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Old February 7th, 2010, 12:14 PM

sgqwonkian sgqwonkian is offline
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Default Re: Variations in Friendliness

Found the problem.

According to the Modmaker's Guide:
REQ0 , REQ1 , REQ2 , REQ3
Required conditions. All of these must be TRUE for the event to occur. Up to four conditions can be defined for each PAGE block, and several PAGE blocks may use the same conditions (although the GOTO command is preferred over fully identical condition sets).
(emphasis mine)

REQ0 to REQ3 are all triggering. REQ4 and REQ5 have no meaning, and will never be taken into account, as the game doesn't even have a REQ4 command.

The game goes to PAGE 1, and evaluates it. REQ0 to REQ3 hold true, so the game launches the page. The game doesn't care that REQ4 and REQ5 aren't true, as it never looks at them. Then, since PAGE 1 loaded and ran, endquest and break keep it from ever considering the other PAGEs.
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Old February 7th, 2010, 07:52 PM

ExplorerBob ExplorerBob is offline
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Default Re: Variations in Friendliness

As you can see by the ever-increasing length of this topic, I've gone through major trouble ever since I embarked on this project. I can't be sure anymore as to whether my code is necessarily high-quality; testing things are impractical, at best. Therefore, I'm going to put the Muktian variable relation work on hold indefinitely; testing the mod isn't really fun anymore, and I want to change that. Hopefully I can come back to this part of the project with a new lease on things, and get it working to how it was before I started on the mercenaries (which messed everything up); right now, though, it's on hold and will be until I indicate otherwise.
Old February 7th, 2010, 10:43 PM

sgqwonkian sgqwonkian is offline
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Default Re: Variations in Friendliness

it's on hold and will be until I indicate otherwise.
That's a bummer, but I understand.

I got really angry with my current modding project earlier today, but stumbled across the solution just as I was about to give up. So, I hear you.
WW:RTIS & modding: http://transitivegaming.blogspot.com...abel/WW%3ARTIS
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Old July 30th, 2010, 04:12 AM

ExplorerBob ExplorerBob is offline
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Default Re: Variations in Friendliness

This project is back on. I'm attempting to recreate my original success based on the information provided earlier in the topic.
Old July 31st, 2010, 12:56 PM

sgqwonkian sgqwonkian is offline
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Default Re: Variations in Friendliness

I hope you get it working. It should shake up the game nicely, and be a lot of fun.
WW:RTIS & modding: http://transitivegaming.blogspot.com...abel/WW%3ARTIS
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Old August 6th, 2010, 05:33 AM

ExplorerBob ExplorerBob is offline
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Default Re: Variations in Friendliness

Things seem to be going okay so far, but I haven't been able to test how mercenaries affect variable relations, because they never show up when the Muktian race is in the game, and vice versa.

In other words, the same old set of problems.

Intriguingly, the Tan Ru Demolisher merc is also broken, and only shows up fifty percent of the time now (the other times, the event comes up, but you receive no new ship). Does it work that way in 001 of my official release?

- Bob
Old August 6th, 2010, 06:38 AM

ExplorerBob ExplorerBob is offline
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Default Re: Variations in Friendliness

Variable relations seem to finally be in place.

The only problem I can see are with technical factors -- such as getting them to appear in a consistent fashion, and getting them to show up without harming anything else.

I want to hone in both these things -- make it so the variable relations for sure don't affect the appearance of other events (or are in turn affected by the map's size), but the last time I went off on a project to expand this, I ended up breaking what we already had and we didn't get anything.

Thus, here's all the code relevant to making Variable Relations work.

The testing items are still in, so you get the Timeless Bauble (for loving Muktians), and a moly cone (for hateful ones) at Haven, at the beginning of the game.

Tell me what results you get -- if there's any events that show up less because of the relations, I need to know.

Installation is simple; add the lovemuk and hatemuk stuff to the quests section of the game.ini file. You may choose to modify your existing Odd Adventures installation if you wish, but these particular files should work in any mod that has Muktians.
Attached Files
File Type: zip Variablerelations.zip (1.8 KB, 593 views)

Last edited by ExplorerBob; August 6th, 2010 at 06:40 AM.. Reason: Clarified some things


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