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Old March 29th, 2007, 06:45 AM
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Default Russian OOB - Scouts special forces - structure

I welcome all.

I suggest developers of game - to add in Russian OOB an opportunity to buy scouts special forces (paratroops, the main intelligence service (GRU), special troops (specnaz)).

Scout company of a commandoes-assault brigade (ODShBR)

As a whole, the organizational-regular structure of company was simple and reminded a reconnaissance company of air-borne regiments; but unlike last was on light cars, instead of on BMD. The company consisted from: managements of the company, three scouting platoons and section of radio investigation. Reconnaissance platoon were similar reconnaissance platoon ODShB.

Data are not present


1. Management of company
7 soliers=2 the officer, 5 soldier and sergeants, 1 grenade launcher RPG, 6 automatic devices, 4 pistols, 2 field-glasses, 2 radio stations

2. A scout platoon (3 platoons in a company)
2.1 Management of a platoon
1 soliers=1 the officer, 1 automatic rifle, 1 pistol, 1 portable radio set

2.2. 1 scout section
6 soldiers=1 sergeant, 5 soldier, 5 automatic rifle, 5 grenade launchers RPG, 1 machine gun (5.45), 1 device of investigation, 1 portable radio set, 1 car UAZ-469 (UAZ-3151)

2.3. 2 scout section
6 soldiers=1 sergeant, 5 soldier, 5 automatic rifle, 5 grenade launchers RPG, 1 machine gun (5.45), 1 radar station, 1 portable radio set, 1 car UAZ-469 (UAZ-3151)

2.4. 3 scout section
5 soldiers=1 sergeant, 4 soldier, 3 automatic rifle, 2 grenade launchers RPG, 1 machine gun (7.62), 2 pistols, 1 sniper rifle, 2 portable radio set, 1 car UAZ-469 (UAZ-3151)

3. Section of radio investigation
8 soldiers=8 sergeants and the soldier, 8 automatic rifle, 1 car GAS-66, 1 radar station of ground reconnaissance, 4 special portable radio sets, 2 dictophones

All аutomatic rifles AKC-74 and AKC-74N, with grenade launchers GP - 15 units on a platoon,
Grenade launchers RPG-18 and PRG-16 - or similar

http: // desant.com.ua/rk1.htm
================================================== ===============

Scout company of a separate airborne brigade (OVDBR)


From available earlier in ODShBR the reconnaissance companies, new OShS such company in OVDBR differed structure reconnaissance platoons (3 branch became actually section of engineering investigation), but also, number of platoons dercrease up to two since air-borne batallions have received the reconnaissance platoon.

1. Management of company
8 soldiers=3 the officer, 5 soldier and sergeants, 1 grenade launcher RPG, 8 automatic rifle, 5 pistols, 2 field-glasses, 2 radio stations

2. A scout platoon (2 platoons in a company)
2.1 Management of a platoon
1 soldiers=1 the officer, 1 automatic rifle, 1 pistol, 1 portable radio set

2.2. 1 scout section
6 soldiers=1 sergeant, 5 soldier, 4 automatic rifle, 5 grenade launchers, 1 machine gun (7.62), 1 device of investigation, 1 portable radio set, 1 car UAZ-3151, 2 pistols, 1 sniper rifle

2.3. 2 scout section
6 soldiers=1 sergeant, 5 soldier, 4 automatic rifle, 5 grenade launchers, 1 machine gun (7.62), 1 device of investigation, 1 portable radio set, 1 car UAZ-3151, 2 pistols, 1 sniper rifle

2.4. 3 scout section
5 soldiers=1 sergeant, 4 soldier, 5 automatic rifle, 2 grenade launchers, 2 portable radio set, 1 car UAZ-3151

3. Section of radio investigation
8 soldiers=8 sergeants and the soldier, 8 automatic rifle, 1 car GAS-66, 1 radar station of ground reconnaissance, 4 special portable radio sets, 2 dictophones, 1 field-glass

All automatic rifle AKC-74 and AKC-74N, with grenade launchers GP - 20 units on a platoon,
Grenade launchers RPG--18/22 and PRG-7D3 - or similar

http: // desant.com.ua/rk2.htm
================================================== ==================

I wish to notice also that scouts special forces very well trained soldiers.

================================================== ==================

Also there are data on structure of elite scouts - Scouts of the Main Intelligence service (Glavnoe Razvedivatelnoe Upravlenie - GRU). But unfortunately on their organizational structure there are no open sources - can make only according to people which worked in this organization some time back. For today of structure of these forces has changed and does not represent any military secret, however the group of admirers of game Steel Panthers Russia - could not find the open sources confirming our words.
Whether there is a sense to give to you given not supported by the open sources of information?

Thanks for your patience.
I hope that in Russian OOB there will be scouts special forces.
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Old March 29th, 2007, 05:11 PM
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Default Re: Russian OOB - Scouts special forces - structur

There are ALREADY "scouts special forces." in the OOB.

There is a "Spetsnaz Group" in the OOB that fullfils this function along with a number Recce, scout and para-scout formations . The Spetsnaz units are right now classed a combination of Para and commando unit classes and I will change them all to be one of the "commando" classes. However, I do not see any advantage to building companies. Also,if you look at how the game uses units and what you wrote for unit composition you'll see they don't really fit very well. In your first example a "A scout platoon" is made up of 1+6+6+5+8 = 26 men. We don't make the officer a separate unit and we don't include communications units in the game so what you end up with are three 6 man scout sections in a platoon and three platoons in a company with an 8 man squad in the lead with much the same thing in the airborne scout sections.If you look at the existing Spetsnaz group and include the communications team in with the fighing units you have four sections of 8 men = 32 men. I suppose if I cut one man from those units it would cut that back to 27 which is "close enough" to your scout teams but the point is they are already there. If you want a "Spetsnaz" scout "company" buy three "Spetsnaz Group"s and you'll have your "Scout company of a commandoes-assault brigade"

As well, all scout and special forces formations alredy have moral and experience modifiers which make them more capable units than "normal" The "Spetsnaz Group" has +15 experience and a +20 moral modifiers


"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?

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Old March 29th, 2007, 07:19 PM
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Default Re: Russian OOB - Scouts special forces - structure

I suggest to make an opportunity to choose arms for " speznaz group " between AK and AKSU.

In fact the choice of the weapon depends on the fighting task for " speznaz group ".
They it can choose elite armies

Rus web page AKSU
Truncated automatic device AKS-74U has been developed in the end of 1970 on the basis of regular automatic device AK-74 (in updating AKS - 74 with a harmonious butt) specially for arms of crews of fighting machines, calculations of instruments and other army personnel for which regular automatic device AKS - 74 is too great. Except for army, AKS - 74 U it is widely used in the Ministry of Internal Affairs as it is convenient at moving to the car. For the same reason, and also because it is easy for hiding in a bag or under clothes, AKS - 74 U it is popular among various protection services of the high-ranking state persons, and also among gangsters. Specially variant AKS has been developed for forces and divisions of special purpose AKS -74 UB at which regular; the nozzle is replaced by a groove for fastening the muffler, and under the automatic device grenade cup discharge BS - 1 can be mounted special 30 mm. A number of updatings can have a lateral rod for fastening night and day time sights.

Soldiers from 22 separate brigades of special troops Afghanistan.
Rus web page -- Gallery

On AKM and AK-74 installation of the muffler of a sound of shot PBS-1 is possible, this weapon can be used for special operations

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Old March 30th, 2007, 01:16 AM
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Default Re: Russian OOB - Scouts special forces - structure

Dear DRG.
Thanks that so have quickly answered my theme of a forum.

I have brought to you structure of subdivisions of scouts specila forces (scouts specnaz). And you suggest to leave all as is, but in fact specnaz is well trained troops, and scouts specnaz - always in avant guarde and always have more the best ammunition for scouting + good training including and parachuters landing preparation.
Simply scouts specnaz and specnaz is different subdivisions of a military unit. And I consider that at special forces there should be scouts.

As has correctly noticed Epoletov_SPR - special forces always have a choice of weapons for a specific target but as in Russian OOB is not present slots for the weapon - we suggest to make probably choice between AK-74 and AKSU-74.

Also it would be desirable to hear from you the answer to my question - specnaz GRU. Whether has sense to give you data on these special forces without the open sources of information.


And still it would be desirable to add.
At Russian armies in game very low military preparation and morals. I with this agree - but only approximately till 1996 since from this year at our armies in the Chechen Republic there were very serious military operations and excellent results on struggle against the armed gangster formations. Since 2000 in the country military reforms are carried out, the newest arms is delivered, personal the structure of army is translated on a contract basis, more conducted doctrines including and joint with the western countries. And on a background of all of this is in game in any way it it is not reflected from the point of view of morals and experience of our battle units.

Thanks for attention.
I hope for understanding.
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Old March 30th, 2007, 01:31 AM
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Default Re: Russian OOB - Scouts special forces - structure

It agree that is not necessary in structure of platoons and company to enter units of maintenance.
I can write to you - as in game should look more plausibly scouts specnaz.

Yours faithfully.
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Old March 30th, 2007, 03:11 AM
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Default Re: Russian OOB - Scouts special forces - structure

I do not wish to open a new theme at a forum. I shall write here.

Russian OOB

1. Photos of helicopter Ka-60 Kasatka:
The lowermost photo

And here 2 more photos:

2. Helicopters Ka-50 and Ka-52 - the icon in game has only one screw. At these helicopters above two screws and on a tail are not present the screw.

3. MTLB/2B9 Vasilek - till now it is used in regular army of Russia including and in the Chechen Republic. I think such unique weapon still it will be long used in army.

4. Anti-tank missile Khrizantema (ATGM) - is supersonic. I think it should to influence as that its accuracy...

Thanks for attention.
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Old March 30th, 2007, 09:50 AM
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Default Re: Russian OOB - Scouts special forces - structur

I fully understand you are struggling with English and I appreciate the effort but I published some guidlines for reporting errors at the top of this forum then refer to your last point(4) and give me the information I need. Does "missile Khrizantema (ATGM)" mean Russian weapon 164 "9M123 Krzantema" if so it already has a 95 accuracy !

Point (3)"MTLB/2B9 Vasilek" I have NO idea what you are refering to and you offer no links that would enlighten me

point 2. Very minor point but I honestly have no idea what you mean by "and on a tail are not present the screw."

Point 1. Thanks for the photo link. That was the last missing photo in the Russian OOB


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Old March 30th, 2007, 10:03 AM
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Default Re: Russian OOB - Scouts special forces - structur

point 2.
I had in view of, that in game the icon of helicopter Ka-50 and Ka-52 incorrectly looks.
At these helicopters from above two screws (a propeller, the blade of a propeller - precisely I do not know as correctly it to tell on English), and on a tail of the helicopter of this screw (propeller) are not present.

Here links to schemes of helicopters and photos:
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Old March 30th, 2007, 10:12 AM
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Default Re: Russian OOB - Scouts special forces - structur


If it is actually icons KraMax is talking about (that is how I understand it), here are some icons I came up with earlier for the Ka-50 and 52.
If you find them worth the bother, I hope they can save you some time on the upgrade.
Attached Files
File Type: zip 508205-ka50-52.zip (10.1 KB, 152 views)
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Old March 30th, 2007, 10:56 AM
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Default Re: Russian OOB - Scouts special forces - structur

These are great. Yes that will save me some time. I had just started looking for 3 views for these. Thanks


"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?

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