Trade BUG
In the Last 3 turns of a PBW game I�m playing I haven�t received any gifts/trade I made with any of my allies. In the first turn I though I forgot to send an accept message... but I triple-checked that I did that in the second turn... but still no gifts/trade received... and in this 3rd turn the same story... I accept the trade/gift message but I don�t get it in the next turn.
it is really beginning to bug me. I asked the people I am playing with and they said they also didn�t get any reply from me (which they should get if the accept-message would actually have been sent)
I was wondering if this bug has something to do with the fact I didn�t do these Last turns in "one-go" as u might say ... I saved the game and then then finished doing the turn later.
Has anyone encountered anything like this before? Any bugs when saving the game & then continuing or this trade bug.
Quid pro quo <img border=0 title= alt=[Wink] src=wink.gif /]