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Old April 4th, 2007, 05:57 PM
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Default Version 3.15

Old May 6th, 2007, 05:06 AM
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Default Fixes From 3.15 To 3.17


  • A 38 Black Steel Full Plate Has not been updated with the plate armor change. Should be -3 defense, not -4. Encumbrance should be 4, not 5
  • A 95 Sun Armor Has not been updated with the plate armor change. Should be -3 defense, not -4. Encumbrance should be 4, not 5
  • A 111 Spider Armor Has not been updated with the plate armor change. Should be -3 defense, not -4. Encumbrance should be 4, not 5

The following nations should have these preferences in the nation descriptions, but currently have something else.
  • EA Ulm +1cold
  • EA Lanka +2heat
  • EA Kailasa +2heat
  • MA Bandar Log +2heat
  • LA Patala +2heat
  • LA Atlantis +2cold
  • LA Bogarus +2cold
  • EA C'tis +2heat
  • MA C'tis +2heat
  • LA C'tis +2heat

  • U 1424 Sun Priest LA Mictlan Sun Priest should have forest survival
  • U 1739 Rakshasi no stealth, which causes problems if her stealthy seducer form changes shape in battle after an unsuccessful seduce attempt. No longer stealthy, she will die as the province defenders attack her. Or get stuck like the Capricorn landform used to do if he fled to land from an underwater battle.
  • U 1759 Sidhe Lord Should have weapon 473 Golden Spear instead of 1 Spear and armor 142 Bronze Scale Cuirass instead of 8 Chain Mail Cuirass to match the rest of the EA Sidhe and Tuatha
  • U 1760 Bandaraja Incorrect nametype, should use Bandar Log nametype instead of indie nametype. Same problem seems to affect a lot of the Lanka/Bandar Log/Kailasa/Patala units. This one is the only commander currently known to be affected.
  • U 1837 Hydra Wrong firstshape. Unit should have firstshape 1831 instead of 1837. Form 1837 is one of the intermediate forms of the Pythium hydras, but it does not revert back to its base form due to wrong firstshape. All other hydra firstshapes seem to be okay.
  • U 1856 Hydra Wrong firstshape. Unit should have firstshape 1850 instead of 1856. Form 1856 is one of the intermediate forms of the Pythium SC sacred hydras, but it does not revert back to its base form due to wrong firstshape. All other sacred hydra firstshapes seem to be okay.
  • U 1898 Fomorian Sorcerer Unit is poor amphibian even though regular Fomorian units of same physical shape are not. Precision 10 should probably be 9 to be more in line with regular Fomorian units, but no big deal.
  • U 1954 Rusalka Undead should have 0 encumbrance + 100 cold and poison resistance (now has enc 2, CR 50% , PR 0%)
  • U 1970 Longdead Giant Leadership should be normal 10, undead 10 (or 40) instead of normal 40, undead 10
  • U 1977 Fossilized Giant Leadership should be normal 10, undead 10 (or 40) instead of normal 40, undead 10. Hit points should be more than 17?
  • U 1973 Black Priest should have weapon 14 Maul to match graphic, not weapon 13 Hammer
  • U 740 Black Priest should have weapon 14 Maul to match graphic, not weapon 13 Hammer
  • U 1982 Priest Smith Age should be increased. MR only 9, should be more? Hit points 10, should be 12 like Black Priests?
  • U 325 Master Smith Hit points 10, should be 12 like Black Priests?
  • U 748 Siege Engineer Hit points 10, should be 12 like Black Priests? Almost all Ulm commanders have more than 10 hit points.

  • CBT Battlefield Enchantment icon bugginess: Casting Rain will cause a blank icon looking like a fort to appear with no description. Same happens when Ark is brought into combat, but Ark effect description says ?no description available?, ?fatigue cost 0? and ?cannot be cast underwater?

  • SPELL Twiceborn: Grants immortality to demons with death magic. A demon with twiceborn in effect will respawn in capital like an immortal if it dies in friendly dominion. Changed so it does not affect undead, demons or inanimates.
  • SPELL Astral Shield: Has much higher base score or multiplier for casting priority than it should. Bug thread post
  • SPELL Growing Fury does not work. Icon appears on the top right of screen but no units are affected Works fine for me - ko
  • SPELL Voice of Apsu & Voice of Tiamat can be cast on enemy provinces and used to bring down domes for a cost of next to nothing. This is only a problem if domes of the same type do not stack and the spell is thematically supposed to work on provinces even though they are not under the player's control. If domes of same type are made non-stackable, VoA becomes a problem.
  • SPELL Sermon of Courage Description outdated, legacy from Dom2.

  • BHV Corrupt/Seduce: It is possible to assign these commands to units who do not possess them. Recruit bunch of scouts, add Succubus/Manyusha Rakshasi/Oreiad/other seducer, group them, move to enemy province. Select whole stack by clicking on the seducer, hit space, select ?Seduce? from list and all units will perform seduce action. Supposed to be fixed a while ago. Is it still there? This bug has been reconfirmed with patch 3.14.Fixed a long time ago I believe, but now it's checked on the server side as well. Double fixed!
  • BHV Corrupt/Seduce Retreat: Non-amphibian commanders and victims may retreat to a sea province after a successful seduction attempt, which results in both of them drowning.
  • BHV Affliction Disease affects inanimate/lifeless units such as mechanical men, though logically it should not. Lifelessness should give immunity to disease like undeath does. They are not affected by it even though they can get diseased.
  • BHV Automatic Site Search Targeting Automatic monthly casting of site searching spells skips all provinces that have two or more visible sites. It also skips provinces which have been searched with a lower level of skill. Capitals with only one site are targeted. Is this bug or WAD? WAD
  • BHV Eyeloss Units with lots of eyes will only get affliction "Lost a couple of eyes" even if they get repeated afflictions. They never go blind from eyeloss. They can do, but not as likely as 2 eyed beings.
  • BHV Recruitment Queue 2: Conquering an enemy castle with an active (but suspended due to siege) recruitment queue does not clear it. The recruitment queue remains behind and allows the conqueror to either recruit the enemy nationals (such as mages and other units) in the queue or cancel them and get the money.
  • BHV Golems & Turn 50 Rout Golems do not run away from the battlefield after a Turn 50 rout ends the battle. They die immediately instead. Bug or WAD? Confirmed WAD
  • BHV Call God Call God does not work sometimes. Discussion thread here. Could be manual numbers are wrong and 50 points of Holy needed for successful recall. Confirmed as issue of erroneous manual information, not a bug

  • MOD (monster) #clear causes Mac version to hang
  • MOD (monster) #clearstat causes Mac version to hang
  • MOD (monster) #clearmagic causes Mac version to hang Is this verified? It is now, these are old problems that were fixed some patches ago but never reported as fixed.

  • GUI MSG Seduction All successful 'seduction' messages say the enemy commander was transported to your home with the help of the succubus, regardless of the actual unit performing the seduction.

Last edited by Johan K; February 13th, 2009 at 12:09 PM..
Old October 11th, 2007, 04:24 PM
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Default VERSION 3.17

Old October 28th, 2007, 03:03 PM
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Default Re: 3.10 Statfix Issues


  • CBT Battlefield Enchantments Battlefield enchantments that affect the whole battlefield for the duration of the battle (e.g. Wrathful Skies, Darkness, Solar Brilliance etc) do not end when the mage who cast them leaves battlefield, even though they should.
  • BHV Army Movement: Move & Patrol When a commander is selected to move into a province with a castle and the move order changed to move and patrol, adding units to his squads will not change the move order even if the units do not have sufficient map move. Thus units with strategic move of 0 can be moved from province to province and units with strategic move of 1 can be made to move farther than they should.
  • BHV Non-stealthy Units Sneaking Out of Besieged Castles Non-stealthy units can sneak out of besieged castles. Requires stealthy commander. Give commander move orders out of castle and he will sneak. Add non-stealthy units and move orders change from sneak to move, but orders are executed on hosting anyway. Can be used to evacuate sieged castles to friendly neighboring provinces and/or attack neighboring hostile provinces. This seems to be a special case of the above issue.

  • W 43 Poisoned Claw cannot be assigned to holy units (unless undead?) Can't see why, no different from any other weapon
  • W 250 Poisoned Claw cannot be assigned to holy units (unless undead?) Can't see why, no different from any other weapon On further testing it turned out that these two weapon "issues" are false reports caused by a mod error.

  • U 1162 Archer & U 1163 Warrior Maiden Archer had stealth removed, warrior maiden still has stealth. Are both supposed to be non-stealthy? (Ref. EA balancing thread) Apparently WAD
  • U 1847 Decrepit Description suggests loss of sacred status, so should he have H1 and sacredness? Apparently this is WAD

  • MAPCOM #seaplayers 0 is ignored if randomly determined nation is an UW nation This command has no effect in Dom3
  • MOD (monster) nametypes for Jomon: Jomon male and female nametypes are listed incorrectly in mod manual, they should be switched (female number is listed as male and vice versa)
  • MOD (monster) #magicboost does not work for specific paths

  • SPELL Mossbody: Explosion from mossbody also kills poison immune units, even though it should only cause poison damage. Works as it should for me
  • SPELL Communion 1 Slaves can act if they do so before the master has acted. This was originally a bug, but was intentionally left in the game to allow certain unique strategies arising from it.
  • SPELL Mists of Deception Needs a review of its operation mechanics for being too easily abusable with the CBT Battlefield Enchantments bug. Earlier report erroneously stated it keeps on producing phantasms even if all enemies are dead, but killing all enemies and phantasms ends the spell. However, this is very often very hard to do without a massive investment in resources compared to what Mists of Deception requires. Discussion threads are here and here Grayed out because the BFE bug has been fixed, but left here in case there is any relevance later

Last edited by Edi; September 6th, 2008 at 04:52 PM..
Old February 16th, 2008, 04:16 AM
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Last edited by Edi; September 6th, 2008 at 04:54 PM..
Old March 6th, 2008, 04:28 PM
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  • No arm, no helmet: Commanders wielding two-handed item weapons in combat and getting the affliction 'Lost an arm' can lose their intrinsic helmet (but not the head slot). One of Blofeld's bane lords had his arm chopped off while wielding a wraith sword and when the item was later removed (it wasn't lost), the default full helmet was gone. Adding a starshine skullcap gave MR bonus but no head armor. Related to wielding 2-h item and 'Lost an arm' affliction? Or 2-h item causing confusion between 'Lost an arm' and 'Lost his head' afflictions or something else?
  • Item Slots Changing due to afflictions. Basically a different instance of the above case, an immortal unit healing from the "Lost an arm" affliction and getting its hand item slot back can cause unit to drop items. If an artifact is lost in this way, it will not be available for reforging unless the game is reloaded. In short, afflictions and item slots may result in very strange behavior. In the example case, a regrowing arm caused helmet, armor and boots to be dropped.

  • BHV MERC Retaining commands: Mercenaries outbid from previous employer can appear as already executing orders previously given. This can result in the winning bidder gaining a free fort, temple or lab, depending on what orders were given on the previous turn(s, in the case of forts).
  • BHV SPELL Globals Global enchantments of nations that have vanished stay in effect. [Edi's note: Presumably in cases where nation is defeated without the casting unit explicitly being killed (e.g. dominion death)]
  • BHV Recruitment Queue 1: Canceling previously bought recruitment queue while being besieged triggers cheat-detection If it did it has been fixed.
  • BHV Recruitment at Unrest 100+ Should the recruitment queue be grayed out like it is during sieges when unrest rises above 100? Currently it is not, though units cannot be recruited. Changed so it's greyed out. Probably easier to understand that way.
  • BHV Shapechange 1: Dragon changing from human shape to dragon shape keeps helmet and misc items. Dragon changing from dragon shape to human shape keeps misc items but loses helmet. If misc slots are empty, the drago keeps the helmet.
  • BHV Shapechange 2: Dragon in human shape does not change into dragon shape immediately upon being wounded but upon death of human shape, which usually results in the dragon gaining several battle afflictions. Bug or WAD? WAD
  • BHV Unable to get new prophet This behavior may happen if a prophet dies of disease, player is unable to assign new prophet even after 20 or more turns. Possibly related to the late winter disease bug (units lose 1 hp to disease, then an extra HP, which also permanently kills immortal units in friendly dominion if it happens). Discussion thread and uploaded files here

BHV AI & Seduction
Originally Posted by lch View Post
AI "bug": It seems to me that the AI only seduces with units that have the seduction effect of a succubus (fx number 210), and never with units that have the seduction effect of a Nagini (fx number 298). I suppose that the relevant code for assassinations/seductions hasn't been updated when the new seduction type was introduced. Thus the only units that the AI uses for seduction attempts are Succubus (811) and Lilot (2071).

Units affected:
  • Nagini (1325)
  • Oreiad (1650)
  • Manushya Rakshasi (1740)
  • Satyr (1881)
  • Cloud Vila (1941)
  • Mountain Vila (1942)
  • Sirin (1945)
  • Rusalka (1954)

  • IMMORTALITY 002: Diseased immortal units may die permanently. Discussion thread here. Apparently, diseased units lose 2 hit points in late winter due to the mechanics and affliction determination, which can lead to permanent death of imortal units in friendly dominion. (fixed in 3.22)
  • BHV Unable to get new prophet This behavior may happen if a prophet dies of disease, player is unable to assign new prophet even after 20 or more turns. Possibly related to the late winter disease bug (units lose 1 hp to disease, then an extra HP, which also permanently kills immortal units in friendly dominion if it happens). Discussion thread and uploaded files here (fixed in 3.22)

  • SYS CLI 002 --nonationselect and --noscoregraphs don't seem to work. When creating a game from the commandline in linux, use of either switch will reply with unkown switch. WAD, it's --nonationsel. --noscoregraphs works fine.

  • U 1652 Jotun Werewolf Goldcost 0 should be 250 to match Jotun Skratti or Skratti in werewolf form will cost 0 upkeep
  • U 1653 Jotun Wolf Goldcost 0 should be 250 to match Jotun Skratti or Skratti in wolf form will cost 0 upkeep

  • SPELL Domes Domes of the same type stack, making it possible to erect any number of domes of the same type simultaneously. All domes must be broken during the same turn or none of them will go down, which means that layered air domes make a province virtually immune to any overland spells if stacked five times or more. Other domes have the same problem, just not 80% stopping power. Works like this now.
  • SPELL Wish: Wishing for a non-unique item removes one existing item of wished for type from every nation (except the nation casting the wish, presumably), which can make for a very nasty exploit in the case of powerful non-unique items like Ring of Wizardry, Staff of the Elements and similar. Discussion thread
  • SPELL Sea of Ice does not affect AI at all. In fact, AI seems to be somewhat immune to movement restrictions that completely prohibit movement. Discussion thread
  • SPELL Tidal Wave AI is not affected by spell limitations in selecting target province and can cast it at inland provinces. Human players are affected normally by the limitation.

Last edited by Edi; May 30th, 2009 at 05:08 PM.. Reason: Update
Old March 6th, 2008, 04:31 PM
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Default 3.15 Map & Mod Issues


Last edited by Edi; April 4th, 2009 at 04:35 PM.. Reason: Update
Old June 1st, 2008, 05:43 PM
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Last edited by Edi; January 14th, 2011 at 03:49 PM.. Reason: Update
Old June 1st, 2008, 05:44 PM
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Things fixed from 3.24 to 3.26

  • Trampling could result in multiplying the target in some circumstances. Fixed.
  • Shields could parry some effects they shouldn't be able to, like fear. Fixed.
  • It was sometimes possible to continue sacrificing slaves even if your temple had burned down, fixed.
  • Two monthly Voice of Tiamat spells didn't cooperate very well, fixed.
  • Burned down lab/temple event messages while sieged now go to the sieged player.
  • Fixed crash during turn generation.
  • Trying to view a non existant battle will no longer crash the game.
  • popkill now works for non commanders as well.
  • Command line switch --nonationinfo is now implemented.
  • Some typos fixed.
  • Mighty Yari was incorrectly a missile weapon, fixed.
  • Yogini was not a female, fixed.
  • Some units got wrong type of names, fixed.
  • Horse Brothers had switched pictures with their commander, fixed.
  • Tribal King now has a javelin instead of a sling, just like in the picture.
  • Pulseaudio on linux now longer requires pulseaudio dev package to be installed.

  • New commands for underwater recruiting #uwcom1 ... #uwcom5 and #uwunit1 ... #uwunit5.
  • New command, #heretic.
  • Gift of reason target is subject to spec limitations.
  • Maximum number of spells increased from 1200 to 2000. This will make it possible to have more spells in mods.
  • Maximum number of name types increased from 60 to 100.

  • U 730 Tribal King Wrong graphics or weapon, unit is equipped with sling but the graphic has javelin.
  • U 1963 Bakemono Scout Wrong nametype, should be Japanese male (134) instead of the default indie. Should have leadership 0 as other scouts instead of 40. Bandit leader is worthless for Shinuyama if this is not corrected.
  • U 1608 Bakemono Shaman Wrong nametype, should be Japanese male (134) instead of the default indie
  • U 1712 Celestial Master Wrong nametype. Uses indie nametype (100) when should have Tien Chi male (121) instead.

  • SPELL Flaming Arrows does not change weapon 361 Small Bow to weapon 405 Fire Small Bow even though it should. Weapon 360 Sticks and Stones are not changed either, is this bug or WAD?
  • SPELL Arrow Fend seems to have a too high casting priority, overriding scripts even when it should not. Mistakenly identifies friendly archers as enemy archers? Should be checked. Discussion thread
  • SPELL Gift of Flight: Mages cast Gift of Flight on enemy units if no friendly targets are left on the battlefield. Target selection should be limited to friendly units only.
  • SPELL Maggots Damage is capped at 110 points, making it useless against Tartarians, which are corporeal undead and should thus die from this spell.
  • SPELL Legions of Steel Seems to target primarily low armor units first instead of heavily armored ones. Not a bug as such, but it lowers usefulness of the spell since there are generally far fewer high armor units who would most benefit from the spell (modest increase to low prot helps a lot less than modest increase to high prot since medium armored units die just a little less swiftly than lightly armored ones). The lesser numbers of high prot units would also be swiftly taken care of, at which point low armor units would get subsequent casts. Does this need reevaluation?

  • I 277 The Magic Lamp Wishing for the magic lamp and then using it does not remove the Al-Khazim the Djinn from play, so using this method allows multiple Djinns at the same time

  • MS 100 Augurs' Circle locmask 0 (no terrain) should be ???
  • MS 119 The Smouldercone Does not increase heat Probably due to having gems + 4 recruitables. Move 1 recruitable to other site & add heat? Or leave as is?
  • MS 399 The Blood Keep Site only appears in mountains, but builds fort 5 Swamp City instead of fort 42 Mountain City; Alternatively change locmask from 16388 (unique mountain) to 16516 (unique mountain, swamp)
  • MS 471 Temple of the Turning Tide locmask 223 (any land) should be 64 (coast), makes no sense for for tidal temples to be inland and not on the coast
  • MS 490 The Obsidian Sphere locmask 16384 (no terrain) should be ???
  • MS 634 Bloodshade Glen locmask 16384 (no terrain) should be 16386 (forest) or 16514 (forest, swamp)

The DB update is complete. These are the potential leftover issues.

This section of the Bug Shortlist differs a slight bit from the others, which is why it is in a separate post. All of the problems listed here are statfix issues by nature. First, there are the real, completely legitimate bugs related to magic sites.

The second and greater half of this section concerns itself with the magic site locmasks (location masks), which determine what kind of terrain magic sites appear in. The entries herein are based on an analysis of the locmasks as they currently are in the game. Dominions 3 has had a lot of things added to it since Dominions 2, first in the development and beta testing phase and later in patches, including new terrain. Patch 3.10 alone added 140 new sites. However, almost all of the old sites are still using Dominions 2 era locmasks, which are not the equivalent of Dominions 3 locmasks past value 128 or in the combination values as listed in the modding manual. Dominions 2 did not have the Deep Sea or Cave terrain types, nor locmasks for them. Therefore, a lot of the old sites are not available for these new terrains and certain combinations that would be logical do not appear at all.

The most problematic locmask has been 223, which in Dom2 terms would have meant "any land" (if Dom2 had used locmasks, which it did not), and 16607, which would be "unique site, can appear in any land". Unfortunately, cave terrain being mask 512, so 223 in Dom3 would be "any land except cave" while "any land" would be 735 and "unique any land" 17119.

The following entries are in many cases indicate what the locmask for that site should be, but in some cases it may be no more than an educated guess. I have tried to be logical (so no towers, pyramids, crypts in the sand or gardens of weeping roses in caves, for example) and these efforts are suggestions on how to make a greater variety of sites available for the new terrain types and how to add some terrain types to certain sites that seem to be missing them.

Finally, some sites only have locmasks that indicate uniqueness, but apparently cannot appear in any terrain, which seems like an oversight since they do not have special rarity (5, appears only by script)

The greater portion of this list was taken care of when Dominions 3 was patched to version 3.14, with several sites (mostly unique ones)that were originally on this list also getting changed locmasks. The ones left are not bugs as such, but leftovers from the original locmask review. Whether they are changed at all or left as is is completely up to the developers.


Unique Sites
  • MS 559 The Iron Caverns ? locmask 16640 (deep sea) should be 16896 (cave) or 17152 (cave, deep sea) or 17156 (mountain, cave, deep sea) ?
  • MS 701 The Silent Sea ? locmask 16896 (cave) should be 17152 (cave, deep sea) ?

Non-Unique Sites, Mines
  • MS 164 Orichalum Mine locmask 4 (mountain) should be 516 (mountain, cave)
  • MS 225 Rockside Spring locmask 4 (mountain) should be 516 (mountain, cave)
  • MS 251 Mine of Superior Iron locmask 4 (mountain) should be 516 (mountain, cave)
  • MS 252 Great Iron Mine locmask 4 (mountain) should be 516 (mountain, cave)
  • MS 253 Great Gold Mine locmask 4 (mountain) should be 516 (mountain, cave)
  • MS 254 Great Silver Mine locmask 4 (mountain) should be 516 (mountain, cave)
  • MS 255 Hidden Gold Mine locmask 4 (mountain) should be 516 (mountain, cave)
There are various ore deposit sites for caves, so perhaps these mine sites are intended to be mountain only?

Non-Unique Sites, Other
  • MS 423 Underwater Cave locmask 32 (sea) should be 800 (sea, deep sea, cave)
  • MS 454 Arcane Gateway locmask 288 (sea, deep sea) is a bit strange for this site. Is it supposed to be underwater only?
  • MS 456 Ancient Temple of the Deeps locmask 32 (sea) should be 288 (sea, deep sea)
  • MS 458 Magma River locmask 256 (deep sea) should be 768 (deep sea, cave)
  • MS 466 Gorge of Mystery locmask 256 (deep sea) should be 768 (deep sea, cave)
  • MS 693 Sentient Current locmask 32 (sea) should be 288 (sea, deep sea)
  • MS 188 Howling Gorge locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 191 Elusive Lights locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 224 Waterfall locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 226 Well of Yesterdays Waters locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 229 Lifeless Lake locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 231 Bottomless Lake locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 256 Gem Deposits locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 260 Water Filled Cave locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 264 Entrance locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 274 Runaway Pit locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 279 Ten Thousand Things locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 291 Crystal Garden locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 299 Scrying Pool locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 319 Well of Pestilence locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 331 Marble Mausoleum locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 395 Summoning Circle locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 476 Standing Stones locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 492 Haunted Torture Chamber locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 511 Frozen Fountain locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 571 Enchanted Well locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 616 Plaguewater Stream locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 631 Bloodmarble Mausoleum locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 632 Bloodpslatter Pattern locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 637 Pool of Unhealthy Rites locmask 223 (any land but cave) should be 735 (any land)
  • MS 708 The Imperial Quarry locmask 17407 (any terrain) should be 17119 (any land)
  • MS 709 Dolmen if this site is not supposed to be unique, locmask 17119 (any land) should be 735. Otherwise disregard this entry.

Last edited by Edi; January 14th, 2011 at 04:21 PM.. Reason: Update
Old September 6th, 2008, 04:56 PM
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  • Bless effects on weapons (fire & death) with multiple attacks If a weapon (e.g. Sword of Swiftness) has multiple attacks and is affected by fire blessing (and presumably also the same with death blessing), only the first attack of the weapon does normal + bless damage. All following attacks by the same weapon that turn do ONLY bless damage. Discussion thread. It has not been tested how such weapons would behave with a F9/D9 bless.
  • Bless effects on weapons (fire & death) with secondary effects and secondaryeffectalways effects Fire and death blessing on weapons that have a secondaryeffect or a secondaryeffectalways attribute [e.g. Firebrand with the Small Area Fire) have the secondaryeffect/secondaryeffectalways removed for the duration of combat and replaced with the blessweapon effect.

  • FT8 Citadel Battle graphics are broken and defenders start outside walls and cannot retreat from the battlefield
  • FT28 Ermorian Citadel Battle graphics are broken and defenders start outside walls and cannot retreat from the battlefield
  • FT Construction Commanders killed by Mind Hunt or other remote spells when constructing a castle prevents continuing fort construction even if province does not change hands.

  • CBT Battlefield Enchantment autocasting by units: Mandaha autocasts Darkness, if there are several mandahas in battle and one dies, Darkness ends, effectively nullifying ALL mandahas.
  • CBT Doom Horrors bypassing bodyguards: According to Ranger, doom horrors somehow manage to bypass all bodyguard units to directly attack horrormarked target even when squares around target are filled with units. More discussion in this thread. No independent confirmation available, report may be inaccurate.
  • CBT Cave Provinces are not automatically under the effects of the Darkness spell as they should be
  • CBT Domes Combat shows domes as battlefield enchantments, bug or WAD?

  • SPELL Twiceborn: Does not work if the death mage dies by drowning in friendly dominion. A pretender who is attacked by the Kindly Ones and dies retreating from battle in friendly dominion is also not resurrected as a wight mage. Instead, when called back from the dead, he will still have Twiceborn in effect.
  • SPELL Inner Furnace (EA Abysia national) affects non-Abysians and gives non fire immune units heat aura, resulting in their death.
  • SPELL Communion 2 Using a Crystal Matrix on a priest with only H path, with at least two communicants, lets him cast four spells per turn. If the priest has other paths, like an H1N1 mage, the priest can cast only one H spell per turn, until one of his communicants is killed, at which point he casts two per turn. Discussion thread
  • SPELL Vengeance of the Dead If combat stretches past 75 turns, attackers are not killed by autorouting as they should be and the defender dies. Discussion thread here Bug or WAD?

  • I 168 Shroud of the Battle Saint The blessing from Shroud of the Battle Saint is removed when the unit wearing it casts Iron Will or Ironskin if the unit is not natively sacred. This bug does not affect natively sacred units wearing the shroud or sacred units that have been blessed with the Blessing spell. Discussion thread here
  • I 177 Bone Armor Soul Vortex from bone armor works erratically or not at all when the wearer of bone armor has the property of autocasting a battlefield enchantment (e.g. 1748 Mandaha).
  • I 145 Spirit Helmet Wearing a Spirit Helmet negates soul vortex from Bone Armor.

Last edited by Edi; January 14th, 2011 at 04:01 PM.. Reason: Update
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