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Old May 7th, 2004, 10:05 PM

Stone Mill Stone Mill is offline
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Default SEV - Intel Suggestions for MM

Space Empires V Intel Suggestions:

This thread is a compellation of the features the Space Empires playing community would like to see in respect to the Space Empires V intelligence model. This is a list of general suggestions for the developers.

Basic Elements:

1. Point Based System, generated by facilities. Modified by Racial trait, treaties, leaders or �administrators/ministers� and �agents�.

2. Offensive Projects � Point based. However, as opposed to the SEIV model, we propose the following:
a. Each project should have a chance % of success. This Offensive % should be weighed against the defensive %, producing a modifier. (Offensive and Defensive modifiers may have factors such as racial bonus and intel level that contribute to the %).
b. Each Project should have an inherent difficulty based on the value of the operation. For instance, system information = 05% difficulty, and crew insurrection = 75% difficulty.

So, for a given project completed, the (project difficulty modifier) x (total offensive modifier) is modified against (target�s total defensive modifier) = chance for success. This chance for success will be compared against a random number generator to determine success or failure.

For example, the Terrans complete system information project (-05%) x (total offensive modifier +65%) x (Krill targets total defensive modifier -25%) = 35% chance of success. A random number 22 is generated, and the project succeeds. A higher number generated (36 or higher) would have indicated failure.

Failures and catastrophic failures - The failure variable is measured against thresholds:
- Failure number under 100 � simple failure, enemy has no idea about the attempt
- Failure variable 101-150 � failure, enemy knows that a nonspecific attempt was made
- Failure variable 151+ - �compromises� which inform the enemy about your empire�s specific attempt.

Automatic Success and Failure � Random generated numbers of (1-3) = Automatic failure, and Random generated number of 98-100) = Automatic Success. So any given attempt has for automatic success or failure, despite heavily stacked offensive or defensive modifiers.

3. Defensive projects � Use a given empire�s Defensive Modifier % rather than the current �Counter Intel bucket system.� Defensive projects should be included and expanded - in degree as well as specialization. Upon completing a project, a bonus could be applied to the general Defensive Modifier for a certain number of turns. For a specialized Counter Intel Project, the defense could be applied against a specific intel project group/Category.

For example, the Krill could complete Counter Intel I that provides +10 to defense for 10 turns. They could also run counter intel against Ship Sabotage if this is a trend which adds a bonus defending against attacks in that area.

4. Project Levels � Expand Intel levels to 10 levels, for both Offensive and Defensive Projects

- Offensive � As SEIV, completing an Intel research level introduces new projects. It should also add an associated bonus to the Overall Offensive Project % Allow specialized projects with user defined criteria (see Hotfoot)

- Defensive � Completing an intel research level introduces new specialized defensive operations. 10 levels of defense, each granting a general defensive bonus to the Overall Defensive Project %. Also introduce a specialized project to increase a defensive bonus against a specific empire� this would be a higher state of alert against an empire that has been targeting you.

5. Intel and Treaty Status � bonus of intel operations should be modified according to treaty (I.e. partnership = +25 to all operations) and (war = -25% to all operations) as well as racial makeup, and government type:

I have been dividing intel into several categories based on race mental makeup. I broke it into the following categories: - players must choose one, I did something similiar with technology

Strong Individuals
Unified Society
Unified Minds
Hive Mind
Single Mind

Then based on that you get different intel CI and intel projects with varying costs. Individuals have weaker CI as it is easier to convince one to go against the whole etc. At the same time because it is known that they will and do act in this way they are more easily able to convince other species that they are acting independent and mean no harm, also each agent can act on own initiative causing less usage of empire wide resources (intel points).

Single Mind has massive CI as everything is a single individual. The pinky finger isn't going to betray the thumb. The Hive mind has similar CI and both of those have very expensive non-CI projects that are limited in scope and ability as it will be harder for a race that is known to not possess individual thought to penetrate into trusted areas of any other species, also every project requires special attention from the single mind and empire resources are more likely to be used(intel points).

The unified signify species that while they have individual thoughts they are either joined in a greater societal goal or are somehow linked mentally with a greater cohesion. These offer a more balanced intel package with the society link being slightly weaker CI and increased offense and the unified minds being stronger CI but weaker offense.

Separate from those and optional picks that can compliment and offer extras to the above

Open Borders - Better offensive intel in reduced project costs but weaker CI
Default - Must pick if you don't take a different one so that normal intel is active, limitation of the SE4 mod system
Closed Borders - Stronger CI but weaker offensive intel

The system isn't perfect but it is the best I could come up with to incorporate individual alien societies/makeups/whatever into the intel system.

Ideally I would want to have each project working like PPP with it having a chance to fail and succeed regardless of CI, have CI with limited point storage to stop small one turn projects in small numbers and Intel Sabotage to stop big programs.

A few more things: I've suggested this before as being related to population management and population movement (see my various rants about having populations move autonomously), but it's relevant to intel. I'd like to be able to set the freedom level I allow my citizens. you'd be able to choose between a variety of settings (maybe a percentage scale) between the following 2 extremes :

*Completely libertarian: foreign trade and research sharing flourish. Citizens are happy, but enemy intel/ sabotage is hard to spot. Plagues spread rapidly, populations move about freely within and across national borders. Popular uprisings are harder to control.

*Totalitarian control: Foreign trade and research sharing are lowered somewhat. Populaions cannot move so freely, so plagues are easily contained. Citizens are less happy, but their uprisings are easier to suppress due to totalitarian infrastructure. Infiltration by enemy intel is very difficult.

You'd be able to move your status on this scale during the game, but anything but the most gradual changes would cause popular unrest. Suddenly switching from one extreme to the oother would cause massive rioting.

Finally, intel against friendly empires should be easier than against enemies- after all it's easier to steal from/ sabotage someone who trusts you.

Specialized Facilities
You could build some sort of "Intel Headquarters" to increase resistance to intel in system. You could add intel components to ships to increase their CI ability against Crew Insurrection; think something along the lines of Security Stations.

Additional Intel Objects such as �Agents� and Skill %
You would have to "recruit" these agents by spending these intelligence points, which will remain as a very convenient abstraction. Then you would have to train these agents, by spending the same points, or you might send them to enemy systems for "learning the hard way". Obviously, all projects will cost intelligence points, so you would have to choice where to spend the points. And then you could consider giving the agents basic abilities, something along the lines of "Counter-Intelligence, Spying/Sabotage and Loyalty/Combat" (That is, defense, offence and escape)

I like the idea of individual spys that have been discussed here. Almost sounds like adding a level of role play.

If it were to get implemented I would want it as an option as it does look like more micro management

Each spy has certain %skills ranging from 0% to xxx% and a race which is part of the SEV empire.

Like "infiltration" (the ability to infiltrate a social, economical and political community)

Other skills could be "diplomacy" (the skill for destabilization missions) or "cleaning" (finding and terminating enemy operatives). Further skills could be "intelligence" (collecting informations)and so on.

First step for operatives are the training. There could be intelligence training centers as facilities which can train operatives similar to ship yards which are building ships.

Second step is gaining Skill% (see above) in a random manner. Its important to gain skill AFTER training, so the owner dont know of the qualities of his operative in advance and thus preventing the player stopping its training program.

Third step is assigning a mission. Default mission could be the "defensive mission" which is just cleaning the own empire from enemy activities. If not on defensive mission, the operative could be assigned to a specific planet or a specific enemy empire. This depends on the type of missions.

The Missions type and effects could be similar to the current intel projects. (puppet party etc.)

If a mission is successful each other turn (not necessarly every) after infiltrating the enemy, a random "%dice" is rolled. If the roll is under the operatives Skill% it is a success. Modifiers could be - the race (if the operative has the same race this is positive), mission difficulty, enemy empire defensive intelligence etc.

Specialized Projects
As for the construction of such projects, here is how I see it potentially working:

Each project would have an objective. This would be akin to the bridge/crew quarters/life support requirement. Possible objectives would include desired result, target, and methods used to obtain the objective. For example, steal a [random] technology from the Eee by Bribery and Subterfuge. Bribery would be potentially expensive, and you could put limits on how much your spies are allowed to spend on bribes, so that they don't bankrupt your empire getting you some worthless tech.

The allowed projects should definitely depend on the facilities at the spy's current location.

Context-sensitive projects:
(Suicide Junkie)
A project to temporarily take over a weapon platform for example ... It could fire a volley at random ships in orbit, using whatever weapons the enemy designed into the platform.

If the spies are on a world without organics farms, it should be impossible to sabotage organics production.
Without a spaceyard or resupply depot, it should be similarily impossible to plant bombs on ships.

Remove Limitation on Number of Projects
I would like a way to spend all of the generated intel of an empire. In SEIV, if you have more than 1.2 Million in Intel, all you can do is 12 Planet captures. Max. (Note this limit should be raised because Conter Intel does cost more than 100K, but you get the idea.
So, we would like the limitation of amount of intel projects removed.

[ May 08, 2004, 00:34: Message edited by: Stone Mill ]
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