Friday Night TCP/IP
Alright.. I've gotten into the habbit of organizing tcp/ip games of SE4Gold on friday nights.
(I cant host due to computer issues, but someone is usualy willing)
Normal regulars in the game are myself, Farstryder, Fyron.
Lets expand!
Lets actualy organize these friday shindings.
They use the current Version of Devnull Gold.
Myself, I am available for these games from mid-afternoon on friday untill very late friday night (translated, early saturday morning). I use the Tylmai shipset for my race.
There is another player who has confirmed entry in this weeks comming game. He is available from 10pm Eastern untill 3am. His shipset isnt chosen yet, but he's leaning towards Stockshipsets.
The game will most likely involve the Monster AI from Devnull. So be warned.
We would like a large game. 8 or more humans IF possibe... but we have played with as little as 4.
Wanna play?
State your prefered start and end time (timezone will help). Make a request for shipset (to make sure we all have it and no one uses double shipsets).
I know I posted this rather close to friday, but we can use this thread to arrange games EVERY friday.
A- Se+ GdY $* Fr C+++ Css Sf* Ai Au M+ MpMDA S- Ss+++ RTRY Pw+++ Fq+++ Nd Rp++ G Mm++ L-- Tcp++