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Old January 4th, 2009, 05:41 PM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP

I don't mind the idea of a super powerful summon that is supposed to be the dragon's god being brought back into the world. But I would make the casting requirements even higher. Say 9 astral, 9 death, and instead of making it a summon make it a different path, like enchantment. Although it would be better if it was a path that really didn't help the dragons otherwise, like thaumaturgy.

Oh I didn't get far enough to summon in that game, I'm going to start over with the pretender I suggested (I used one more rainbow with inferior magic paths that just wasn't going anywhere fast), and see if I can do better. Hopefully I'll even get a starting army this time.
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Old January 4th, 2009, 07:10 PM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP

Someone seems to have pushed a sloth dominion onto me, I can't for the life of me muster the willpower to set all those provinces by hand. I did my first today, hopefully as I do more it will feel less painful... I think I need to get some things organized first so the task seems less monumental.
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Old January 6th, 2009, 05:33 AM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP

The organization work I needed to do is done and I have gotten a few more provinces completed. Hopefully I'll have a day soon with more time available in it where I can sit down and do more than a few provinces without having to run off for some reason or another. I haven't really had time to test much either, maybe I shouldn't have gotten myself into all those games.

On a different note, how are all the other nations coming along? It's been a long time since I've seen anything about the ermor nation, and what ever happened to aboleths/neoclidia? How are the pirians coming along? And finally, any more thoughts about the evolution of machaka?
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Old January 6th, 2009, 07:54 AM
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Default Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP

@machaka: They're an Africa-esque nation, right? Why not 'update' them? My vision(please don't make me do Machaka, please!) of Machaka is this: A nation that has come back from a massive civil war. The many tribes, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, have finally unified under Machaka.

The tribes in general have less-powerful weaponry (one tribe might not). However, they are numerous, very numerous, and the order of the Black Sorcerers has returned. Machaka would have a lot of magic diversity, though each mage would have roughly the magic diversity of Ermor (ie, you get an okay amount in one path, or very little in two). And I have to leave so I'll finish this up later (I ended up writing the bottom part first).

For the nations, I've got two Pirians done (the two heros). I thought I did the pretender too, but no. With winter break gone, I might work on them a bit more (I'd say less but that's not possible to do). As to Neoclidia, it's about finished. I forgot to update it for the forest-provinces, though, so I may get around to that too (or Aezeal might do it I guess since I posted "full" Neoclidia a while ago.
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Old January 6th, 2009, 04:53 PM

Aezeal Aezeal is offline
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Default Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP

Hey, I must have missed the whole neoclidia mod then? you mean the whole dm file or the sprites too (I'm sure I've not seen the sprites)

where is it?
Want a blend of fantasy and sci-fi? Try the total conversion Dominions 3000 mod with a new and fully modded solar system map.
Dragons wanted? Try the Dragons, Magic Incarnate nation.
New and different undead nation? Try Souls of Shiar. Including new powerfull holy magic.
In for a whole new sort of game? Then try my scenario map Gang Wars.
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Old January 7th, 2009, 05:54 PM
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Default Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP

Here's a .zip. It has both the text and .dm file. No sprites though. Never any sprites. I need a professional spriter or something. Maybe I can go into the year 3000 and steal a weather control droid from Ulm to sprite for me
Attached Files
File Type: zip Neoclidia, Great Old Ones.zip (8.5 KB, 102 views)
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Old January 7th, 2009, 06:01 PM

Aezeal Aezeal is offline
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Default Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP

hmm without sprites you can't play it , I assume Pirians don't have sprites either then... we need an artist taking interest in dom 3K

IS there a solution on the way for the sprites? Do you have pictures on the net that can be used as sprites?

- maybe r'leyh sprites from teh void gate (down side is that r'lyeh and their voud gate and it's summons are still in the game
- other sprites on the net? Once I have some time I could try to extract spirites from certain pictures if you point me to them.. perferably shots from a side (as dom sprites) if I need to alterstuff it's probably not gonna work.

I've read through the file and I love it, only thing not viable is spaceships not being able to go to land provinces, they just can do that and we can't stop it.. you could make a landshape with lower AP, and movement though. And we do need forest shapes (if the unit needs it I assume most ancient ones, old ones and ships don't mind about being in space (unless you want the ships to be weaker on land which probably is a good idea)) maybe even make more other troops better suited to space making this a real space nation but weaker on land.. but with a few troops good on land (and put those and some space troop in PD)
Want a blend of fantasy and sci-fi? Try the total conversion Dominions 3000 mod with a new and fully modded solar system map.
Dragons wanted? Try the Dragons, Magic Incarnate nation.
New and different undead nation? Try Souls of Shiar. Including new powerfull holy magic.
In for a whole new sort of game? Then try my scenario map Gang Wars.
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Old January 7th, 2009, 06:07 PM
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Default Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP

I might be able to forage some sprites, but it would take some time. Time better spent procrastinating I might go through it at some point, but I doubt I could ever summon up the willpower to surf the 'net for good ship sprites.

In fact, I'm almost feeling energetic enough to start right now. I have other stuff to do, unfortunately.
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Old January 7th, 2009, 06:09 PM

Aezeal Aezeal is offline
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Default Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP

Pirians will probably be easier I guess :d just something with a fiery flare about it ... and then just scale it with increasing size.. lol a whole nation based on the same sprite
Want a blend of fantasy and sci-fi? Try the total conversion Dominions 3000 mod with a new and fully modded solar system map.
Dragons wanted? Try the Dragons, Magic Incarnate nation.
New and different undead nation? Try Souls of Shiar. Including new powerfull holy magic.
In for a whole new sort of game? Then try my scenario map Gang Wars.
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Old January 7th, 2009, 06:23 PM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP

Yeah there are dominions sprites that I know would work at least as placeholders. I used them in a mod I occasionally fiddle with.
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