Started on ATF yesterday (full version) but ran into this problem: During "defence of 'Afak" I have given my units arcs of fire and told them to engage on contact. But the bottom BMP-2 passes first an Abrams then a Bradley without being shot at? The BMP-2 following the road is also not engaged by the PSG/2/B when entering his arc. In stead it was destroyed by 3/1/B.
Did I do something wrong?
I wanted to attach two save games - but the system would not post .asg files. How shall I rename them?
I've not played this one in a while but the likely answer is that the enemy are in dead ground. So even though they are within your units designated arcs of fire they cannot be seen by teams with the weapons systems to kill them.
Right click on the unit you want to fire, and select the "info" menu item. If there is a red line to the enemy vehicle, it will fire. Otherwise, it cannot positively identify the enemy and will not fire, unless given the suppress order.
Red lines to the vehicle from both Abrams and Bradley.
As stated in my first post I was not allowed to attach save games (as asg. files). How do I do that?