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Old January 25th, 2009, 10:01 AM
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Default DAR-Germany vs. UK Long Campaign 44-45

Please bear with me. This is my first DAR.
I hope you enjoy the reading.

Additions to my first two maps, I will attach the word document with the military symbols that I have used, for those that maybe not is familiar with these.
I have also attached the document for Military symbols, for those of you that have interest in this sort of literature.

I have also attached the document for Military symbols, for those of you that have interest in this sort of literature.

DAR – Long campaign June 44 – May 45.
Germany vs. UK – Meeting engagement June 44, Normandy.
1 of 20.

German forces (Me) core:
3 FJg recon sections mounted on Sdkfz 251/1
1 Company of Pzkw Panther G, reduced to 2 platoons
1 Company of Pzkw VI Tiger, reduced to 1 platoon
1 Company of Kingtiger, reduced to 1 platoon
4 Platoons of Brandenburger (Mounted on Panther, Tiger and Tiger II)
1 Support Company of 2 platoons of Stug IV and 1 platoon of Brummbaer
2 sections of Brandenburger (Mounted on Stug IV)
1 Company of SS PZGren, mounted on independent Sdkfz 251/1 (Each independent Skfz platoon has one Sdkfz 251/17 20mm AA)
3 Sections of Flammpanzer III (2 vehicles in each)
1 Platoon of StuH 42 Ausf G
2 Platoons of FJg SturmPi, mounted on independent Sdkfz 251/1 with Sdkfz 251/17.
2 Sdkfz 250/12 FO
2 Batteries of Pzh 18 Wespe
2 Batteries of Brummbaer
4 Sections of Sdkfz 252 LGM
3 Platoons of Sdkfz 251/1 Rak
3 17Cm Batteries
1 Batterie Karl – Morser
2 Sections of Moebelwagon-2cm
2 Sections of Moebelwagon-3cm

2 Section of HS 129 B-2 (4 airplanes)
1 Recon plane FW 189 UhU
3 Platoons of FJg
1 Section of Pzkw IVj (2 tanks)
1 Section of FJg PAW 7,5cm (2)
1 Platoon of 7,5cm PaK 40
2 Sections of 15cm sIG 33 (2 in each)
1 Schwimmwagen (for my HQ)

UK forces (AI):
Intel: None

Battlefield conditions:
Map 200 x 160, visibility 38, turns 41.

My intention:
I will use my armor to spearhead into three attack sectors. Each tank platoon has a Brandenburger platoon mounted on as security and close combat support. I will use the roads and railways to advance so fast and deep in to the combat areas that is possible before contact is made.

My line is thin, and stretch to the limit. Between my three panzer strikes I will use mechanized infantry, supported by Stug and StuH, these supported units are marked as combined arms on the map, since I couldn’t find any more suitable markings, the alternative would be armored artillery, but they do not have that role in this scenario.

The map is rather large, with 1 hill, and three crossroads as my primary objectives in the first face of the battle.
These areas are the main areas for my further operations. These areas are marked on my operation maps 1 and 2. I will designate these areas as 201, 201/1, 202 and 203.

In the northern end of the map, there runs a canal, running east to west, with only a bout 800 to 1000m of land above it. I expect enemy recon forces here, but not in strength.
I deploy a mechanized recon platoon here, with two Moebelwagon AA with 30mm as support. My Intel was wrong. This I will come back to.

In the southern end of the map I also expected an enemy recon force, but not in strength. My intel was wrong here to. More to follow.

On the south end of the canal I will deploy a Panther platoon, with my company leaders (2 Panthers) as a flanking defense, and over watch to the land area north of the canal (see map 201). The other Panther platoon advanced right south of this hill, due west to the northern hill and victory objectives (see map 201/1). In support of this Panther platoon I have two Flammpanzer III, and two Moebelwagon-2cm. To the Northern trust I have 1 platoon of Sdkfz 251/1 Rak. These have limited range, so they have to follow the spearhead and go in positions when contact is made with enemy units.
My goal is to cut of the northern enemy forces that are north of objective 201/1 in the village, and on the other side of the canal, since I here will hold the bridge as soon as the village is captured.

Due south of this spearhead I have my Tigers; the battle group is similar to the advancing Panther platoon (see map 202). They will hold and secure.

In the center follows three combined forces with Stug IV, Brummbaer and StuH 42 Ausf G. They are supported by mechanized infantry, in this case SS Panzer Grenadiers. There are also 2 Platoons of FJg Sturm Pioneer, supported by two Flammpanzer III. They will hold and deploy on first contact.

The last two platoons of Sdkfz 251/1 Rak are in support in the center.

South of these three combined forces I have my Tiger II (see map 203). They will hold and secure.

The southern end of the area I have my light units of recon forces, FJg platoons, PaK and PAW. Here I also have my sIG 33. My only mobile support in this area is two Moebelwagon-2cm and two Pzkw IVj. They will advance, and deploy before contact, since I send a section of recon in front of this mixed units. This is also the only sector that I don’t have enough vehicles to my infantry, I prioritized the vehicles to my heavy equipment. This is the sector the most dreadful battle was fought after I made contact with the enemy. More to follow.
Attached Thumbnails
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Name:	01 Staging area-Plan and face 1_North.jpg
Views:	318
Size:	95.9 KB
ID:	7622   Click image for larger version

Name:	02 Staging area-Plan and face 1_Senter and south.jpg
Views:	314
Size:	96.0 KB
ID:	7623  
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Old January 25th, 2009, 09:10 PM
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Thumbs up Re: DAR-Germany vs. UK Long Campaign 44-45

I'll be watching for the next SITREP Commander, to be sure blood will flow!!

Nice map support.

Bob out
Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob

"Whenever in future wars the battle is fought, panzer troops will play the decisive role..."
Heinz Guderian, General der Panzertruppe
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Old January 25th, 2009, 10:17 PM
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Default Re: DAR-Germany vs. UK Long Campaign 44-45

Nice use of symbols me to lazy. Thats one serious lump of arty you have attached to your core if I read it right you have the equivalent of about 2 armour & 3+ inf companies
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Old January 26th, 2009, 06:18 PM
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Default Re: DAR-Germany vs. UK Long Campaign 44-45

Here it is Bob
Nice use of symbols me to lazy. Thats one serious lump of arty you have attached to your core if I read it right you have the equivalent of about 2 armour & 3+ inf companies
Yepp, I have a god lump of arty.
The enemy have more
And he is using it ad-mass.

Sounds just about right your estimate of my forces Imp.

Glad you liked the maps
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Old January 26th, 2009, 06:19 PM
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Default Re: DAR-Germany vs. UK Long Campaign 44-45

The first face of the advance went almost as planned.
The enemy had many light armored recon forces, which reach my objectives before my forces did. It was specially these units that created a threat against my objectives in the rear area, since I had no forces to defend these objectives, they are fast moving.

As you will read later on in this DAR, enemy forces have breach my line, and is now roaming my rear areas.

My Panthers reach their first main objective, hill 201 and hill 201/1.
The Panthers on hill 201 engaged enemy tanks coming out of the forest 4 to 500meter west of the hill; it was at least two platoons of Cromwell 1 and VII (see map 201/2). Here I also had one Brandenburger platoon, advancing along the road in to the forest. They engaged the enemy armor. One of my Brandenburger knock`t out 3 tanks, and some infantry units and have a total kill of 7. Couldn’t be more proud of them.

The Panthers also engaged enemy recon forces north of the canal, but there were only a few places where some of my tanks had LOS to the road on that sector.

My recon forces came in contact with light armored enemy recon forces, and manage to stop their advance, but I lost 2 of my 3 sections here (See map 101/1). After a while I had to redraw my forces back to the staging area, and back over the bridge where they have moved in to a defensive position (see map 101). I have no spare troops to reinforce this battered combat group, and may have to blow up the bridge.

My main concern is the Achilles that may be left in this northern sector.
My panthers got two of them. With their 17 pounder gun, they throw quite a punch, and are quite a concern for me right now.

Other enemy forces north of the canal were Staghound, Daimler Dingo and Humber Mk.IV. About 7 of these vehicles was engaged and destroyed.

But I have now pulled them of hill 201, and they are moving west towards the town north of hill 201/1, I have only two Brandenburger teams in support, and no other infantry units to spare. They are all engaged along the frontline. My plan is to use all my arty on this town, before moving my units in. This means moving one platoon of Sdkfz 251/1 Rak up closer to the front for support. This is a risk, since I’m not having full control of this area.

When the town is reached, I will secure it and the bridge, then I has isolated the remaining enemy forces there (See map 201/3).

My second Panther platoon reach hill 201/1 pretty easy, taking the victory areas east of the hill and on the hill. Here I disembarked my Brandenburger units, to secure my Panthers. My Panther Company vehicles I placed in a defensive position in front of the tree line (See map 201/4), to secure the victory area and have an over watch on 201.

Enemy forces are strong in this sector. I lost two of my Panthers to a 6 pound AT gun; this is placed in the town north of 201. I had to pull out my remaining Panthers since the hill was about to be run over by enemy forces, I have three Brandenburger units left on this hill. Suddenly it was swarming with enemy armor, Staghounds, VC Firefly (again and awesome 17 pounder), Humber Mk.IV, Bren Carriers and Daimler Dingoes. And at least 1 company of Paras, and they have made my life hard here. I have lost one Flammpanzer III and one Moebelwagon-3,7cm defending 201/4. There are also regular infantry here, but I’m uncertain of what strength they may have.

The situation in this area is that I’m still holding 201/4, I will await further advance to take 201/1 until the town is secured.

In the sector south of My Panther Company I have one platoon of Tigers, set up in a Company formation, with two Flammpanzer III and Moebelwagon-2cm in support.
My Tigers have one platoon of Brandenburgers in support for close defense and security.
They reach 202 with ease, and met no resistance. I moved two Tigers up the hill (See map 202/1), where they engaged and took out 4 Humber Mk.IV. The rest of the Tigers moved to the hill (see map 202/2) and took up a defensive position. This sector is quiet, but there are heavy fighting north and south of this sector, so I have left two Tigers and my Brandenburgers in a defensive position in 202/2, and moved two Tigers to the north, and two to the south to support my forces there.

South of my reduced Tiger Company I have three combined put together forces, it was in this sector the enemy have breach my line (red arrow at map), and have now at least two fast moving armored vehicles driving around. They have already knocked out at least two Sdkf 251/1.
I encountered light armored recon forces all over the sector here. There was at least one platoon of Daimler A/C, one Humber Mk.IV, one Stuart VI, one AEC Mk II and Daimler Dingoes. They managed to slow me down, and regroup. They came right at me; they came right in to my southern flank, and through the town. This helped the enemy to get some of their heavy armor up to the front, and I am now confronting Churchill IV and VII. My StuG and StuH don’t have enough punch to knock these out, but two of the Tigers that I sendt south from 202/2 engaged and knocked out two Churchill VII and one Churchill AOP. There is at least one platoon of Churchill’s in this sector, and recon has told me that there are at least two platoons south of this area. I have designated whole this area 301 for the first contact, and 301/1 for the second. Its in 301/1 I’m against the Churchill’s. Im in hard fighting against superior numbers of infantry in 301/2, but I have reached the victory objectives in 301/3 with two StuG. I will pull these StuG out, and strengthen the area when the enemy is beaten in 301/2.

I have lost one StuH, and several Sdkfz 251/1 in this area. And my infantry is engaging scattered enemy infantry forces all along this section.

Right now I’m holding, and are about to consolidate my forces in this area.

South of this sector I have my Tiger II platoon, set up in a Company formation, but with no support. They have one objective. That is to secure 203, and hold. When the areas north of the town were secured, they would move west, and secure the area 203/1. After a while they did, and was suddenly in contact with light Stuart IV and the heavier Churchill’s. As we speak, they are now in close contact with several heavy tanks.

There are also enemy infantry in the area, but my Brandenburger platoon, mounted on my Tiger II are dealing with them.

The southern end of my area is the sector where the most fearful battles have been taking place, and where the enemy breakthrough was imminent. This was also my weakest area when it comes to mobile forces. I have only two Pzkw IVj here.

My plan was to move my forces to the town (see map name OBJ) and deploy in and outside of it, and make it a strongpoint. Enemy recon advancing fast forced me to group out and prepare for battle. Luckily my recon forces spotted the enemy forces. In the eastern end of the town I lost both my recon sections to enemy fire, but they knocked out at least one Staghound. I prepared for battle east of the town, but miscalculated the enemy advance.
I prepared my forces in two battlegroups, with my PaK in group 1 (see map), and my sIG 33 in group two (see map), with supporting infantry. My thought was that only enemy infantry would advance in the area to group 2, and their armor in to the sector of group 1. I was wrong. The enemy advanced on a broad front, turning south after clearing the town and my sIG was helpless against their armor. My PaK 40 with their 7,5cm did a good job, also my Panzer 4 did until one of them was damaged and lost its main gun. I tried to pull it out, but it got shot up in the retreat. I also lost two Moebelwagon-2cm, three Sdkfz 251/1 and one Sdkfz 251/17. Later on I managed to get a platoon of Brummbaer in from my center group. One was lost to enemy artillery. I rushed two Tiger II down, and they managed to knock out the remaining enemy tanks. One, maybe two rounds more and the enemy would have breach my line, and drove inlands. My panzers wouldn’t be able to catch up, to these fast vehicles. My PaK and sIG, and my supporting infantry was at this time pretty messed up, and broken. They are now back in the line.

Known enemy losses in this area:
4 Staghounds
4 M10
4-5 Stuart VII
2 Daimler Dingo
2 Humber Mk.IV
3 Daimler A/C

These are the losses that I know about.
Many had infantry mounted on, there are possible some of these units disappeared when their vehicle was knocked out.

The few surviving enemy infantry was dealt with.

Enemy Intel so far:
There are numerous enemy tanks in the rear area, spotted by my air-raids.
Enemy AA is strong, there are 40mm all over the battlefield, and many of them are mobile.

The enemy outguns me when it comes to arty. There are at least 3, maybe 4 155mm OB batteries. There are at least one 155mm on-board battery, and one Sexton platoon.
The enemy also has at least 2 batteries of medium size, and numerous 81mm mortars.
There is at least one squadron of airstrike facing me.

When it comes to enemy infantry, I expect that they outnumber me 3 to 1, at least.
My only chance is to get my rocket arty in position; this is risky since they have to move close to the fighting, and because of the enemy vehicles in my rear area.

More to follow.

Attached Thumbnails
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Name:	Oplan 2_North.jpg
Views:	273
Size:	95.1 KB
ID:	7634   Click image for larger version

Name:	Oplan 2_Senter and south.jpg
Views:	267
Size:	95.8 KB
ID:	7635  

Last edited by m113apc; January 26th, 2009 at 06:34 PM..
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Old January 27th, 2009, 01:13 PM
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Thumbs up Re: DAR-Germany vs. UK Long Campaign 44-45

Wow! It look's like you are getting all the battle you can handle. This is a very good DAR to read. Keep up the hard work!

"One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic."
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Old January 27th, 2009, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: DAR-Germany vs. UK Long Campaign 44-45

My troops rest tonight. The fight continues tomorrow.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabris, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!
(My favorite Latin proverb!)

Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; to our sons, ambition; but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express." -Joseph Addison
(I have a daughter; I had to put this on)
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Old January 30th, 2009, 04:38 AM
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Talking Re: DAR-Germany vs. UK Long Campaign 44-45

Excellent AAR, sounds like the Enemy has slipped a Recce Coy right into your AOR. I don't recall any JABO's yet, watch out for your Tigers!!

Bob out
Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob

"Whenever in future wars the battle is fought, panzer troops will play the decisive role..."
Heinz Guderian, General der Panzertruppe
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Old January 31st, 2009, 07:55 AM
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Default Re: DAR-Germany vs. UK Long Campaign 44-45

The Battle continues.

My forces that was holding hill 201, have now reached 201/3.
I control the north end of the village, and have now two panthers securing the bridge over the canal. There are still some scattered units in the village. I also engaged and knocked out an Achilles TD. There are still no sign of the AT gun that knocked out two of my Panthers on the hill 201/1. My arty barrage of the town failed, because all my arty are now engaged all along the frontline. I had no arty to spare for this fire mission. My Panther platoon in the village only has two Brandenburger teams for support. That is not much help for my Panthers spotting enemy infantry in the village. The plan for this unit now, is the advance on the road westwards and break south north of the last victory area designated 201/5. I will leave my company HQ (2 Panthers) to secure the bridge.

I’m still in contact with enemy infantry in 201/4. This means that I have not been able to advance against 201/1 and secure the high ground. I have rushed two tigers from 202/2 to support the forces in 201/4. The two Tigers from 202/2 have been replaced by the two Tigers that I sent south from 202/2 to support the forces in 301/1. They will secure the intersection south of 201/2. I’m in the process of erase the enemy infantry between 201/1 – 201/4. When they are dealt with, I will advance with my remaining Panthers (2) and the two Tigers and take 201/1. My Intel about the enemy strength in this area is at best limited.

There are no activities in 202/2.
Recon forces have made contact with the enemy Bn HQ in the village west of 202/2, and one 17 ponder AT gun. I’m advancing in with one Brandenburger platoon and some FJg sections.

There are no activities in 301/1.

I’m engaged in fearful battles in the two intersections west of 301/2, and the open area south of the road leading to 301/2. Most of my forces from 301 are now advancing to 301/2, to support the remaining battered forces there. My StuG and StuH are in support of my ground forces and have taken up positions east of 301/3, and as a security force to hold the victory area in 301/1. I had to rush in my Sdkfz 251/1 to stop the masses in 301/2. They have taken up positions north west and south east of this area. This have already cost me one APC. I have two StuG advancing from 301/3 westwards, their objective is to engage enemy arty positioned at the end of the battlefield. There is at least one battery of 155 and one Sexton there. My own arty took out two 155, but they are now in use other places where they are needed. The enemy arty is cruel, and makes my operations difficult. There will be now further advance out of 301/2 and the area west to 301/2. They will hold their positions.

My forces in 203/1 are also scattered along the frontline.
I had one Tiger II in the intersection west of 203/1, two in support between 203/1 and 301/2, and the two Tiger II that was sent to support my forces south to area 1 and 2.

My Tiger II in 203/1 came in contact with 3 Churchill’s and a platoon (-) infantry.
My Intel from earlier also told me that there were at least one platoon of Churchill’s south west of this area. I had to initiate a delaying action in 203/1 to the support could arrive. In this sector I really had to micromanaging my platoon and supporting forces.

My Tiger II in 203/1 continued the delay, got in contact several times with these Churchill’s, but managed to stay alive, despite all the hits it took. He also managed to hit the enemy tanks several times, without damaging or knocking out any of them.

I also made contact with enemy tanks in the intersection south of 203/1.

See map for individual tank and armor symbols.

I managed to position one tiger in the forest belt south of 203/1, this tank engaged and knocked out two Churchill’s and are holding its position to secure the flank of 203/1. I have one east of this one engaging enemy tanks and infantry in the intersection south 203/1. After a while I also managed to get my Brummbaer in position south of 203/1, and my remaining Panzer IV.

The area is secure for now; there are some scattered units of infantry left, and at least one platoon of tanks.

My FJg are now marching east through the southern village, and will set up a defensive position in the western end of town.

My PaK in sector 1 are now being moved to the high ground between sector 1 and 203/1.
One FJ coy (-) are being moved in to the village in 203/1.

There have been several airstrikes on my arty, so some of them are being moved; this reduces my badly needed support.

The enemies that breach my line are being managed with.

Moving my few Tigers and Tiger II between the sectors with heavy enemy contact have also showed me with big certainty that there are small breaches of enemy infantry between my main contact points, since I numerous times have been halted, or taken under attack by scattered elements. This is a risk for my tanks, but its matter of necessity to do this.

The fun part for me, is the historical aspect of this, since these tanks really had this role during WWII, to function as a fire brigade, where needed.

More to follow.

Attached Thumbnails
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Name:	Oplan 2_North_face2.jpg
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Size:	95.4 KB
ID:	7663   Click image for larger version

Name:	Oplan 2_Senter and south_face2.jpg
Views:	242
Size:	95.9 KB
ID:	7664  
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabris, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!
(My favorite Latin proverb!)

Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; to our sons, ambition; but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express." -Joseph Addison
(I have a daughter; I had to put this on)

Last edited by m113apc; January 31st, 2009 at 08:05 AM..
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Old January 31st, 2009, 09:14 PM
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Default Re: DAR-Germany vs. UK Long Campaign 44-45

201/3 is taken.
The 6 pounder AT gun that got two of my Panthers on hill 201/1 was located and destroyed.

My Panther Company HQ are now securing the bridge, and engaging enemy infantry that is trying to cross it from north.

One Panther platoon is now heading for 201/5 along the road and has meth no resistance yet.

Scattered infantry units have made it through my defense in 201/4 and taken 201/5.
They were dealt with. I lost two Flammpanzer III in this attempt.

The enemy has rushed in motorized infantry to the southern part of 201/1.
There is at least one enemy Company (-) of strength in force in this area. I have two Panthers and three Tigers engaging them in a delaying action, so my arty can start pounding them.

Enemy Bn HQ in the village east of 202/2 is destroyed, so is two 17 pounder guns.
One of them immobilized one of my Tigers. A platoon of Brandenburgers is now taking up defensive positions in the village.

The battle in 301/2 is fears.
I have all the forces that I can spare in this area now.
The enemy has brought in a stream of infantry, and now I’m facing at least one Churchill also. My FJ pioneer coy has arrived, but when they were in the process of moving in to their sectors the enemy brought inn all his arty on my staging area.
So now they are getting pounded by 155mm, 25 pounders and 81mm.

I have also assigned one Tiger from the village north of 301/3, and one Tiger II that have been hunting for enemy armor in 301.

Enemy has retaken 301/3 with about two platoons of infantry, and one mobile 40mm AA. My StuG and some Sdkfz 251/1 positioned between 301/2 and 301/3 are engaging these forces as we speak.
Arty support has been requested.

I lost on StuG to enemy AA (Bofors 40mm) west of 301/3.
The other StuG made it to the enemy positions of arty in the far edge of the battlefield.
It knocked out two Sextons.

All the enemy forces have been dealt with in 203/1 and 203/2.
My FJ now located in the far west of the southern town have given me Intel of several mobile 40 mm AA moving against 203/2.

The indication is that the enemies now are throwing everything at me.

One of my Sdkfz 251/1 on a recon mission was engaged by a Churchill south of 201/5, but not hit. My guess is that there is enemy armor getting ready to attack me in this sector.

There are also indications of several motorized units, and some mechanized pushing for the frontline several other places.

I’m running low on ammo on several of my tanks and support vehicles, and have only my MG to hold the enemy.

My forces are now so thin spread that you probably could drive a Company through my frontline, without me noticing.

My Tiger’s and Tiger II are rushed between the sectors, to prevent a enemy breakthrough.

My forces all along the frontline are now battered and worn out.
My hops is that the destruction of the enemy Bn HQ will help me out a bit, especially the paras are a nut to crack, they are even worse since I almost have no infantry to spare for my armor protection. There have been several attempts of close attacks on my armor by infantry that have sneaked up on me.

Enemy Typhoons have been beating up my Wespe batteries.
I must take a risk, and letting them stay to finish up their assigned fire missions.

More to follow.

Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabris, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!
(My favorite Latin proverb!)

Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; to our sons, ambition; but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express." -Joseph Addison
(I have a daughter; I had to put this on)
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