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Old June 2nd, 2006, 04:25 AM
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Default Magic site modding

Is it in? It would make creating new nations easier because you wouldn't have to recycle things.

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Old June 2nd, 2006, 06:41 AM

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Default Re: Magic site modding

Good question.
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Old June 3rd, 2006, 12:47 PM
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Default Re: Magic site modding

It could have stuff like:

Site name
Magic type
Site level (0-4)
Site description (pretty pleaaaase?)

Gem income
Gem type
If gem type is random: Bloodslaves yes/no
Gem amount
Income not tied to Richness/Income tied to Richness
Income tied to Scale ( )
Income tied to Season

Gold bonus
Resource bonus
Gives structure
Alters scale in the province
Allows construction of unit

Site spreads diseases
Site spreads 'abilities'/afflictions (curse, horror mark)
Site spreads unrest
Site damages unit type (demons, undead, angels, magic etc.)
Site causes monster attacks

Any commander can enter/only specific mage can enter
Enter to explore a dungeon
Enter to combat monsters to de/activate further site abilities
Enter to summon unit/s
Enter to gain experience
Enter to cast a spell
Effect is continous/is not (does the mage stop casting the spell or not)
Times commander can enter (1, 5, 10 etc.)
Site can/cannot be exhausted (does other site functions stop when the effect charges stop)

Void gate mechanic yes/no
Summoning description ("enter to summon demons" etc)
Summonable units
Unit power tier (Imp - tier 3, Spine Devil - tier 2 etc.)
Failure effects (attacked, death, insanity, blindness, disease etc)
Summoning skill affects (and how much?)
Summoning time (3 turns, tier * 2 and such)


Summer Stone

sitename: "Summer Stone"
sitetype: "Fire"
sitelevel: 1
sitedscr: "A large standing stone filled with glowing runes of summer"
gems: yes
gemtype: "Fire"
gems_season: Spring: 2
Summer: 3
Fall: 2
Winter: 0

Pool of Sorcery

sitename: "Pool of Sorcery"
sitetype: "Astral"
sitelevel: 1
sitedscr: "Hidden in a deep forest, the pool radiates powerful and eeries energies."
gems: yes
gemtype: "Sorcery random"
bloodslv: No
gem_amount: 1
gem_scale: magic 1: +1
magic 2: +2

Valley of Rusty Mists

sitename: "Valley of Rusty Mists"
sitetype: "Earth"
sitelevel: 0
sitedscr: "A well known but avoided valley. There are no plants to be seen and the soil is covered in rusty mud. Every morning ominous yellow clouds seep from the ground. Locals tell that this mist will turn weapons into rust swiftly..."
gems: yes
gemtype: "Earth"
gem_amount: 1
gemtype: "Water"
gem_amount: 1

spreads_abl: "Destruction"
damages: Constructs

Tents of the Lost Tribe

sitename: "Tents of the Lost Tribe"
sitetype: "Astral"
sitelevel: 1
sitedscr: "A great tribe whose shamans practiced soul-traveling with the aid of magic herbs once lived here. Now they are gone, but their tents and a stock of magic herbs are still here."
gems: yes
gemtype: "Astral"
gem_amount: 1
gemtype: "Nature"
gem_amount: 1

can_enter: yes
mage_only: yes
casts_spell: "Astral Probing"
charges: 5
site_exhausts: yes

Mesa of Lost Freaks

sitename: "Mesa of Lost Freaks"
sitetype: "Blood"
sitelevel: 0
sitedscr: "A cavernous mesa has been infected by runaway experiments of some blood mage. Now they terrorize the locals with their raid, but maybe they can be pressed into service with force..."
gems: yes
gemtype: "Blood"
gem_amount: 1
gemtype: "Nature"
gem_amount: 1

site_unrest: 15
monster_attacks: yes
monster_commander: Ettin
monsters_1: 20 Tentacled Yokels

recruit: "Tentacled Yokel"
"Yokel Commander"

can_enter: yes
mage_only: no
fight_monsters: yes

monster_commander: Ettin
monsters_1: 20 Tentacled Yokels
activate: gems
deactivate: site_unrest

enter_summon: yes
3 x Tentacled Yokel

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Old June 3rd, 2006, 05:02 PM
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Default Re: Magic site modding

So far, according to the Dom3 modding documentation, you can "create new weapons, armors, units and entire nations. And you can modify existing weapons, armors, units, nations, spells, and magic items."
No mention of magic sites.

I have a related question for the guys: will custom nations be added into the in-game interface (like creating a god is), or will it remain a modding feature only (creating a text file, etc)?
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Old June 3rd, 2006, 05:47 PM
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Default Re: Magic site modding

I think custom nations thru the menu would be extensive enough to get mentioned. Illwinter seems to really like the modding thing. Hardly any map command changes have happened since modding was added.
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Old June 3rd, 2006, 06:06 PM
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Default Re: Magic site modding

Site descriptions are not going to appear in Dom3. I've asked about it and offered to help write some of them up, and the answer was a clear negative and that IW likes to leave that space for imagination. Which is a position I have no trouble agreeing with.

I expect the site code is going to get cleaned up quite a bit, but the Dom2 sites were restricted to five effects/features, which included things like scales, buildings, recruitable and summonable units and so forth. We might see more possible features than just five on sites, but don't count on it. The most likely thing that might happen would be the different sites getting ID numbers, which they previously lacked.

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