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Old January 24th, 2012, 12:16 AM

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FASTBOAT TOUGH is on a distinguished road
Fallout Re: The FASTBOAT Patch page.

Gave me a scare there! Yes top photo compared LEOPARD-2T to the Turkish LEOPARD-2A4. I don't know if it was mentioned but, yes the LEOPARD-2T is also known as the LEOPARD-2NG (Next Generation-Trade name.). Below are more photos to offer a different prospective for the Icon, these were taken at IDEF 2011.
Click image for larger version

Name:	leopard_2ng_aselsan_main_battle_tank_mbt_2011_idef_defence_defense_exhibition_turkey.jpg
Views:	922
Size:	97.1 KB
ID:	11620 Click image for larger version

Name:	newdscf0917.jpg
Views:	3420
Size:	95.8 KB
ID:	11621

This is a mock up of the ALTAY from the same show.
Click image for larger version

Name:	Turkeys_National_Tank_Altay_MBT.jpg
Views:	280
Size:	24.9 KB
ID:	11622

As a side note going back to the "poster" showing all the Turkish tanks look at the LEOPARD-2A4, what's missing from all the others?
The standard Turkish practice of adding the "T" designator to their tanks. Could be relevent to our earlier discussion on dates maybe or not.

Before I forget from the gun/tank maker of OPLOT.


Last edited by FASTBOAT TOUGH; January 24th, 2012 at 12:39 AM..
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Old January 29th, 2012, 06:20 PM

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Fallout Re: The FASTBOAT Patch page.

By time this gets posted; the following issues are being resolved for all OPLOT units including Thailand’s: 1) Will get the KBA-3 125mm vice the current 120mm L55 Sw01. 2) Thailand will receive the modified Ukrainian UNIT 063 OPLOT with
the NOZH-2 ERA as carried on the OPLOT-M. 3) Thailand’s fielding date will be JAN 2013. 4) This completes the OPLOT package not all was passed via PM. 5) The refs. are for everyone else and is how I've always operated, it’s my standard, and lord knows I've harped about that enough in the forum. So below completes my entries for the 2011/2012 campaign, Patch Post #2...

C4. UKRAINE/OPLOT (T-84)/UNIT 061/CHANGE/120mm L55 Sw01 to the 125mm KBA-3/ERA equal to value of UNIT 062/Start Date to JAN 2000./The only “OPLOT” tanks to carry the 120mm were produced as demonstrators for the Turkish MBT competition
in 2000 though the actual tank was the export version better known as the YATAGAN (KERN2-120) which was designed to meet NATO standards. All OPLOT MBT’s have ERA installed on them. The OPLOT MBT was offered to Greece in 1998 and Malaysia in 2000 with both the YATAGAN and OPLOT offered. Greece went with the Leopard and Malaysia went with a heavily modified PT-91 TARWDY. The OPLOT entered service with the Ukrainian Army in 1999 according to the manufacturer. Seems to be a split with the 1999 date and when it was first seen in 2001 in a military parade in Kiev with the refs available. The Greek tender is well documented which would support the 1999 date. The armor of the OPLOT is multi-layered, with many surfaces having ceramic/steel/aluminum sandwich-type applique armor. A lesser form of this armor is also found on the turret roof and hull floor. The standard ERA is still the Kontakt-5-type ERA of the T-80UD, but the lugs allow for the mounting of virtually any ERA in the former Soviet/Warsaw Pact inventory, as well as allowing for new forms of ERA in the future. The hatches for the commander and gunner are much more armored, and have hydraulic assists to help the crew open and close the now-very heavy hatches. Like the T-80UD, the OPLOT uses both the Varta and Shtora-1 active protection systems, and have the same thermal and radar signature suppression design features.

D3. UKRAINE/OPLOT (T-84)/UNIT O62/DELETE/This MBT does not fit with the refs provided above or below and is redundant to UNITS 061&063

C5. UKRAINE/OPLOT (T-84)/UNIT 063/CHANGE/120mm L55 Sw01 to the 125mm KBA-3/Start Date to JAN 2011/ERA to the level of UNIT 064/By 2010 the decision was made to significantly decrease production of the OPLOT in favor of the OPLOT-M. Further it was decided an easy and inexpensive method to provide an upgrade to the OPLOT was simply to add the NOZH-2 ERA which could be done in the maintenance depots thus not interfering with the OPLOT-M production which would not be fielded until
JUN 2011. Click on first ref. upper left for further system info; note KBA-3 info provided in second ref. and finally evaluation info as described in C4 above. On the last scroll down about 1/2 way.

C6. UKRAINE/OPLOT-M/UNIT 064/CHANGE/120mm L55 Sw01 to the
125mm KBA-3/Increase EW to 5 or 6 VICE 2./
The OPLOT-M is considered one of the best protected tanks in the world for the reasons below and should reflect that in the EW rating increase over the above current OPLOT units (EW 4) to which this tank is a much improved version of. The OPLOT-M has an actual ECM system as well as IFF and IRCM system based on their aircraft counterparts; these degrade radar users’ attempts at detection by one level and users of IR-guided weapons by two levels. The ERA of the OPLOT is the more advanced Nozh-2, which protects against both tandem HEAT warheads and provides some protection against AP and KE-type rounds. Machine gun ammunition is somewhat increased over the OPLOT. The OPLOT-M uses the 1200-horsepower turbocharged 6TD-2E, which gets better fuel mileage and emits a much less-obvious exhaust plume with the advantage that it’s faster. The OPLOT-M has a 10kW APU, versus the 8kW APU of the other models of the OPLOT.
* NOTE the KT 12.7 12.7mmMG is a remote operated weapon on all OPLOT versions*

A4. THAILAND/ADD/JUN 2012(NOW JAN 2013)/OPLOT (T-84)/USE UKRAINE UNIT 063/Some refs point to the OPLOT-M as being the tank being bought by Thailand, if true I would think it to be a “dumbed” down version since the technology is new and probably proprietary. This is why I think Ukraine UNIT 063 will cover this situation with the side skirts added. Date chosen based on early production rate of ten units per year for OPLOT-M from manufacturer site. This seems reasonable based that the tank is in production as noted and the initial Thai order of 49 tanks is to be completed by DEC 2013.
See the following for further information; Post #151 Page 16, Post #169 NEWS Item #4 from MBT section of Patch Post #1 for 2011/2012 submitted in SEP last year.

To start the 2012/2013 campaign some MBT fix issues M60T, ARJUN MKII, APC ADDs to include one from the first year I submitted equipment inputs, MRAP ADDs again new equipment, HELOS are off to a good start already thank god before...well use your imagination there and the big JETS and Planes project which I have the info for again...as previously described. BUT FIRST DOWN TIME WITH CINCLANTHOME IS NEEDED and time off from life in general. So if you live in a state bordering NC and feel an earthquake sensation in a couple of weeks or so...don't worry it's only me "stumblin n bumblin" down the ski slope, IF THERE'S ANY SNOW LEFT!?!

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Old January 30th, 2012, 12:52 AM
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Exclamation Re: The FASTBOAT Patch page.

Originally Posted by FASTBOAT TOUGH View Post

.........The OPLOT-M is considered one of the best protected tanks in the world for the reasons below and should reflect that in the EW rating increase over the above current OPLOT units (EW 4) to which this tank is a much improved version of.
Pat, you need to spend some time poking around MOBHack.

For tanks there are 4 "EW" settings

EW 1 & 2 = "CIWS" which is the closest and shortest abbreviation we could put in there to indicate active defence systems. EW 1 gives you one active defence measure, EW 2 gives you two.

EW 3 & 4 = "VIRSS" which is the closest and shortest abbreviation we could put in there to indicate passive defense measures like "Visual and Infrared Screening Smoke"

There is nothing above "EW"4 and 1 is not less than four, just different AND ( what follows seems to have confused people in the past so I'll explain it again ) it's a ONE EVENT DEAL so popping a VIRSS cloud ONLY AFFECTS THE INCOMING MISSILE that tripped that event. It does not linger like a normal smoke cloud and it does it that way because that's the only way we could find to bend this code to simulate this.

If a vehicle has VIRSS and a ATGM is fired the game runs a routine to determine if the VIRSS was successful in diverting the missile or not for that , and only that, missile. The "smoke" is just an animation so you know that VIRSS has fired. So "VIRSS" in the game is a code routine the game runs when a vehicle equipped with "VIRSS" detects a ATGM launch.
So "EW" 3 gets you one "VIRSS" shot and "EW"4 gets you 2

"EW" 1 gets you one Trophy / Arena type active defense against an incoming missile and "EW" 2 gets you two

There is no EW 5 or 6

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Old January 30th, 2012, 10:54 AM

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Fallout Re: The FASTBOAT Patch page.

The CINCLANTHOME "over analyzing" discussion comes to mind again from an earlier post. The last was...let's call it a former occupational issue and leave it at that. Thank you for the clarification on behalf of myself and others who'd honestly say "I didn't know that." I will refer to last post as an update to the beginning of 2011/2012 PP#2 before putting it into it's "home" thread.

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Old February 12th, 2012, 03:14 PM

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Fallout Re: The FASTBOAT Patch page.

I saw the reply to Suhiir on the USAF/USMC thread and was just wondering from a layman's point of view if this OPED couldn't be an option to relieve some of the OOB slot issues that exist in some of the more proliferate defence spending countries such as the U.S., Russia and China and others. Given I would assume that we have eight years worth of equipment left to put into the game, and besides the possible need to cull the more critical countries of redundant equipment including the possibility of removing fighter types of aircraft to only direct ground support types (And yes everyone that pains me to suggust it.) such as the A-10, F-15, Hornet, B-52, B-1 and B-2 in the current era by example. This can be argued as feasible, I've personally have read many documents that have suggested during the "Cold War" the Fighter issue would've cancelled each other out for air combat reasons and would've only played a minor or no had no role in the ground war, again I'm just trying to offer long term solutions here. Secondly I see that there are 7 R&D slots, could we not on a "as needed" basis use three of them in a regional plan as follows 1. The AMERICAS slot from Canada down to S. America and within that OOB assign X number of slots to cover the expected needs of Canada etc. again as needed based on that counties "home" OOB slot availability. 2. Europe 3. Asia and possibly 4. Africa maybe at the end of the cycle. Entry into this "club" would have to be restricted by priority of new equipment, RESET, or other major modification not covered by the RESET standard. Again these are just food for thought but, I'll just throw this out there again given the choice as an air commander tasked with a ground support mission what would I rather use given the option between F-16's and F-15's for the mission? I would do the following my F-16's would sweep the skies of the enemy, while my more capable with a larger payload F-15's took care of the ground support mission and would still be more then capable of fighting on it's way home if required to do so.

There is almost a 50,000lb difference in the Max. takeoff Wts. which isn't all for fuel and favors the F-15 Strike Eagle.

I don't like short term fixes as they don't take into account the long term ramifications of the initial problem at hand. In the Silent Service from day one it is instilled into us "that the only stupid question is the one not asked." So I'm asking and will gladly become put of the solution. Like current Defense Spending in most countries I'm not afraid to break out the scalpel "to cut the budget" and that goes for all the other countries in the game as well.

However I do recognize some smaller countries have to use fighter types in a multi role fashion that the F-16 fills the niche for again by example, but then again most of them aren't or don't have a pending slot issue at this time or are likely to in the future.

Just some thoughts on a cold beautiful day in SE GA.


Last edited by FASTBOAT TOUGH; February 12th, 2012 at 03:36 PM..
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Old February 12th, 2012, 03:49 PM
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Default Re: The FASTBOAT Patch page.

The short answer is there are other solutions that we have had under discussion for some time

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Old April 23rd, 2012, 10:49 PM

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Fallout Re: The FASTBOAT Patch page.

The bold part is the heart of the question for you. The rest you pretty much know about already. I don't need an immediate answer as I know this is Andy's and YOUR down time. This question covers a little of what was discussed in the last two posts in this thread about of equipment slots. As a reminder to others, Russia that I posted elsewhere is down to ~25 slots and the probably near the same for the USA. However technology moves (As does the news.) on and I'll be posting issues dealing with both items just noted in the MBT Thread within the week. So the related question is this, what TI/GSR value would be given a unit that can see and fire beyond 4000m? My thinking is this at least 50 based on the IDF MERKAVA 4 series tanks now in the game that have that very capability. Until I post, I'm looking at possibly 3 countries, 1 MBT & IFV and 1 MBT for each of the other two countries. I'm not playing a game (Or the game either.) here for others, I just need to verify the info for country three first. Country One has just fielded theirs, Two will within the next two years and three will be longer. My Thai troops don't need me yet as the monsoons are still occurring!?!

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Old April 24th, 2012, 08:35 AM
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Default Re: The FASTBOAT Patch page.

Right now, for ground units tanks max out at 50 and some few specialized scout / FO units getting 60. Bumping tanks to 60 has never been discussed because there has been no real reason to

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Old April 24th, 2012, 11:59 AM

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Fallout Re: The FASTBOAT Patch page.

I'll post what I have and you guys will have to make the final determination, but as I indicated, TI/GSR 50 is my thinking minimum based on this new information.

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Old May 20th, 2012, 08:53 PM

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Fallout Re: The FASTBOAT Patch page.

No immediate reply is required.

In this thread I asked the question (See posts #49 & #50.) of what rating for VISION TI/GSR would be assigned a tank with a modern 2nd GEN FCS and the answer was 40. I know you've seen my post concerning the vision being increased to 50 on MBTs based on them being able to identify and hit a target out to 4000m. Not having this range information, would you have an issue if it is equipped with a verifiable 3rd GEN FCS (These started to appear in a reliable form ~2005.) and submitted for a particular tank? Italy's ARIETE MK II comes to mind as I just came across it today. I would like to clear this issue up as item #1 on the MBT input for the 2012/2013 Campaign. With the number of tanks thus far named, I would like to get ahead on this to research and supply specific FCS info from the manufacturer as well when submitted.
Everything else I feel is at hand, I just need to pull it together from the last two years (Jets) and threads posted thus far, a little with some and I hope nothing too much more!

Thanks in advance!!!!
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