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Old July 31st, 2003, 01:15 AM
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Will Will is offline
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Default Re: HTML Test

iframe has been in IE since v.5.0, IIRC. AFAIK, it is NOT in the W3C HTML 4.01 specification, and isn't supported in NS (it might be in v.6 or v.7, I haven't checked recently). I remember it was a bit buggy when I first heard of it, but they're showing up a lot more these days.

The main advantage of iframe tags is they are not bounded to the side of a document or another frame. With regular frames, to create the effect of a floating content frame (such as the linked frame to www.malfador.com in this thread), you would need two frameset's, and five frame's, and you wouldn't be able to scroll the entire thing. To do the same with iframe requires only one tag, and the rest of the page can scroll.

--edit: Implementation of iframe (IIRC); replace _underscored_items_ with appropriate information:

<iframe src="_url_" name="_name_" width="_width_" height="_height_" frameborder="_border_" hspace="_horizontal_offset_" vspace="_vertical_offset_" align="_align_" scrolling="_scroll_" />

url = the target URL
name = an appropriate name for targeting purposes
width = width of the frame window (pixels or %)
height = height of the frame window (pixels or %)
frameborder = border width of the frame
horizontal offset = pixels margin on the left (and right?)
vertical offset = pixels margin on the top (and bottom?)
align = center, left, or right
scrolling = yes, no, or auto

only the src attribute is vitally necessary, since the frame should hold something. It's a good idea to set width and height as well. The iframe will display where ever it is positioned in the document (via tables, positioned containers, etc.)

[ July 31, 2003, 00:33: Message edited by: Will ]
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