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Old May 20th, 2008, 03:35 PM
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Default Re: Modding shortlist

Maraxus said:

What do you mean with "Wither". Exactly as written (which is something new), or the "Can not leave it's home province for too long" as we know it from Naiads, etc?

Preferably it wouldn't have a home, thus the command name of wither. A command which provided a home(safety_net) would more appropiately be called #roots {NUM_1 thru NUM_10}. Either way would be nice.
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Old May 20th, 2008, 05:51 PM
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Default Re: Modding shortlist

I'll try to cobble together a modding shortlist starting sometime next week. Can't do it before then due to time constraints.
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Old June 1st, 2008, 04:18 AM
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Default Re: Modding shortlist

#hero1name "Bob" , #hero2name "Walk Away Renee" etc please .

Also, we desperately need the ability to add custom independent unit recruitment sites, and the ability to add new independent population types. Thanks .
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Old June 1st, 2008, 06:16 AM
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Default Re: Modding shortlist

My wishlist :

* A #copy command, and if possible a #onebattlespell command usable for item modding.

* A #scriptedonly command for spells, making AI only cast them if scripted, eventually also giving them an huge value if scripted reducing their chances to be overwrited, or some better commands to alter spell AI behavior for modded battle spells, or some changes in the way AI consider the value of added spells (it looks like some composed buffs get incredible values even if the target is already affected by the same non cumulative effects, and some unusual effects get a so small one they are overwrited even by level 0 cantrips).

#buffs/mallus with limited duration (would be cool if using the cloud effect for limited duration + aoe 0 for a personnal spell could make the "personnal cloud" move with the target, instead of the buff/mallus vanishing when targets move) -probably too much work to implement that just for the few modders who make spells, I just mention it in case it's easily doable, and as it may be the base of a whole category of new vanilla spells
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Old June 2nd, 2008, 01:33 PM

Maraxus Maraxus is offline
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Default Re: Modding shortlist

I'd like to have a wish of moderate urgendness:

#landshape <creature id> and
#watershape <creature id>
Request for modding access to the effect that makes Oceania's troops change shape when they get to land (and back when they go to water again)

Or, if this would be possible make a new feature-possiblity out of it:
#terrainshape <terrain id> <creature id>
This command would then be able to shape your creature when you move it into the specified terrain-type, useful for mosters that are supposed to have a cave and mountain based combat bonus for example. To prevent huge lists of this command (the creature is supposed to change back when it then moves into anything not the specified terrain), a bitmask might be useful for terrain id.
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Old June 2nd, 2008, 08:14 PM
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Default Re: Modding shortlist

I don't have time to curate such a list atm, but would be happy to do so in priciple, maybe a month down the line if no-one else has done so.

The crucial distinction we'd need to draw, I think, would be between requests for modscript implementation of existing functionality, and requests for new functinoality.

All else being equal, a mod script command to implement an existing game feature is going to be pretty straightforward.

New features may be more entertaining but in any case are going to take, all else being equal, a lot more work to implement.
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Old June 3rd, 2008, 03:01 AM
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Default Re: Modding shortlist

I'll be taking this up soon. I need to get the 3.17 DB up to snuff and release it, which is going to take a while since there will be formatting changes that translate to formula changes, which are a pain in the arse.

I expect I could get a preliminary modding shortlist done by the beginning of July and then maintaining that would not be a lot of work. It's getting it done in the first place that is. I've been busy with RL stuff that I got rid of last night finally, so this leaves more time for this.

DrP's point about categorizing requests is important. With good design of a shortlist, it will be easy to do. I expect that we will also hear from Illwinter on what they would like and where they want the modding shortlist to go.
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Old June 8th, 2008, 08:36 PM

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Default Re: Modding shortlist

I'm happy to help however I can.

I think we need to be fairly clear about which features are a priority amongst modders. A #unique tag for instance isn't a major priority because it's not going to be used that often and it can be simulated using copystats with very few side effects. Assigning a number value to the #cold and #heat auras on the other hand is somewhat higher priority.
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Old June 9th, 2008, 01:40 AM
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Default Re: Modding shortlist

Yep. Heat and cold with value, armor assignment by number, the already suggested #heroX <nbr> "Name" would be great. There are some other things that would make nation modding and moving them around different eras a lot easier, but that would mainly apply to the existing nations and modifying the current source code so that brief, summary and desription were tied to nation number.

I'll draw up a preliminary list at the end of June. This week will be spent finishing up 3.17 DB and then restoring an upgraded Better Independents mod, perhaps also restoring the Faerun map. The next week I'll be on vacation and offline.
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Old June 10th, 2008, 08:20 PM

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Default Re: Modding shortlist

Thanks for compiling the list Edi. A couple things that seem to be missing:

Magic site:

#adventure <number> As in city of the damned.


#selectpoptype <nmbr>
#addreccom <name or number>
#addrecunit <name or number>
#terrain <mask>
#rarityera1 <value>
#rarityera2 <value>
#rarityera3 <value>

Monster modding:

#drainpower As in coldpower but with magic scale

Also, the #battlesummon suggestion seems fairly low priority given it can be done with #onebattlespell.
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