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Old March 24th, 2010, 04:30 AM

militarist militarist is offline
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Default phoenix pretender problems

It looks very, really very cool when you see what it does on a battlefield.

But it ends the same all the time:

1.It gets 1-2 affictions very fast.
2.It dies.

The strategy I tried all the time was the same - air shield, hold hold hold attack rear, hoping to kill commander.

Logic says to me that probably some reinvigoration staff and minor NE blesses should improve situation alittle. Maybe ring of regen.But it is not fast, as some items should be researched first and it makes Phoenix unusable for initial expansion.

But items will be lost and any nature/earth bless is very expencive.

Could someone tell me how to use it properly? I know some people use it.

Last edited by militarist; March 24th, 2010 at 04:54 AM..
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Old March 24th, 2010, 05:33 AM
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Default Re: phoenix pretender problems

Usually i use it as F/A caster for battlespells and forging, i think the phoenix is too weak as conquering god.
Maybe you can put it behind some heavy armored soldier for fire flies spam but inever tried.
Don't worry about afflictions, they will heal over time
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Old March 24th, 2010, 06:10 AM
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Default Re: phoenix pretender problems

The way to use a Phoenix for early expansion is to boost it to high fire or air magic, research evocation up to whatever you need and then go to town within own dominion. Just fire darts will seriously ruin the day for any indies that have a significant number of units without shields (archers, slingers, some militia etc). Stand back and keep raining fire and you'll get results. Best send the phoenix naked, since it will be killed.

The immortal's afflictions will disappear over time, that is one function of immortality.
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Old March 24th, 2010, 06:43 AM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: phoenix pretender problems

Never end the Phoenix's script with 'Attack', since he has an awful attack. Unless you are trying to target a specific enemy group, such as Archers. But I find that's not needed for solo Indy expansion. Instead always end it with 'Cast Spells'.

Try the following which is based on just researching Evo1 and Alt2. You can upgrade (or add) spells as you research them. (for a typical F4A4 Phoenix).

1 - Arrow Fend
2 - Mirror Image (swap for Mistform when Alt3)
3 - Attack One Turn
4 - Burning Hands (swap for Shock Wave when Evo2)
5 - Burning Hands (swap for Shock Wave when Evo2)
End - Cast Spells
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Old March 24th, 2010, 12:06 PM

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Default Re: phoenix pretender problems

I assume by "dies" you mean he pops back to your capital with a few afflictions?

Also, its possible to use the phoenix as a solo turn 2 expansion god so long as you target indies w/low armor and semi-small numbers. However, you're depending on the RNG to a certain extent, so results can vary wildly.

A phoenix is also a good F*%& YOU pretender when someone w/a SC pretender or double blessed sacreds comes knocking, since there's very little they can really do besides take the hits.
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Old March 24th, 2010, 12:15 PM

Belac Belac is offline
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Default Re: phoenix pretender problems

The Phoenix loses a level from each path when it dies, though, right? Which makes it problematic to let it die repeatedly.
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Old March 24th, 2010, 12:19 PM
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Default Re: phoenix pretender problems

Originally Posted by Belac View Post
The Phoenix loses a level from each path when it dies, though, right? Which makes it problematic to let it die repeatedly.
Not if it dies in its own dominion. It gets the standard immortal reincarnation.

If it dies in hostile dominion and you "call god" it back, then yes, it loses paths.
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Old March 24th, 2010, 03:16 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: phoenix pretender problems

I have to disagree with almost all of the advice given in this thread under CBM.

The pretender is a GREAT chassis for early expansion.
I do agree that you don't end it with attack orders (usually).
I try to end it with Staybehind.

I never give items to the phoenix.
I never end with cast spells. Spells are generally inferior to just blowing up with phoenix pyre. The fatigue from spells will kill you. Having e2 can be useful.

Usually I stay in the far lower corner with Holdx5 Stay. If there are archers of any flavor it will be airshield Holdx4 stay.

If there are almost all archers, it will be AirShield, attack hold hold hold stay.

Only attack *in dominion*.

It is very useful to prophetize your scout, so that you can spread dominion surreptiously. (ie before conquest). Use the flying ability of the phoenix to pick and choose weak indies.
Build scouts to keep a good list of potential targets.

Try to use the phoenix as an adjunct to usual expansion - ie., let your normal troops take areas close to your capitol when possible.

the phoenix does well against:
provinces with multiple troop types (with different AP esp.)
small numbers of troops.
High encumbrance troops.

A phoenixes dominion is so low that Awe is expensive. However, it helps a great deal in increasing the territory choices, and due to the number of HP of the phoenix can slow the rate of death. That, plus the awe, can let it win a few more types of battles, such as low morale troops. (Even berserckers occassionally.)

the trick with the phoenix is enemy selection. you need to be winning 2/3 fights against indies or the selection probably isn't worthwhile.
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Old March 24th, 2010, 04:12 PM

militarist militarist is offline
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Default Re: phoenix pretender problems

Thanks,chrispedersen's but what's "Having e2 can be useful. "?
What is e2?
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Old March 24th, 2010, 06:30 PM

Luckmann Luckmann is offline
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Default Re: phoenix pretender problems

Originally Posted by militarist View Post
Thanks,chrispedersen's but what's "Having e2 can be useful. "?
What is e2?
Earth 2. That is, two points of Earth.

For future reference:
F = Fire
A = Air
W = Water
E = Earth
S = Astral
N = Nature
D = Death
B = Blood

Note that "A" is "Air" and "S" is "Astral". Few things are as confusing when people start using "A" as "Astral".
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