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Old December 13th, 2000, 11:19 PM
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Default AI_DesignCreation File

OK, Finally to the point of tweaking some of the designs for my Darlok AI race. But I am severely math challenged. I have tried several different equations to figure out how the ratio of "Spaces per One" translates into how the AI will fit out a destroyer size, but to no avail. Would someone mind walking me (as well as all the others who surf this board) through how the AI would outfit their destroyer (Attack Ship) based on the Default_AI_DesignCreation early in the game - step by step based on the file entry.

Thanks in advance. . .

[This message has been edited by Tampa_Gamer (edited 13 December 2000).]
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Old December 14th, 2000, 12:13 AM

Talenn Talenn is offline
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Default Re: AI_DesignCreation File

Wow...it took me QUITE a while to sift through it but I think I have a solid grasp on it. But I dont think I could adequately explain it here.

The 'spaces per one' refers to how many of that item it will place in the ship on that particular run through the design queue. For example, if spaces per one is set to say 200 for shields, it will put one shield generator on for every 200 ktons of ship. I DD(300kt) would get 1, a CL(400kt) would get 2 and a BC(600kt) would get 3.

The 'majority component' seems to be the only one used after the 'once through' of everything in the queue...ie all other items are only added once (using the spaces per formula) and then the rest is filled in with majority component.

The easiest way I found to test it was to go into the 'Tech Areas' file, change the 'Raise Level' on the items you want to test to allow the AI to have those gadgets. Start a new game at 'medium tech' to give the starting AI the gadgets you want. Hit 'end turn' for your start race once to give the AI a turn in which to design all its ships. Then go to options, players and turn the AI players over to human control. Go through to the enemy player's turn (now under your control) and check their designs.

I hope this made sense. I understand all this stuff, but cant really explain it in writing.

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Old December 14th, 2000, 12:24 AM
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Default Re: AI_DesignCreation File

Thanks for the quick reply Talenn - actually its starting to make sense with the majority component repeating after a one run. (I think that was the part that was fouling my Excel template up that I was using to figure out the algorithm) Perhaps the secondary component repeats along with the majority. I will test this theory tonight when I get home. Thanks again!
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Old December 14th, 2000, 12:37 AM

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Default Re: AI_DesignCreation File

No, I dont think the Secondary repeats. At least not in my tests so far.

Also, note that the early entry on the list of 'Must Have Ability 1' etc are filled before it goes to the 'Majority' and 'Secondary' etc. For 'Attack' ships this is Ability:Weapon, meaning that the primary weapon type will be 1 higher than you might expect from the 'Spaces per' parameter. It also explains why the AI designs have the 'Bridge, Life Support, Crew Quarter, 4 Engines (the minimum for design), a Weapon, and then 2 more Engines (to bring to 6...the 'desired' number). From there it seems to go the the Shields, Armor and then the Majority, Secondary and so on.

Hope it helps. It really tripped me up for a while there until I was able to test it on differing ship types (I inserted my own as a 'control' to see the differences and why).

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Old December 14th, 2000, 12:44 AM
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Default Re: AI_DesignCreation File

Name := Attack Ship
Design Type := Attack Ship
Vehicle Type := Ship
Default Strategy := Optimal Firing Range
Size Minimum Tonnage := 10
Size Maximum Tonnage := 5000

-I'd say that the above is pretty straightforward.

Num Must Have At Least 1 Ability := 1

-Specifies how many abilities the design MUST have.

Must Have Ability 1 := Weapon

-As an attack ship, it must have at least one weapon.

Minimum Speed := 4
Desired Speed := 6

-Also pretty straightforward.

Majority Weapon Family Pick 1 := 9
Majority Weapon Family Pick 2 := 1
Majority Weapon Family Pick 3 := 25
Majority Weapon Family Pick 4 := 0
Majority Weapon Family Pick 5 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 1 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 2 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 3 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 4 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 5 := 0

-The number entered denotes which family (i.e. Meson BLasters, DUCs, etc.) is used as the primary armament. The AI will move on to choices 2-5 if choice 1 is unavailable. Hmmm, after going through the components file quickly, I don't see any weapons with the indicated families. Family 9 is engines, I think. Maybe it should be Majority Component, not Majority Weapon.

Shields Spaces Per One := 250
Armor Spaces Per One := 250

-How many shield and armor components to include per the indicated spaces. For example, if the AI were building a 1000kt ship, it would include 4 shield and 4 armor components (1 / 250 * 1000 = 4).

Majority Comp Spaces Per One := 200
Majority Comp Ability := Weapon
Secondary Comp Spaces Per One := 0
Secondary Comp Ability :=

-Same as above. The entry for Majority Comp Ability tells the AI what components there should be 1/200kt of. Also, these components should take up most of the space on the ship. I'm not sure if these are the same components selected with "Majority Weapon Family".

Num Misc Abilities := 11
Misc Ability 1 Name := Point-Defense
Misc Ability 1 Spaces Per One := 800
Misc Ability 2 Name := Cloak Level
Misc Ability 2 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 3 Name := Quantum Reactor
Misc Ability 3 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 4 Name := Combat To Hit Dec
Misc Ability 4 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 5 Name := Combat To Hit Add
Misc Ability 5 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 6 Name := Multiplex Tracking
Misc Ability 6 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 7 Name := Shield Regeneration
Misc Ability 7 Spaces Per One := 800
Misc Ability 8 Name := Emergency Resupply
Misc Ability 8 Spaces Per One := 800
Misc Ability 9 Name := Self-Destruct
Misc Ability 9 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 10 Name := Scanner Jammer
Misc Ability 10 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 11 Name := Supply Storage
Misc Ability 11 Spaces Per One := 500

-Lists additional things that should be added to the design, such as cloaking, QR, ECM, etc. You'll notice that some entries have values in the thousands. This is to prevent the AI from putting 2 QRs or a similar component on a ship where only one is effective. Since the maximum size defined for this type is 5000kt (see top of entry), it will never get to the 10001st kt needed to add a second QR.

I hope this helps, but I will admit that my understanding of the Majority/Secondary stuff is a little slim. I suggest taking a look at the race-specific files for a species who's armament combos you know of, and see if you can match them with what the design file says. For example, the Krill like to use Plasma Torpedoes and Shield Depleters, so check their design file and see if it matches any of the component info for PLastorps and Depleters.
Hail Caesar!

L+ GdY $? Fr! C- SdS T!+ Sf+ Tcp A% M++ MpM R!- Pw+ Fq-- Nd-- RP+ G++
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Old December 14th, 2000, 01:01 AM

Talenn Talenn is offline
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Default Re: AI_DesignCreation File


You have to look at WEAPON Family Number in the components list. Weapon Family 9 is the High Energy Discharge group.

This through some people off earlier too.

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Old December 14th, 2000, 01:12 AM
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Default Re: AI_DesignCreation File

Oh wow, I never even noticed that Last line in the entries. Thanks.
Hail Caesar!

L+ GdY $? Fr! C- SdS T!+ Sf+ Tcp A% M++ MpM R!- Pw+ Fq-- Nd-- RP+ G++
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Old December 14th, 2000, 11:24 AM
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Default Re: AI_DesignCreation File

I�ll try to explain it as far as I understand it (Noble already did a good job).

Note: To understand the way the AI builds a ship just view his designs in uncondensed view. You will see what component the AI added and in which order.


The AI will add the necessary bridge, life support and crew quarters. You cannot skip this so there is no sense in adding master computer at this time.

Name := Attack Ship
Design Type := Attack Ship
Vehicle Type := Ship
Default Strategy := Optimal Firing Range
Size Minimum Tonnage := 10
Size Maximum Tonnage := 5000

That's as simple as it looks.

Num Must Have At Least 1 Ability := 1

This line tells the AI how many "Must have Ability"-lines there are.

Must Have Ability 1 := Weapon

The AI will add 1 Weapon (always Majority Weapon) to the design. This also works for ECM and ECCM and so on. BUT! if you don't have the component THEN THE DESIGN WILL NOT BE BUILD! so be careful.

Minimum Speed := 4

Add this many engines. Actually it does not look after speed but only engines. It will add 4 quantum engines where 1 would be sufficient for speed 4.


Desired Speed := 6

Add engines until this many are reached. If the design does not allow for this many engines, fill up to the max (i.e. for a Dreadnought).

Majority Weapon Family Pick 1 := 20
Majority Weapon Family Pick 2 := 4
Majority Weapon Family Pick 3 := 25
Majority Weapon Family Pick 4 := 0
Majority Weapon Family Pick 5 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 1 := 1
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 2 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 3 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 4 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 5 := 0

Specifies what weapons should be used. Look at the "Weapon Family"-Line in the component.txt. The AI will first try to use weapon family 20 then 4 then 25 (in this example).

Shields Spaces Per One := 200

For every 200 t of Hull add one shield generator. In fact, you have to divide the hull with this value. Note that "round" is used. A destroyer with 300 tons (300 t/200 = 1.5) will use 2! shield generators.

Armor Spaces Per One := 200

Same here. The AI will always use the highest level armor available, in later games this is stealth and scatter armor. It will use this armor INSTEAD of organic and crystalline armor so if you have these races don't research armor!

Majority Comp Spaces Per One := 200
Majority Comp Ability := Weapon

Here the AI gets to know that we want to add a "Majority Weapon" (see above) for every 200 t of hull. If you enter "cargo storage" here, you will get a freighter (the AI then uses a transport). If you use "launch/recover fighters" it will use a carrier hull.
Here is the point the MM design files are "crippled": Lets take a cruiser. There are 500t of hull. 500/200 = 2.5. The AI will use 3 main weapons. But the Ai fill use 3 weapons OF THE LARGEST MOUNT AVAILABLE! Oh, oh, many weapons on bigger mounts do weight above 100t. 3 times such a weapon and the hull is filled. That is exactly what the AI is doing. And - since there is no more space available- it will skip all what is coming above this line.

Secondary Comp Spaces Per One := 250
Secondary Comp Ability := Weapon

See above. Same as "Majority".

Num Misc Abilities := 10

The number of "Misc Abilities" to come.

Misc Ability 1 Name := Point-Defense
Misc Ability 1 Spaces Per One := 800
Misc Ability 2 Name := Cloak Level
Misc Ability 2 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 3 Name := Quantum Reactor
Misc Ability 3 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 4 Name := Combat To Hit Dec
Misc Ability 4 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 5 Name := Combat To Hit Add
Misc Ability 5 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 6 Name := Multiplex Tracking
Misc Ability 6 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 7 Name := Shield Regeneration
Misc Ability 7 Spaces Per One := 800
Misc Ability 8 Name := Emergency Resupply
Misc Ability 8 Spaces Per One := 800
Misc Ability 9 Name := Scanner Jammer
Misc Ability 9 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 10 Name := Supply Storage
Misc Ability 10 Spaces Per One := 500

10000 probably means "add 1 every time and ONLY 1". Most of the time the AI does not reach the "Misc Abilities" as there is no more room available.


The AI will now fill the design with the "Majority Comp". If none is defined it will fill up with shield generators. There is a little bug in this: The AI will only fill up with standard shield generators, not with phased ones. I have e-mailed MM about this.

Hope this helps.

[This message has been edited by [K126]Mephisto (edited 14 December 2000).]
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Old December 14th, 2000, 01:50 PM
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Default Re: AI_DesignCreation File

Thanks for your help everyone - I have not been this addicted for quite some time. Actually, now that I think about it the Last one was another Shrapnel game - AoA:WDK 2k - Looking forward to the 19th!
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Old December 14th, 2000, 07:00 PM

Baron Munchausen Baron Munchausen is offline
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Default Re: AI_DesignCreation File

There's one more quirk to the AI design process, Mephisto. Each of those Misc. abilities is looked for in available components and added SEPERATELY without checking if the ship already has the ability. If you created ships with inherent stealth abilities (like the "Super Stealth" races in Stars! have) then the AI would still put a cloaking device in them even if it was no better than the hull's inherent ability. And, if you created "integrated" components with several abilities, say combat sensors and ECM in one unit, it would put TWO of this component in the ship. Yeah, it looks mechanically for each ability and mindlessly adds a component with the ability. A simple loop. I'm not sure how you would fix that. It looks for the _best_ available ability each time, of course. It would have to do some sort of check of the ship in each go-round, I guess, comparing the ship's current abilities with the component. But sometimes you might want to duplicate abilities, too.... hmm. Sounds like a candidate for a new setting in the ship design list. "Can duplicate abilities" or something like that.

[This message has been edited by Baron Munchausen (edited 14 December 2000).]
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