Scouts are size zero infantry units, so harder to spot. And costed as more for that fact.
Some OOB designers will give them an extra MP, or maybe a swim point, for that little bit more manouverability (e.g. in traversing bad going) but that is not a cast in stone rule.
Reconaissance is about going slowly. Even size 0 units will be relatively easily spotted by a stationary observer (especially infantry) if they charge arount the place at a full run. So, as with all infantry units, if you think you may be in LOS and within 500m or so of probable enemy, keep the speed to 1 hex if you think you may be spotted. Keep range set to 1 so it does not pop off at likely targets, either. Scouting is generally about getting into a useful OP without detection, and then sitting still there.
A scout, sniper or observer unit that you have managed to sneak unobserved through the enemy front lines is a massively useful asset
I also avoid the scout teams that some OOB designers have "Ramboed up" with everything plus the kitchen sink. That will cost more points, and scout teams are
not fighting units. Voluntary use of weapons is only if the target is worth expending the team on, involuntary use of weapons means you have overstayed your welcome..