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As a matter of fact SVD is not a "traditional" sniper rifle - its basic purpose - to increase range of effective fire motor-shooting section up to 600 m, to provide necessary shooting support (to suppress crew a machine gun, etc.) Unlike overwhelming majority of sniper rifles of the world, SVD the bayonet-knife is completed.
SVD it was widely used practically in all fighting operations spent by the Soviet and Russian armies from the moment of its acceptance on arms, and has proved to be sample of a small arms exclusively reliable and convenient in circulation. It is necessary to note, that in armies of some countries of NATO also there is a concept of " the weapon of support of the raised accuracy of shooting ". So, in armies of Germany and some other countries as "equivalent" SVD autoloading rifle G3A3/SG is used, in Sea Infantry of the USA are accepted on arms DMR - Designated Marksman rifles, representing or simply rifle M16A2 with an optical sight, or autoloading rifle SR-25 under a cartridge of NATO of 7.62 mm.
Range -- 600 m = 12 hexes.