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Old July 24th, 2007, 02:04 PM

Pratputajao Pratputajao is offline
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Default Sillmarilion

Hey all. I was wondering if anyone made a scenario/Mod based on the Sillmarilion or are useing the charecters from the Sil.. (Morgoth, Valar, Miar, Firstborn elves)? I havent bought this game yet but will be soon. From what I can tell this game would be really good for a first age Middle Earth Scenario/Mod. Thanx
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Old July 24th, 2007, 02:25 PM
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Default Re: Sillmarilion

Well, The Lord of the Rings universe has never really been magic-heavy. I haven't read the books in like ~7 years, but if I recall correctly, the only time Gandalf ever really used any destructive magic was frying a bunch of Goblins with lighting in The Hobbit.

But then again, with Morgoth/Valar/Miar being the gods that they are, Magic would fit in well enough. Such a mod would require making the appropriate map(s), and modding in a bunch of civs, so it'd probably be a lot of work.

I read the silmarillion again this past winter, so I think the civs would probably be:
High Elves? (the ones that stayed in Valinor)
High Elves? (the ones that followed Feanor back to fight Morgoth)
Dark Elves? (the ones that never went to Valinor)
Note: I don't recall the specific names, like Noldar/Sindar and such.
And the "Characters" would only be useful as pretenders or heros, so you wouldn't get to use them all the much anyway.

In any case, I'm not sure how well Lord of the Rings fits in with the Dominions universe.
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Old July 24th, 2007, 02:53 PM

Tharivol_Street_Prince Tharivol_Street_Prince is offline
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Default Re: Sillmarilion

You'd wanna add an Orcs/Trolls/Dragons/Balrogs race in there too. Corrupted humans might merit a race on their own too.
But yeah, it'd be a lot of work, but totally worth it.
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Old July 24th, 2007, 02:58 PM

Pratputajao Pratputajao is offline
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Default Re: Sillmarilion

I agree about LOTR 3rd age Middle earth. But 1st age seemed extreemly magical to me even though spells as such wearnt mentioned much. I have always thought it would be a great setting for high fantasy, HIGH power in a game ...so far no one has done it in any game( though age of magic has a few LOTR mods)

True Gandalf didnt overtly use magic but he was a Miar (Istari) of Manwe and was not to use power so openly I believe. He did kill a Balrog as well. Though no real description was given of the fight I find it hard to believe that he didnt use quite a few spells in dealing with it. But I am not really intersted in 3rd age anyway, just thought 1st age would be perfect.

I havent played this game yet, maybe it is not what I am anticipating?
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Old July 24th, 2007, 03:00 PM

Pratputajao Pratputajao is offline
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Default Re: Sillmarilion

How easy is it to create and add new races/units to the game?
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Old July 24th, 2007, 03:27 PM
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Default Re: Sillmarilion

The hardest part I think is actually getting graphics for all the units. I haven't modded for Dominions, but from what I understand, its not complicated.

Gandalf was a Miar huh? don't recall every reading about what the wizards actually were...but I haven't read all of the LoTR extra stuff either. I knew Sauron was a Miar though. I guess it would make sense overall.

I wouldn't think corrupted humans would warrant a race, I'd think they'd all fall under Morgoth's group.
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Old July 24th, 2007, 04:08 PM

Pratputajao Pratputajao is offline
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Default Re: Sillmarilion

Yeah Gandalf ( and Sauruman and Radaghast) is/are Miar but not of the same power level as Tom Bomadil Or Sauron; powerful non the less though. Much more powerful than he is written in the books. I believe there is more about this in -"Unfinished tales"

A real good resource for then different names and power levels is from the Old TLOTR role playing game (based on the Role master system)--The lords of Middle earth Vol 1 and 2. They helps to make sence of all the differant names in the books. Also the website "Encyclopedia of Arda" is outstanding.
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Old July 24th, 2007, 05:35 PM

Warhammer Warhammer is offline
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Default Re: Sillmarilion

Good grief I would love this!

All the Wizards were Maiar. Saruman was sent by Aule, and was of the same class of Maiar as Sauron. Radagast was sent by Nienna(?) to protect the trees and animals in the tumults that were to follow. Pallando and Alatar were sent by Orome. Gandalf was sent by Manwe himself, but he was a Maiar of one of the other Valar.

Tom Bombadil was not a Maiar, but I don't think they explained exactly what he was. Melian was the other Maiar that figured prominently in the Silmarillion, she was married to Thingol.
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Old July 24th, 2007, 07:12 PM

Pratputajao Pratputajao is offline
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Default Re: Sillmarilion

Well it seems you are correct on the origin of Bombadil warhammer. At least according to the encyclopedia of Arda. In my "Lords of Middle earth" compendium for MERP (Middle Earth Role Playing game) he is listed a Maiar. However he is never listed among them. He was never said not to be Maia though....He could be Vala as there were Lesser unnamed Vala? But again no one knows. Tolken himself said he left Bombadil an enigma-- 'And even in a mythical Age there must be some enigmas, as there always are. Tom Bombadil is one (intentionally).'-- Interesting. Kind of a mystery like where did Ungoliant come from? Thanks for the correction

Anyway I would love this too and am surprised no one has made a mod like this for any game? You dont get any more High fantasy than the Silmarillion
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Old July 24th, 2007, 07:19 PM

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Default Re: Sillmarilion

Modding dominions is very easy, and quite a number of modded nations have already been created. I'm working on one myself - it's good fun. The time consuming part is indeed creating the graphics, although the face that only two fairly low-res sprites are needed per unit makes it reasonably manageable.

I think Foodstamp already did a Rohan mod - you can probably find it in the mods forum.
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