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Old May 21st, 2006, 05:22 PM
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Default Light cavalry, Barbarian Kings, MD etc

I remember that some topics sparked a lot of conversation back in the days of Dominions II, and I wonder if any of the suggestions have been incorporated?

Magic Duel

This spell has a long history of being in the center of attention for reason or another, including being bugged for long. IIRC many felt this is the sole reason why some nations (Marginon, TC) are 'held down' so to say

Light cavalry

Many felt that they are not worth their cost, and many suggestions were made to improve them. I remember suggestions to add some sort of skirmishing battle order.

Tien Chi & Barbarian Kings

These, especially the latter, were felt to be lacking by quite many from what I remember. Summonings that didn't match their paths, cavalry that couldn't be fully utilized because there wasn't "fire and attack" option and mages with low astral were felt to be the reasons.

Suggestions to add Chariot troops for Spring and Autumn were made.

Barbarian Kings was felt to be a weak theme by many. One of the most interesting suggestions for them was adding a "Attakc and Pillage" command giving them, or at least some of their commanders, the ability to pillage for free troops.

Life Drain

I believe you've already done something to it.


Same as Life Drain

So...what else? I can't remember everything myself.

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Old May 21st, 2006, 05:40 PM
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Default Re: Light cavalry, Barbarian Kings, MD etc

It's seldom discussed, mainly because it's not a 'national' issue, but sages are incredibly good for their cost. The difference between having them and not having them is night and day. And they're so common as well!
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Old May 21st, 2006, 08:08 PM
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Default Re: Light cavalry, Barbarian Kings, MD etc

Sandman said:
It's seldom discussed, mainly because it's not a 'national' issue, but sages are incredibly good for their cost. The difference between having them and not having them is night and day. And they're so common as well!
Yes any nation which finds/starts with a library in the early game has a much greater chance to be one of the leaders on researching.
There can be only one.
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Old May 23rd, 2006, 09:15 AM

VedalkenBear VedalkenBear is offline
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Default Re: Light cavalry, Barbarian Kings, MD etc

I think they're 'fixing' sages by having them start at advanced age (i.e., they don't stick around for very long).

As far as BK goes, at least in the versions I played, 'Hold and Attack' fired your bows, and then attacked on the third turn. This proved devastating against many troops, with BK's Horse Archers. (Actually, almost any of TC's horse archers.)

Though, I will admit that having horse archers stand still in combat is rather silly.
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