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Old May 27th, 2018, 07:04 AM

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Default Re: Height Maps

Originally Posted by jp10 View Post
I am posting this here since i am working on a map generated from the Venhola map tool.

We are currently considering that each unit of height roughly represents 24 inches or .6 meters. As a simple rule of thumb this would make each hill level represent roughly 20 feet or 6 meters of height

Height 1 = 20 feet/6 meters
2 = 40/12
3 = 60/24
4 = 80/30
5 = 100/36
6 = 120/42
7 = 140/48
8 = 160/54
9 = 180/60
10 = 200/66
11 = 220/72
12 = 240/78
13 = 260/84
14 = 280/90
15 = 300/96

The reason for my seemingly grognard questioning is I am working on a map that highest peaks need to be 656'/200m and I need to set the ratio to translate the scale to WINSPMBT height system. I am calculating that if level 15 300'/96m will be simulating the 656'/200m then each 100'/33m of real height should be a 2.5 level increase on the map. Sounds good?
The map tool assumes 10 meters / level (see the adjustable number 10 next to character). If you change that to 6 it should produce these numbers. Back to the days when I started there wasn't a definitive guide so I assumed that height is metric and the unit is one meter and went on with that.

I may change the default to 6 meters now, tho.

By default the system uses the lowest point of terrain as the lowest level (height 0) and then converts the terrain features into WinSPMBT map by the said conversion logic. Any height exceeding will be "clipped", that is made to be level 15 if it's higher than 160 meters from the lowest point (or 96 meters on 6 meter step setting). Additionally if you download the source code and run it on command line you can have a manually set lowest point.

For your terrain, you'll have two options:
* compress; set the terrain level to be 200 m / 16 = 12.5 meters
* clip; let the highest points in the terrain be flat level 15 areas and work it with the terrain settings but making the peaks impassable
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Old May 27th, 2018, 07:20 AM

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Default Re: Height Maps

Just checked the source code, unfortunately the clipping is not the default but compression. I'll probably modify that when I can make sure the level parameters work properly.
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Old May 28th, 2018, 03:11 AM

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Default Re: Height Maps

Updated the code; fixed the bug where the level setting actually had no effect to the produced map terrain. The map that is produced is still always compressed, so highest peaks should be level 15 unless the terrain hasn't that much height difference (< 96 m total). I will include that change in the next version because the absolute level height is something the map makers can easily set themselves.
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Old May 28th, 2018, 06:57 AM
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Default Re: Height Maps

It may just be my server ATM but it seems very slow resizing and showing the map area now. Zooming the map out takes much longer now to redraw all the areas

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?

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Old May 29th, 2018, 04:49 AM

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Default Re: Height Maps

The map tiles are cached but in case of cache miss they're loaded from the source which unfortunately seems very slow at the moment.
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Old July 25th, 2018, 12:40 PM
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Default Re: Height Maps

We will be looking for a way to allow water to be added to maps that will only fill in the level zero area with water with the press of a button that leaves all terrain >0 untouched. This will allow maps with island and/or coastline to add water without it being nearly so much the chore it can be now...it's "on the list" and it seems doable but we will see, hopefully, we can get it to work.


Example This is what is generated for Latitude 45.41 Longitude -80.33

This is what the code change we are looking into would do

Also there seems to be a new problem. I tried to use the info generated in the txt file


but all I get when I try to use it is a spot on Antarctica not 45.41,-80.33

This is what it should be....at least according to the info the map shows when I get the area I want


so lat and long are being reverse in the txt file info or the generated info
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"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?


Last edited by DRG; July 25th, 2018 at 04:20 PM..
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Old July 30th, 2018, 02:37 AM

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Default Re: Height Maps

I'll fix the incorrect order when I have a little bit of idle time at hand...
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Old November 28th, 2018, 12:58 PM
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Default Re: Height Maps

I was trying to use height maps to create a general map of Chicagof Harbor, Alaska for a scenario. When I clicked download I got this:

Something went wrong, return value 25. Process returned:
coords => 52.96321283412573,-186.8328929199117,52.97528448282716,-186.71612236361415,52.899041862082925,-186.69402909927055,52.886948927830815,-186.81079965556805
level => 10.000000
dx = (52.97528448282716 - 52.96321283412573)/158, -186.71612236361415 - -186.8328929199117)/158)
dy = (52.886948927830815 - 52.96321283412573)/198, -186.81079965556805 - -186.8328929199117 - .5*0.000734406014450017)/198)
Zero 52.96321283412573, -186.8328929199117
dx 7.59223188769578e-05:0.000734406014450017, dy -0.000383235710024683:0.000109176187620239
Corners: (0,0)=52.96321283412573 -186.8328929199117 (159,0)=52.97528448282716 -186.71612236361415 (0,199)=52.886948927830815 -186.81079965556805

Corners: (1,1)=52.962943481894:-186.831682134702: (159,1)=:52.9749392082766:-186.715645984419: (1,199)=:52.8870628113091:-186.810065249554: (159, 199)=:52.8990585376917:-186.69402909927

Error: INVALID_REQUEST at contour.pl line 305.
Any idea on how to fix?

I am a totally newbie to using this. I have generator a map once or twice with contours but this is a first.
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Old November 28th, 2018, 01:06 PM
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Default Re: Height Maps

Was zoomed in a lot, so I zoom out and still get similar errors as above post.

This is the place/area:
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Old November 28th, 2018, 01:18 PM
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Default Re: Height Maps

I ran it for that location and didn't get an error report ....... I didn't get anything so I entered in something "safe" 20 and -50 then zoomed WAY out......found Alaska then zoomed in on Chicagof Harbor........ try that

however the height of the mountains is greater than the 15 levels the game can handle so you need to use something >10 for height level but even at 30 it still gives you flat topped mountains so you might have to do this one the old fashioned way unless you want to stick close to the water and even then that map would be beyond the range of the game. I tried everything from 1 to 50 for the height and didn't get anything that looked worthwhile

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?


Last edited by DRG; November 28th, 2018 at 01:53 PM..
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