PARANOIA 2 : Empire in correct position need leader
Due to RL issues, Ralf had to quit Paranoia2.
The Phentari need you !
The hunt has not begun, so take over and ask Tesco the name of your target.
All players start with a secret target race.
Your goal : be the first to kill your target while staying alive.
The game will end as soon as one empire is dead !!
If another player kills your target, you win.
If you kill an empire while it is not your target, you lose and someone else win.
DEAD EMPIRE : an empire is dead when it has no planets.
STELLAR MANIPULATION : you can open close warpoint if you like to, but remember that it is completely forbidden to isolate a part of your empire from the rest of the players. Thus you cannot close all warp points leading to one of your system then having a system shield protecting it. In previous game, a player re arranged all warp points in his empire to have a single warp point leading to his territory. Then he created a huge amount of storms at the place, thus barring access from everybody to that part of the map. This tactic is almost equivalent to isolation and is not allowed. If you create a shockpoint, guard it the old fashionned way, by the mean of units, bases and ships.
Remember: to play the game you must be able to reach all the colony of your foe, and the reverse is true.
PONTINE LEEPERS LAW (may they burn in hell!)
It is forbidden to give/exchange/sell planets with a player.
You can only exchange a ship versus a similar ship. IE, a colony ship versus a colony ship, a battle cruiser versus another battle cruiser. More, both ships must be in the same system !!!!!
These restrictions are very important to avoid a deadlock, so keep them in mind.
If you need to help an empire, give him a partnership to boost his happiness and his intel production, and attack his foe with intel and/or military. That is as much as you can do to help someone.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wagh'nagl fhtagn.
�a ! �a ! Cthulhu fhtagn ! Cthulhu fhtagn !