Every scenario although different plays the same. What am I not doing right?
Firstly ASL was a great game but games should play diffrently.
Yes basic mechanics are the same but would say the following.
Vary your forces & tactics to suit if you always play the same using same tactics then of course the game will play similary.
So take advantage of the strengths of your force nation.
Things that will impact on the game before you mess with prefs.
Your force
Tank heavy or light
Troop transport none, trucks, or halftracks
Arty none, sensible, silly amounts.
If you are willing to not get a decisive vic straight away but in fact give yourself a harder time to develop tactics for a few games you will then find they start to come.
I would suggest this route not PBEM as if anything you will do worse.
Perservere a bit & treat it like boot camp experimenting to see what works.