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Old June 1st, 2013, 04:15 PM

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Default Operation Iraqi Freedom - Swedish' taskforce

In reality, Sweden never took part in Operation Iraqi Freedom, mainly due to the nation lacking a NATO membership and to the nations unwillingness to sacrifice its soldiers in a non-peacekeeping mission lead by the UN.

But in this scenario, Sweden has been asked by the United States to put up an armoured taskforce and take part in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Sweden, with a long history of UN taskforces, sees the chance for its military forces to get vital combat experience by rotating its military personal every six months, thus strengthening its own ability to repel attacks on Sweden by other nations, should it happen.

The Swedish’ taskforce sent to Iraq is an Armoured Battalion 03, a strengthened version of the Armoured Battalion 98, supported by a MRV battalion:

Armoured Battalion 03:
-Battalion Staff:
--Headquarters + Strf 9040B (9 men)
-FO Vehicle:
--EPbv 90 (4 men)
-Heavy Transport Vehicle:
--Tank transport (2 men)
-Armoured Battalion Support 03:
--3 Lvkv 90 + 3 heavy mortars (Bv 206) + 1 arm inf pl* (Strf 9040B) (84 men)
-Armoured Infantry Company 03:
--1 arm inf sec* (Strf 9040B) + 3 arm inf pl* (Strf 9040B) + 3 RBS-56 TI ATGM teams (Strf 9040B) (128 men)
-Armoured Infantry Company 03:
--1 arm inf sec* (Strf 9040B) + 3 arm inf pl* (Strf 9040B) + 3 RBS-56 TI ATGM teams (Strf 9040B) (128 men)
-Main Battle Tank Company:
--1 + 3 + 3 + 3 Strv 122B (40 men)
-Main Battle Tank Company
--1 + 3 + 3 + 3 Strv 122B (40 men)
-Munitions Support:
--2 munitions truck pl (16 men)
-Brigade AA Company:
--3 RBS-70 SAM Pl** (Bv 308) (33 men)
*Includes 1 inf-AT team to increase the AT capability of the arm inf sec
**Includes 1 recon group to provide additional protection for the AA teams

MRV Battalion:
-MRV Company
--1 arm inf sec + 2 recon teams (Sisu XA-180 Pasi) + 6 arm inf sec (Sisu XA-180 Pasi) + 6 arm inf sec (Sisu XA-180 Pasi) + 6 arm inf sec (Sisu XA-180 Pasi) (140 men)
-MRV Company
--1 arm inf sec + 2 recon teams (Sisu XA-180 Pasi) + 6 arm inf sec (Sisu XA-180 Pasi) + 6 arm inf sec (Sisu XA-180 Pasi) + 6 arm inf sec (Sisu XA-180 Pasi) (140 men)

The taskforce totals 764 soldiers and crew members, 1 EPbv 90, 3 Lvkv 90, 20 Strv 122B, 30 Strf 9040B, 10 Sisu XA-180 Pasi, 3 Bv 308, 3 Bv 206, 8 trucks & 1 tank transport.

The rest of the support needed - artillery, aerial recognisance, attack helicopters, close air support and additional main battle tanks and armoured infantry - will be provided by other nations taking part in Operation Iraqi Freedom, mainly the United States and Great Britain.

This AAR will last for 5 battles and after that I don’t know yet if I’m going to follow it up with an additional ”taskforce”, relieving the one seeing ”service” until the end of this AAR. This since I’m also - battle by battle - playing an AAR in SPWW2.

Cheers, Taskforce

Last edited by Taskforce; June 15th, 2013 at 03:22 PM.. Reason: Missed some details...
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Old June 14th, 2013, 03:38 PM

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Default Re: Operation Iraqi Freedom - Swedish' taskforce

March 2003 - Battles 1-2

Battle 1:
-Mission: Meeting engagement
-Location: Iraqi desert
-Visibility: 50 metres (sandstorm)
-Duration: 27 turns
-Support: 4 M1A2 SEP Abrams (16 men)
-Result: Decisive victory
-Points: 22.240 vs. 258

Battle 2:
-Mission: Assault
-Location: Iraqi highlands
-Visibility: 2.700 metres
-Duration: 50 turns
-Support: 4 M1A2 SEP Abrams (16 men), 2 M1A1 MCBS Abrams (8 men), 4 M117 ASV (12 men), 1 Lt Mech Bat (378 men), 3 UAV (0 men) & 4 F-15E Strike Eagle (8 men)
-Result: Marginal victory
-Points: 12.953 vs. 2.982

The baptism of fire for the Swedish’ taskforce took place during a meeting engagement out in the flat Iraqi desert landscape. An unexpected sandstorm reduced the visibility to just 50 metres, making it impossible for the Swedish’ infantrymen to see, since they were expecting to fight in open terrain with great view range. The Strv 122Bs, M1A2 SEPs, Strf 90Bs and Sisu XA-180s on the other hand could spot the approaching enemy at a long distance with special technology, and the MBTs quickly turned the battlefield into a place littered with burning Iraqi MBTs and APCs without a single combat casualty. This signalled the unloading of the infantrymen from the protection of their APCs and this combined with the unexpectedly heavy Iraqi artillery and mortar fire caused some losses - one Sisu XA-180 together with the two crewmembers and 59 infantrymen. But with the Iraqi losses estimated at around 2.000 men this was a very low figure and the battle ended as a decisive victory.

With no time to replace losses the Swedish’ taskforce was ordered to assault enemy positions located in the Iraqi highlands, with several high hills offering perfect ambush opportunities for the Iraqi defenders. Large minefields were also expected, leading to the request of two mine clearing MBTs to be included with the U.S. support units. The plan was to assault with one right hook and one left hook, meeting in the middle and wrecking havoc among the Iraqi troops, but this plan was made impossible when a lucky hit by a ATGM immobilised one of the mine clearing Abrams tanks. Thus the left hook had to - and succeed to - break through the minefields and capture the terrain where the great majority of the highlands was located. In the meantime the MBTs on the right flank continued to destroy the Iraqi MBTs, APCs and anti-aircraft guns in their area, meaning that the most of the resistance already was cleared when the left hook reached the middle. This ensured success for the Swedish’ taskforce and also showed not only the Iraqi opponents but also the American and British allied that they were a competent combat unit, able to hold its own. One unfortunate M1A2 SEP Abrams was knocked with a lucky side-shot from a T-69-II and dug-in T-72 tanks destroyed one Strf 90B and one M113A3. The rest of the vehicle losses - 23 in total - were due to the extensive minefields and hand-held RPG-7 anti-tank weapons. Two UAVs were also shot down by the anti-aircraft guns and one heavy mortar position together with one ammo truck and one Bv 206 were destroyed by the Iraqi artillery.

-Sweden: 147 men, 2 AA Strf 90, 1 Bv 206, 2 Strf 90B, 5 Sisu XA-180 & 1 ammo truck
-USA: 110 men, 1 M1A2 SEP Abrams, 9 M113A3, 3 M117 ASV & 2 UAVs shot down
-Iraq: Some 3.300 men, 150 MBTs and AFVs, 70 APCs, 34 anti-aircraft guns, 21 mortar positions & 2 107 mm recoilless AT-guns

-MBT Bat: 147 MBTs and AFVs, 68 APCs & 32 anti-aircraft guns
-USA: 3 MBTs and AFVs, 2 APCs & 2 107 mm recoilless AT-guns
-Infantry: 21 mortar positions & 2 anti-aircraft guns

Captured equipment:
-1 T-55A, 1 37 mm AA gun & a very large number of AK47 assault rifles and RPG-7 anti-tank weapons complete with huge amounts of ammunition.

Replacing losses:
-AA Strf 90: Since the coalition air superiority was complete, the decision was made to replace the two destroyed and the one remaining AA Strf 90 with three Strf 90B APCs in order to add more fire support for the advancing infantry.
-Ammo trucks: The destroyed ammo truck and the seven remaining were all replaced with the Pvb 401, being better suited for the desert terrain with the tracks and offering full protection against small arms fire with their armour.

New Core Units:

Armoured Battalion 03:
-Battalion Staff:
--Headquarters + Strf 9040B (9 men)
-FO Vehicle:
--EPbv 90 (4 men)
-Heavy Transport Vehicle:
--Tank transport (2 men)
-Armoured Battalion Support 03:
--3 Strf 90B + 3 heavy mortars (Bv 206) + 1 arm inf pl* (Strf 9040B) (84 men)
-Armoured Infantry Company 03:
--1 arm inf sec* (Strf 9040B) + 3 arm inf pl* (Strf 9040B) + 3 RBS-56 TI ATGM teams (Strf 9040B) (128 men)
-Armoured Infantry Company 03:
--1 arm inf sec* (Strf 9040B) + 3 arm inf pl* (Strf 9040B) + 3 RBS-56 TI ATGM teams (Strf 9040B) (128 men)
-Main Battle Tank Company:
--1 + 3 + 3 + 3 Strv 122B (40 men)
-Main Battle Tank Company
--1 + 3 + 3 + 3 Strv 122B (40 men)
-Munitions Support:
--2 munitions pl (Pbv 401) (16 men)
-Brigade AA Company:
--3 RBS-70 SAM Pl** (Bv 308) (33 men)
*Includes 1 inf-AT team to increase the AT capability of the arm inf sec
**Includes 1 recon group to provide additional protection for the AA teams

MRV Battalion:
-MRV Company
--1 arm inf sec + 2 recon teams (Sisu XA-180 Pasi) + 6 arm inf sec (Sisu XA-180 Pasi) + 6 arm inf sec (Sisu XA-180 Pasi) + 6 arm inf sec (Sisu XA-180 Pasi) (140 men)
-MRV Company
--1 arm inf sec + 2 recon teams (Sisu XA-180 Pasi) + 6 arm inf sec (Sisu XA-180 Pasi) + 6 arm inf sec (Sisu XA-180 Pasi) + 6 arm inf sec (Sisu XA-180 Pasi) (140 men)

The taskforce totals 764 soldiers and crew members, 1 EPbv 90, 20 Strv 122B, 30 Strf 9040B, 10 Sisu XA-180 Pasi, 3 Bv 308, 3 Bv 206, 8 Pbv 401 & 1 tank transport.

Upcoming battles:
The Swedish’ taskforce is ordered to the Iraqi desert to advance towards Iraqi held positions there. The support units are coming from both the U.S. and British forces.
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Old June 15th, 2013, 08:02 AM

Mustang Mustang is offline
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Default Re: Operation Iraqi Freedom - Swedish' taskforce

When playing as western armies, helicopters are very useful. You won't get shot at at all by the enemy if you spot them at a distance and take advantage of your long range tank guns and artillery.

Also, are you playing the v7.0 timed objectives? If so that puts a lot of pressure on you to take casualties and get to objectives quickly.
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Old June 15th, 2013, 03:29 PM

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Default Re: Operation Iraqi Freedom - Swedish' taskforce

Thanks Mustang, I'll keep those words of advice in mind. I'm still used to thinking in WW2 terms and WW2 tactics, which are totally outdated in modern warfare, since modern anti-tank weapons are far deadlier than the old Panzerfaust and Panzerschreck.

When it comes to timed objectives, not sure... A have the Version 7.0 DL installed though.

cheers, Taskforce
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Old June 23rd, 2013, 04:28 AM

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Default Re: Operation Iraqi Freedom - Swedish' taskforce

April 2003 - Battles 3-4

Battle 3:
-Mission: Advance
-Location: Iraqi desert
-Visibility: 200 metres (dusk)
-Duration: 31 turns
-Support: 2 SP Mortar platoons (48 men), 1 Lt Mech Bat (378 men), 4 Tornado (8 men) & 2 RPVs (0 men)
-Result: Decisive victory
-Points: 14.794 vs. 232

Battle 4:
-Mission: Defend
-Location: Iraqi desert
-Visibility: 2.200 metres
-Duration: 9 turns
-Support: 8 M1A2 SEP Abrams (32 men), 3 Challenger 2 (12 men) & 4 AH-64D Apache (8 men)
-Result: Decisive victory
-Points: 29.844 vs. 1.544

Ordered to advance towards Iraqi positions, the commander of the Swedish’ taskforce decided to wait until the arrival of dusk to exploit the advantages of the Coalition troops to the maximum. With the British’ RPVs gathering battlefield information on the whereabouts of the Iraqi troops and the Swedish’ MBTs and the British’ supporting units destroying the Iraqi units one by one, the advancement went according to plan. The only losses suffered by the Swedish’ taskforce were one Strf 90B - knocked out by an undetected T-72 - and one Bv 206, destroyed by the Iraqi artillery. The only losses suffered by the American’ ground forces were caused by lucky RPG-7 hits on the M113A3 APCs. After the combat action the taskforce remained on the battlefield until first light revealed the true scale of the destruction of the Iraqi forces.

Shortly after the advancement, after having replaced losses, the Swedish’ forces were ordered to defend an important area against an expected Iraqi assault, the enemy becoming more desperate as the Coalition forces advanced towards Bagdad. With its growing reputation the Swedish’ taskforce was given more support than normal, and with the taskforce including 31 MBTs, 4 UH-64D Apache and 6 ATGM units, it stood ready to withstand the Iraqi onslaught. The Swedish’ commander decided to use three lines of defence: The UH-64D Apache first spotting the enemy and engaging them, the MBTs following up with more firepower and as a last resort the ATGM units and APCs carrying the infantry, the APCs being spread out in order to be less vulnerable in the expected Iraqi artillery fire.

When the assault finally came it took just five minutes to destroy all of the armoured vehicles and a further four minutes to fend off the remaining infantry units. Despite of this, it was a very violent battle, costing the coalition forces one heavy mortar position - destroyed by a lucky Iraqi artillery hit - , a Sisu XA-180 - hit by a ATGM - and two AH-64D Apache - shot down by the intensive SAM fire - , the crewmembers KIA.

Not long afterwards came the end of hostilities between the Coalition forces and the Iraqi army. The mission for the Swedish’ taskforce had changed from engaging the enemy forces to patrolling the streets in order to keep the fragile and relative peace, and this change also saw some changes among the Swedish’ ranks, with some units being flown back to Sweden and other units added to it. The Swedish’ soldiers could finally take a breather after two months of intensive combat.

-Sweden: 32 (179) men, 2 (3) Bv 206, 1 (3) Strf 90B, 1 (6) Sisu XA-180 & 1 heavy mortar position
-USA: 16 (126) men & 2 AH-64D Apache shot down
-Iraq: Some 3.200 (6.500) men, 180 (330) MBTs and AFVs, 90 (160) APCs, 20 (54) anti-aircraft guns, 19 (40) mortar positions & 4 (6) 107 mm recoilless anti-tank guns

-MBT Bat: 163 (378) MBTs, AFVs & APCs. 19 (51) anti-aircraft guns & 18 mortar positions
-USA: 74 (79) MBTs, AFVs & APCs
-UK: 33 MBTs, AFVs & APCs, 1 anti-aircraft gun, 1 mortar position & 4 107 mm recoilless anti-tank guns

Captured equipment:
-1 (2) anti-aircraft gun & a very large number of AK47 assault rifles and RPG-7 anti-tank weapons complete with huge amounts of ammunition.

Replacing losses:
-MRV Battalion: Since the Sisu XA-180s proved to be vulnerable against the RPG-7 and mines, these were replaced by Strf 90Bs, which also are less vulnerable against guided anti-tank weapons and also was better adapted for the modern battlefield.

New Core Units:

Armoured Battalion 03:
-Battalion Staff:
--Headquarters + Strf 9040B (9 men)
-FO Vehicle:
--EPbv 90 (4 men)
-Heavy Transport Vehicle:
--Tank transport (2 men)
-Armoured Battalion Support 03:
--3 Strf 90B + 3 heavy mortars (Bv 206) + 1 arm inf pl* (Strf 9040B) + 5 HMG sections (104 men)
-Armoured Infantry Company 03:
--1 arm inf sec* (Strf 9040B) + 3 arm inf pl* (Strf 9040B) + 3 RBS-56 TI ATGM teams (Strf 9040B) (128 men)
-Armoured Infantry Company 03:
--1 arm inf sec* (Strf 9040B) + 3 arm inf pl* (Strf 9040B) + 3 RBS-56 TI ATGM teams (Strf 9040B) (128 men)
-Armoured Infantry Company 03:
--1 arm inf sec* (Strf 9040B) + 3 arm inf pl* (Strf 9040B) (110 men)
-Armoured Infantry Company 03:
--1 arm inf sec* (Strf 9040B) + 3 arm inf pl* (Strf 9040B) (110 men)
-Main Battle Tank Company:
--1 + 3 + 3 + 3 Strv 122B (40 men)
-Main Battle Tank Company
--1 + 3 + 3 + 3 Strv 122B (40 men)
-Munitions Support:
--2 munitions pl (Pbv 401) (16 men)
-Brigade AA Company:
--3 RBS-70 SAM Pl (Bv 308) (24 men)
*Includes 1 inf-AT team to increase the AT capability of the arm inf sec

The taskforce totals 724 soldiers and crew members, 1 EPbv 90, 20 Strv 122B, 53 Strf 9040B, 3 Bv 308, 3 Bv 206, 8 Pbv 401 & 1 tank transport.

Cheers, Taskforce
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Old June 26th, 2013, 07:28 AM

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Default Re: Operation Iraqi Freedom - Swedish' taskforce


Following the two intensive months of combat, the Swedish’ taskforce experienced a long period of relative peace and calm - finally a breather for the Swedish’ soldiers, who had both seen horrible things and lost comrades and good friends among the ranks. By a miracle, despite of suicide bombers and IEDs, not a single soldier or vehicle was lost during the final four months period of service - only a dozen or so soldiers being wounded.

At home public opinion, driven on by the families of the fallen soldiers, went against the Swedish’ presence in Iraq and demands for the Swedish’ government to rotate the Swedish’ taskforce home and end the military mission. Thus, in September of 2003, the remaining Swedish’ troops in Iraq were gradually flown home and its equipment with it.

For the Swedish’ Ministry of Defence and for the Swedish’ Armed Forces, the experiences won by the taskforce proved invaluable and the lessons learned were put to good use in the training of future soldiers. The 179 fallen soldiers were honoured for their ultimate sacrifice and were all given military honour funerals.

The MBT battalion had managed to destroy 378 MBTs, AFVs and APCs as well as 51 anti-aircraft guns and 18 mortar positions. The commander of the battalion, Major Henriksson, was credited with 41 destroyed armoured combat vehicles and became the top tank ace of the Swedish’ taskforce. The remaining 19 tank crews also received tank ace status, with the top eight of them destroying 20+ MBTs, AFVs and APCs each.

With these words I’ll return to Steel Panther WW2 and my 28. Panzer-Division AAR, which as been paused so far. On occasion I’ll return to Steel Panther MBT with another short AAR series. I hope that you've enjoyed my AAR, and if you want to you are more than welcome to write a comment about it.

Cheers, Taskforce
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Old June 29th, 2013, 05:17 PM

Mustang Mustang is offline
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Default Re: Operation Iraqi Freedom - Swedish' taskforce

It's always satisfying to get to the end of the campaign and see the kill counts on your tanks. Thanks for the AAR.
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Old June 29th, 2013, 07:18 PM
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Default Re: Operation Iraqi Freedom - Swedish' taskforce

Originally Posted by Mustang View Post

Also, are you playing the v7.0 timed objectives? If so that puts a lot of pressure on you to take casualties and get to objectives quickly.
Timed objective score shows in his battle reports also arty overload.
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