to its edges.
5. Fixed - The System Map will now come up centered on your ship, but remembering the Last zoom
6. Fixed - The Next Target keys will now pickup targets at a range of 400km or less.
7. Fixed - You could proceed with repairs at the spacedock even if you didn't have enough credits.
8. Fixed - Added a sound effect for when you cannot afford a component in the spacedock.
9. Fixed - You will not be charged for repair all in the spacedock if you are not damaged.
10. Fixed - The cost of Repair All is more closely tied to your damage now (and is specified
in the Store data file).
11. Fixed - May have fixed the problem in the Startup Menu and System Setup on screens with
enlarged fonts.
12. Fixed - The Component Report would stay on screen if you closed the parent window out from under it.
13. Fixed - Old Key code would cause viewpoint to be fixed in place.
14. Fixed - Error Creating Job: Job Commander Bensen 5.
15. Fixed - Modified some of the bitmaps for better video card support.
16. Added - Effects.txt file to the Data directory which list all of the effects names.
17. Added - "Show Completed" and "Show Failed" option buttons to the Mission Status screen.
18. Fixed - Added a sound effect for when you cannot place a component in a box.
19. Fixed - "Shuttle Over" button was showing up through other windows.
20. Added - The name of the system will be displayed when you enter a new system.
21. Fixed - Sometimes the Planet Window would come up without any option button selected.
22. Fixed - High Scores window should be titled "High Scores".
23. Fixed - Resume button will be disabled unless there is a game to resume.
24. Fixed - Fixes to the grammer of the campaign and the ship purchases text.
25. Fixed - Added "Time Limit Days Extra Per System Distance" field to the jobs data file.
26. Fixed - Added "Job Time Scaling Factor" field to campaign data file. This will double the
time allowed for jobs because of the large solar system size.
27. Fixed - Job credit payment in Job Commander Bensen 1 and Job Commander Bensen 2.
28. Fixed - Crew and Energy bars had switched positions.
29. Fixed - Added text to the mission descriptions to indicate where to go next.
30. Added - Autosave any time you go through a warp point.
31. Fixed - Compass was flipped.
32. Added - "Default" button to the Controls window.
33. Changed - Beam damage is now immediate, instead of a lump application at the end.
34. Fixed - Torpedoes which exceed their range will explode.
35. Fixed - Components in the Spacedock are not regenerated just by closing the window.
36. Fixed - Jobs will no longer be regenerated just by closing the Planet window.
37. Fixed - Progress bar no longer displays over the Save\Load window.
38. Fixed - New engines should now have an effect on your ship's maximum speed.
39. Changed - Changed the display of max speed, propulsion, acceleration, and turn rate to be
1000 times the normal value.
40. Fixed - AI was not firing ship weapons at long range distances.

Version 0.11:
1. Fixed - Errors on game start or load from bad paths.
2. Fixed - The exe properties showed the language was Swedish (???).

Version 0.10:
1. Added - Keys to increase or decrease the brightness of the display.
2. Fixed - Sound effects were being loaded twice.
3. Fixed - Quantum Torp was doing less damage then the Anti-Matter Torp.
4. Fixed - Increased speeds of all torpedoes.
5. Fixed - Weapons in cargo were firing.
6. Fixed - Your credits would not be decreased when you purchased a ship.
7. Fixed - The weapon fired from a weapon bank were flipped from the model location.
8. Fixed - You would not receive trade in credits when buying a ship.
9. Added - Install directory to registry settings.
10. Fixed - Components on your ship can only be changed while in spacedock.
11. Changed - You have to pay to repair your ship at a spacedock.
12. Fixed - Your character would not receive the proper starting credits.
13. Added - A 300km range to the radar map.
14. Changed - New HUD display panel.
15. Added - A compass to the HUD panel.
16. Added - The current game date to the HUD panel.
17. Added - A display of the current time rate on the HUD panel.
18. Fixed - Satellites were always dying from the first shot.
19. Added - A new key to change the mode of the Target Readout. This
new readout will show specific numbers for shields, armor, and hull.
20. Added - Setting values to the Campaign data file to specify the size of the map
and a scaling factor to the map data files.
21. Changed - The map has been enlarged to be 2000x2000 instead of 1000x1000. All
weapon ranges are also increased by double.
22. Changed - Increased the size of the Component Report.
23. Changed - The layout of the Setup window.
24. Added - A sight distance setting to the Setup window. This will allow you to
set the sight distance lower for better FPS, or farther is you have
a machine that can handle it.
25. Fixed - Game would crash if you tried to resume an empty slot.
26. Added - Emergency Hull Plating component.
27. Changed - Emergency components have reduced effect.
28. Fixed - All files for a campaign can be put under the campaign directory. To
override an image or use a custom one, just create a directory structure similar
to that under the main Starfury directory, and put the file in the directory.
For example, to use a custom effect "ShieldHit_04.bmp", just place it in
Starfury\Campaigns\[Custom Campaign]\Images\Effects.
29. Fixed - Range Check errors when you entered a new system (Urtiri for example).

Version 0.09:
1. Fixed - Range check errors when you accept a job on easy difficulty level.
2. Fixed - Your ship will have its speed set to zero when you "Shuttle Over".
3. Fixed - The game would un-pause when you accepted a job.
4. Fixed - Floating Point Error when you removed all of the engines from your ship.
5. Fixed - Character was not being reset when starting a new game.
6. Changed - Doubled the damage to your ship from ramming.
7. Added - Controls window under the Game menu. This window will allow you to
set all of the keys used in the game.
8. Added - A bunch of new keys for use in the game. See the Controls window.
Time Speed Up, Targeting, New Radar Modes, Speed Control, etc.
9. Fixed - All weapons added to your ship will default to Weapon Bank 1.
10. Added - "Show Colony Types" to the System Map Window.
11. Fixed - The Radar Map would sometimes put other objects over the player's ship.
12. Fixed - The Radar Map would not show dots for objects very close to the edge of the map.
13. Fixed - Your ship's current target is now cleared when you leave a system.
14. Added - Fading text to the main window to describe the action you just took.
Change is inevitable, how you handle change is controllable - J. Strong
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