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Old December 12th, 2006, 06:48 AM

Shan Shan is offline
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Default reduced ammo loadout of 2S3 SPHs?

I am using self-propelled artillery in some scenarios I am working on parallel, and this is how I found that there are some discrepancies of the ammo loadout of these systems, depending on which country uses them. So I looked up the 2S3 in the limited literature I have on this subject (Tanks of the World, Edition 8, ISBN 3-7637-5984-0, as well as the book on the East German army I mentioned in the respective OOB thread), and I found out that the basic 2S3 can carry 40 grenades, whereas the 2S3M and -M1 carry 46.

Now, it's clear that the type of ammo carried varies from country to country (availability of cluster ammo, doctrine (use in direct fire role - HEAT), etc), and I do not have any source on this, but I believe that at least the ammo stowage should be used to the maximum. In the current OOBs, however, standard 2S3s carry only 33 rounds in various OOBs I checked (30HE + 3 HEAT for Russia), whereas 2S3M and M1 in Russia and other countries carry a total of 40 rounds.

So - does the info I got on this most likely only refer to a theoretical maximum loadout which is being reduced for practical purposes (lack of space for crew?), or why would anyone send a vehicle into battle without using its full ammo loadout?
'Qui desiderat pacem, bellum praeparat' - Flavius Vegetius Renatus (~400 AD), in the preface to 'De re militari'
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Old December 12th, 2006, 09:00 AM
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Default Re: reduced ammo loadout of 2S3 SPHs?

On checking Isby's "Weapons and Tactics of the Soviet Army", he gives the SAU-152 (M1973) 30 rounds, the SAU-122 as 40.

A quick google search shows numbers agreeing with your figures, though - 40/46 shells. So my bet is the original 33 figure comes from the original SP2 OOB data, which would be based on the USA intelligence documents of the 80's.

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Old December 12th, 2006, 02:23 PM

Shan Shan is offline
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Default Re: reduced ammo loadout of 2S3 SPHs?

Hi Andy!

Not that important, I was just curious, as for the 2S1 Gwozdika, it always carries a total of 40 rounds in the game and that's what my sources confirm as well - that's why I asked.

Thanks for checking,

'Qui desiderat pacem, bellum praeparat' - Flavius Vegetius Renatus (~400 AD), in the preface to 'De re militari'
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