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Old May 10th, 2004, 04:09 AM
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Starhawk Starhawk is offline
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Default Rise of Icara (cont\'d)

Okay so I can't find my original Rise of Icara thread so I'm afraid I'm going to have to continue it here.

Okay so the setting is it is now the year 2505.4 The Icaran Empire has spread throughout 34 star systems with 364 planets under it's control (14 of which are sphereworlds).
The population is now 1.6 Trillion and Icara has only one competitor left in the galaxy, an opponent from hundreds of years prior back when Icara was still dominating the Earth...an enemy that Icara has been fighting in space now for 40 years without end and to horrible casualties on both sides.
The Earth herself stands between Icara and their conquest of the known universe and Icara has finally launched what has become known as "The Final Crusade" to rest control of the hundreds of worlds under the control of Earth and bring the entirety of humanity under the iron grip of Icara.

(an overview of the main fleets)

Imperium Prime:
Number of ships: 239
Number of Imperial Army Regiments: 17
Number of Imperial Legions: 2 (Space Wolves, Reaver Clan)
Main Mission: Final Crusade speartip
Commander: Fleet Admiral Lord Byran Alexander Nelson.

Imperium Secundus: (status Mobilizing)
Number of ships: 16
Number of Imperial Regiments: 1 (currently)
Number of Imperial Legions: 1 (currently) (Carnivores)
Commander: Fleet Admiral Lord Tyler William Braddock.

(Important Persons of the Empire)
Leonidas XVII (The Emperor of Icara)

Fleet Admiral Lord Byran Alexander Nelson (commander Imperium Prime fleet and Commander in cheif of the Final Crusade)

Captain Jack Menson (Flag Captain to Nelson aboard his imperial majesty's base ship Emperor)

General Lord Oscar Bradly (General of 1st army and both legions in the Imperium Prime Fleet)

Important Imperial Worlds:

Icara (former homeworld of the Icarans, named after the ancient earth based nation of Icara which was destroyed by the Earth Alliance 500 years ago)

New Icara (New capital of the Icaran Empire, a fortified sphereworld with a massive population and industrial capacity located around the Icarus star Icaran system)

The Fortress (The single most fortified sphereworld in the whole of the Icaran empire, this sphereworld lies at the warp point that leads to the Icaran empire and was involved in repelling over 40 fleets of hundreds of ships and is still the single most strategic world within the Empire)

The Crusades: When The Icarans finally rebuilt their shattered civilization on their adoptive world of Icara the Icaran population decided they would no longer allow themselves to be the targets of hostile nations (or races). And thus the first star crusade started 100 years ago during the reign of Leonidas the XVI and this crusade nearly led to disaster for Icara. 3 alien races declared a unified war against the Icarans and destroyed 3/4 of the Icaran navy, it took Icara 20 years and hundreds of thousands of lives to rebuild and repel these foes.

This attack by 3 alien races led to the 2nd star crusade only 20 years after the 1st, This one met with great success as the Icarans conquered all 3 enemy races of the course of 5 years.

It is at this time that Icara met their old nemesis of the Earth alliance who did not even seem to remember the Icarans which proved usefull as Icara built it's military might and conquered another 3 races bringing billions of people into Icara. However this brought the Earth Alliance into direct opposition with the Icarans and they soon declared war and launched a devestating offensive which resulted in either the capture or destruction of over 30 Icaran Worlds and an entire the loss of an Entire Icaran fleet.

The Final Crusade: This crusade began 40 years ago as the Forces of Icara mobilized against the larger and more powerful Earth Alliance Empire, thus far this crusade has only taken 3 star systems from the Earthers, and retaken only 18 former Icaran colonies which were taken by the Earthers during the early stages of the Earth Offensive against Icara. This crusade may take generations but it is the solemn vow of all Icarans that by the time it ends either Icara or Earth will stand dominant over this galaxy and the other will lie in ruins at the feet of the victor.

(The Imperial Military)

The Stellar Imperia (Imperial Navy): The brave men and women of the Imperial Navy have formed the first line of defense and attack against non-Icaran powers for over 100 years now and as such has sustained the most devestating losses of the war with millions of spacers dying in the name of Icara.
The Stellar is also responsible for the troop transports carrying the Exercitus Imperia into battle and as such is responsible for C&C for the bulk of the Imperial Fighting Forces.

Exercitus Imperia (The Imperial Army): The Imperial army consists of professional soldiers armed and equipped on any number of different worlds to fight the bulk of the Imperium's Wars.

The Army has an interesting structure that goes back millenia wherein each regiment (400 medium troops) is raised on a single world at one time and then placed on a single transport ship for the duration of it's service to the empire. This goes back to when Icara used to raise a single regiment from a single city state at any one time so that the troops already have a sense of brotherhood and companionship as they all have the same background.

This structure of raising troops also serves to strengthen the backbones of any soldier that might cower and run from battle as everyone in that regiment is very concerned with keeping the honor and reputation of their particular homeworld intact and many times throughout history cowardly soldiers have been killed by their fellows.

Even though it is the bulk of the Imperial ground force the Exercitus is not allowed to have their own transport craft as Imperial command fears if they gave a regiment a troop ship under it's overall command an over ambitious Colonel may decide to invade another Imperial world and claim it as his/her own.
(note a regiment is given an official number designation based on it's homeworld and order of raising for example the 5th New Icaran is the 5th regiment raised from the Sphereworld of Icara however many regiments also have unofficial names such as the 1st Spartans who are also known as "The Iron Regiment" because of their unwavering defense of the Darjon Line on the World of Dornot III)

Legio Imperia (The Imperial Legions): These soldiers are the best the Empire has to offer, they are equipped with advanced armor and weapons to that of the Normal Exercitus trooper and are given better training and pay.
The legio's history dates back to the dawn of Icara when the Exercitus were mere drafties from conquered citystates and the Legio was the Icaran born elite of the fighting forces that kept the other troops in line and acted as the hardest hitting portion of the Army.

In the modern Imperial military the Legio no longer need to keep the regiments in line, however their other duties are still much the same as they were millenia ago, to be the hardest and fastest hitting of the Imperial ground forces.

A legio trooper carries an advanced Anti-Proton stream rifle and wears a semi-power armored combat suit in battle which automatically gives them an advantage over the flak armored, AP pulse rifle equipped troopers of the Exercitus. But more then this a legionairre receives up to 2 years of challenging training before they even see combat and as such are far superior in combat to the Exercitus troopers on a 1on1 basis. The Legio are also given their own troop transports as their commander's loyalties are never in question by the time they are deployed.

Unlike the Exercitus the Legio are raised from multiple worlds at any one time due to the lenght of time it takes to train and equip these elite warfighters. (A legio is 400 heavy troops)
(Legions are given direct names and no number designation for example 3 legio that currently serve in the Imperium are the Space Wolves, the Reaver Clan, and the Carnivores, with the Death Bringers in the process of training in the Cephedri system).
A legio that was wiped out during the EA offensive was the Blood Hawks which were lost defending an outlying Imperial colony when their transport ship was lost with most of the Legion still aboard.

(Actual story will come when I renew my offensive against the EA but for now I'll just say you havn't missed much fun stuff only me capturing a few worlds and repelling fleet after fleet of EA starships. They still outnumber me in worlds, ships, and troops but for some reason I'm back in first place)

[ May 10, 2004, 03:11: Message edited by: Starhawk ]
When life gives you lemons take them and squeeze them in life's eye until it gives you the oranges you asked for!

"If men build things to look like our penis such as towers and ships does that mean female achitects represent women having penis envy?"
A line that made me chuckle, I can't remember where I heard it I just know it made me laugh.

"I'm not really a slapper....I mainly punch and gouge."
Tammy Lee my kung fu instructor/sifu's daughter when asked if she ever slapped a boy for saying something nasty to her.
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