Off the net...
We here at ProSIM Company have always prided ourselves on the fact that we are made up entirely of veterans and currently serving members of the world's militaries. We believe that this gives us the ability to produce wargames that are the most realistic simulations commercially available. But there is a drawback to having a company made up completely of military professionals...
I will be dropping off of the net for a couple weeks, beginning Sunday, 7 January 2007, due to my deployment to the Middle East. My internet connectivity will be sporadic, with very little or no e-mail capability between Sunday, 7JAN07 and 12JAN07. It will be completely off of the net from about 13JAN07 TO 20JAN07, while I get established in theater. After this, things should return to normal.
During this period, you can still get technical support or just ask general questions by contacting a member of the ProSIM Company or Shrapnel Games team here at this forum.
Thank you to all of you for your patience with my deployments and periodic absences through the years. And thank you for your continued support of the work we do. We really do this for you. Thanks!