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Old May 13th, 2012, 03:49 PM

Roger55 Roger55 is offline
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Default I can't seem to find the thread where I wanted to post

I wsa looking at the forum to see what was being said about WPP before I purchased it.

There was a thread where a fellow was complaining about the game being slanted toward the Japanese i'e. it had a case of Nipponitis.

I wanted to talk about a DOS 5 sim that had all these adjustments you could make to the things like the number of submarines the USA allocated to attacking the oil, how much more you wanted to allocate from a country's resources for say ship production than was allocated to the Pacific historically, or if you disageed with the sim desiner's veiw of the Japanese/American warplaning, an adjustment to the AI ability. There were more, too. All these things were laid out in the manual. They always had manuals back then not just PDFs you have to pay to have copied.

Yes, I know WWP has a manual. Came yesterday.

I was just going to wonder out loud why designers don't do more of that kind of adjustable setting.

I always wanted to curse on a forum so here goes. That Micro$often War in the Pacific. What was that Micro$often guy thinking.

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