I'm in the process of coming up with variations on the GUI layout for consideration in SE5. I'll be sending my examples to Aaron in the near future. I'd like to hear any thoughts about your likes and dislikes with regard to the se4 GUI.
For one example, I'm designing a new 'visual tech-tree' for the 'Research' window. I'm aiming along the lines of a flow-chart type layout, but also have a few 'different' things that I might try. Do you think this might be a good thing?
NOTE: any and all comments on the se4 GUI are for reference only. Also any ideas about possible se5 GUI elements you care to share are to be shared freely. I cannot guarantee that I'll implement any in my design suggestions, and the only reward you can expect if I do include any, is perhaps an honorable mention and the knowledge that you have contributed to what might make it's way into SE5.
P.S. I'll also try to frequent the gamesnet #se4 channel for some live discussions.
Thanks, and have a Great Day.