Originally Posted by FloodNZ
I have a question regarding the number of men in a squad. Now I understand what 'size' means so that a squad with size 0 is harder to spot than size 1 or 2. But the question I have is does the amount of men in a squad have any more effectiveness than a smaller squad? If not then why do some OOB's like the Polish 1939 one have 19 men in a squad? Is this purely to create bigger companies to show poorer command and control?
see Mobhack help, weapons tab section, for weapon class 1 in weapon slot 1. A section with more men hits harder (especially as range decreases), but suppressing it only takes the one firer.
Large sections for the 39 Polish covers the WW1 style of organisation with a few large sections to a platoon, deployed close together. They change to a more modern platoon organisation later on.