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Old March 12th, 2006, 07:51 PM

Professor_Spatula Professor_Spatula is offline
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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

1) What are your favorite features/items/etc. in the game?
Moddability is good. Hopefully there will be a few more goods mods out for the game before long. I also like some of the ambient sounds you get when stumbling upon some of the planetary features. Strangely atmospheric and effective. I also enjoy the simulator, but sadly it's missing an option to upgrade the player's ships. I want to see if a powered up frigate and science ship can take on a fleet of Carriers etc.

2) What are your least favorite features/items/etc. in the game?
Well not my least favourite items, but the PVC is over-powered. I think there needs to be more diversity added to the game and more special quests. I was surprised to find I'd seen nearly all there was to the game within a couple of days.

3) Which map size do you prefer?
Large. Gives you plenty of opportunity to explore and find artifacts. Small is too random: it's very easy to have a barely playable universe. Medium is ok, but large is where it's at.

4) Which player ship do you prefer?
Frigate. I prefer the main ship to be the one doing all the shooting, and that's the Frigate. Pirate vessel is a close second.

5) Do you think the bosses (Kawangi, Primordius, Vent Mother, Deep Hunter, Garthan carrier) are too easy, too hard or just right?
I think they're balanced well, although I'd like to see a super or heavy carrier for the Garthan. Once you have a Particle Vortex Cannon, you can pretty much take out a fleet of Garthan Carriers single handily.

6) When you play Weird Worlds do you "play it safe" or do you play risky?
Hmmm, I don't play too risky unless I have a few good items aboard my ship.

7) When you play Weird Worlds, do you "roleplay" it?
Not really. I tend to try and destroy everything in sight no matter what mission I'm playing. I don't think there's the depth or character shown in the game to make you feel like roleplayng.

8) Do you keep a Weird Worlds shortcut on your desktop?

9) Who is your favorite Weird Worlds character?
The Zorg Helmsman. Here's to Folding space.

10) Do you own/play Strange Adventures in Infinite Space?
Nope. Course, if you want to give it free to your loyal WW players...

I'm surprised you didn't ask what enemy strength we prefer as well. I like to have the maximum level. It's great see large fleets duke it out.
Old March 13th, 2006, 03:00 PM

CautiousChaos CautiousChaos is offline
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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

1) What are your favorite features/items/etc. in the game?
Randomization of the maps, events, encounters. Visuals and sounds are sharp.

2) What are your least favorite features/items/etc. in the game? Gaining hyperdrive early makes the game far too easy. Could use more variety in events. Stars exploding is interesting, but ultimately not much of a factor. More random factors, such as system failures, encounters. More decisions to make would be ideal.

3) Which map size do you prefer?
Prefer small maps.

4) Which player ship do you prefer?
Prefer the science ship, once I can get a good weapon.

5) Do you think the bosses (Kawangi, Primordius, Vent Mother, Deep Hunter, Garthan carrier) are too easy, too hard or just right?
Just right.

6) When you play Weird Worlds do you "play it safe" or do you play risky?

7) When you play Weird Worlds, do you "roleplay" it?
Not really. Just looking for a quick diversion, a few fire fights, explosions, and that feeling of not really knowing what's around the corner.

8) Do you keep a Weird Worlds shortcut on your desktop?
No, distracting. How would I get work done?

9) Who is your favorite Weird Worlds character?
Frankly, they are all rather unremarkable.

10) Do you own/play Strange Adventures in Infinite Space?
Own and play. But not anymore since WW arrived.
Old March 15th, 2006, 04:35 PM
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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

Ripcord O'Reilly said:1) What are your favorite features/items/etc. in the game?
The Klakar with a good stock (esp. nebular ramjet/hyperdrive and PVC) in the first system I visit.

I also love the nebular plow, once I equipped it and, er, plowed through a nebula.

I was an early purchaser of the game (having been addicted to SAIS) but for some reason I didn't really dive into it until today, of all things. Who can play this for just a single 10 minute session?

2) What are your least favorite features/items/etc. in the game?
Hyperdrive and PVC and other "top of the scale" items--simply because in their respective ways they can really shoot the score up, and they make what should be reasonable mid-range items feel useless.

Honestly, I'd love to see a simple system for handicapping oneself--the ability to remove (or render unusable) any item in the game with a pleasant interface by which to do it.

Or else, a method by which score can be adjusted based on the items that were equipped/used in the game... someone who manages to do well with just a basic hydrogen drive should perhaps get a bit of a nudge over the guy who bounced everywhere with his hyperdrive.

3) Which map size do you prefer?
Small for rapid-fire replay, medium for a bit more meat, and large for all the bells and whistles. All sizes fit me.

4) Which player ship do you prefer?
The pirate corvette for feeling closest to the original SAIS ship, but I do like the different gameplay focus you have with a different ship.

5) Do you think the bosses (Kawangi, Primordius, Vent Mother, Deep Hunter, Garthan carrier) are too easy, too hard or just right?
Just right. No, too hard. Wait, too easy. Heh heh, like much in this game, it's the luck of the draw. It's always a good feeling when you've got just barely what you need to pull off a win over one of these.

6) When you play Weird Worlds do you "play it safe" or do you play risky?

7) When you play Weird Worlds, do you "roleplay" it?
I don my captain's uniform, talk to my imaginary Scots engineer, talk in treknobabble... no, just what I normally do.

8) Do you keep a Weird Worlds shortcut on your desktop?
No! Why are you hounding me! NO, I don't! What a terrib--er, terriFIC idea! I'll create seven!

9) Who is your favorite Weird Worlds character?
The guys behind the game.

10) Do you own/play Strange Adventures in Infinite Space?
I own it, and have played it much. But Weird Worlds has kinda replaced it for me.
Old March 15th, 2006, 10:43 PM

skyknyt skyknyt is offline
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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

1) What are your favorite features/items/etc. in the game?

I love being able to fly around and upgrade all my ships, having a fleet, etc. I think my absolute favorite moment, period, was when I first discovered the Damocles. My mind was just absolutely blown when that happened.

2) What are your least favorite features/items/etc. in the game?

Okay, when I was playing the demo and it advertised the "Create your own battle feature" my first thought was that I'd get to personally deck out a bunch of ships with weapons and equipment, then pair them off against each other.

Instead I get to stick OTHER people's ships and have them fight, which is kinda boring in comparison. I can already guess how most of the fights will turn out, and you can't "play as" all of the ships, or even USE some of the super secret ships. Bah!

3) Which map size do you prefer?

Largest. The others aren't as fun - the exploration is so enjoyable, especially on a map with such a long timeline.

4) Which player ship do you prefer?

I like playing the Pirate scenario. The pirate ship is fairly fast, has a large cargo space, and rates artifacts as valuable, which in my head seems appropriate.

5) Do you think the bosses (Kawangi, Primordius, Vent Mother, Deep Hunter, Garthan carrier) are too easy, too hard or just right?

Kawangi is just ridiculously powerful, and only gets potentially harder as the game goes along.. (since it's possibly destroying the weapons and ships that might kill it)

At the same time, I really love the challenge that the Kawangi brings with it. I kinda wish there was a checkbox "make this a kawangi scenario!" Then at least I could practice. <_<

6) When you play Weird Worlds do you "play it safe" or do you play risky?

The riskier the better! But I always bonk myself when I lose a cool ship because I pushed the envelope a little too far.

7) When you play Weird Worlds, do you "roleplay" it?

Errr.. sort of?

8) Do you keep a Weird Worlds shortcut on your desktop?

No. The quicklaunch bar is much more convenient.

9) Who is your favorite Weird Worlds character?

The Moon Marauder chick. I love the music that plays when you find her and I love her ship.

10) Do you own/play Strange Adventures in Infinite Space?

Nope, didn't know it existed until I came here.
Old April 3rd, 2006, 02:14 AM

RTyp06 RTyp06 is offline
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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

1) What are your favorite features/items/etc. in the game?

Features: Combat simulator, Kwangi and Primordius quests. Wish these quests were optional rather than random so I could play them on demand. And of course the mods. The modding capability is probably the best feature of all.

Items: The high end weapons/special ship upgrades (neb plow, hyperdrive etc.) and interactive devices (gong, mirror etc.)

2) What are your least favorite features/items/etc. in the game?

Lifeforms, Useless Artifacts, Passengers. Passengers would be interesting if they provided some sort of usefulness to your crew/fleet or added to some sort of quest.

3) Which map size do you prefer?

Largest, always. In fact I wish it went bigger. Even if it meant many stars were added with no items or events.

4) Which player ship do you prefer?

Military frigate almost exclusively.

5) Do you think the bosses (Kawangi, Primordius, Vent Mother, Deep Hunter, Garthan carrier) are too easy, too hard or just right?

Balance is pretty good as is. I usually play at the highest enemy level and this seems sufficiently tough.

6) When you play Weird Worlds do you "play it safe" or do you play risky?

I have to play "safe" at the highest enemy setting. At medium setting I grow a little bigger balls..

7) When you play Weird Worlds, do you "roleplay" it?

No. There isn't really any interacting with the characters to speak of. This game could really shine if there was!

8) Do you keep a Weird Worlds shortcut on your desktop?

Yes. Right next to my Urquan Masters (Star Control 2) shortcut!

9) Who is your favorite Weird Worlds character?

Does WW have any characters? Probably the Klakar or Fomax. Worst is RipCord, I cringe every time I run into him..

10) Do you own/play Strange Adventures in Infinite Space?

Own and play.. Usually the "Even Stranger" mod..
Old April 4th, 2006, 01:43 PM
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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

Yikes, lots more responses. Thanks guys. I'll get back to this one as soon as I can.
Old April 6th, 2006, 02:36 AM
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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

1) What are your favorite features/items/etc. in the game?

All of it.

2) What are your least favorite features/items/etc. in the game?

What? I don't understand the question.

3) Which map size do you prefer?

Medium and Large.

4) Which player ship do you prefer?

The Pirate ship.

5) Do you think the bosses (Kawangi, Primordius, Vent Mother, Deep Hunter, Garthan carrier) are too easy, too hard or just right?

just right. The Kwangi are a bit over the top, tho.

6) When you play Weird Worlds do you "play it safe" or do you play risky?

Middle of the road.

7) When you play Weird Worlds, do you "roleplay" it?


8) Do you keep a Weird Worlds shortcut on your desktop?


9) Who is your favorite Weird Worlds character?

All of them.

10) Do you own/play Strange Adventures in Infinite Space?

Yes. But not amymore. WW rocks!
Weird Worlds Rocks!
Old April 19th, 2006, 02:21 AM

SkyKeeper SkyKeeper is offline
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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

1) What are your favorite features/items/etc. in the game?
cloak, primordius quest, ability to fire at point in space.

2) What are your least favorite features/items/etc. in the game?
non-balanced medium and large maps. you'll eventually get everything!

3) Which map size do you prefer?

4) Which player ship do you prefer?

5) Do you think the bosses (Kawangi, Primordius, Vent Mother, Deep Hunter, Garthan carrier) are too easy, too hard or just right?
kawangi is over the top - too quick to appear, no bomb, no win

6) When you play Weird Worlds do you "play it safe" or do you play risky?
medium to risky

7) When you play Weird Worlds, do you "roleplay" it?
yes, but it usually the same for all ships and you can't attack once you allied!
8) Do you keep a Weird Worlds shortcut on your desktop?
9) Who is your favorite Weird Worlds character?
5 fiery fires.
10) Do you own/play Strange Adventures in Infinite Space?
played a bit before getting WW

I really want separate move and targetting commands (targetting a ship or point in space and moving in different direction).
Old April 22nd, 2006, 08:21 PM

ImUrOBGYN ImUrOBGYN is offline
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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

1) I enjoy any quests. - I do have fav items, but too many to list. - I haven't really used the ability much yet, but being able to easily create and implement mods is great.

2) I generally like to play the largest map and it seems it's too easy to find too many items. It makes it seem less rewarding.

3) I usually play the largest map

4) I normally use the frigate.

5) The bosses are fine. Since you can wait to attack Primordius until the end of your game, I find it's usually too easy to defeat. The Kawangi come at you a little early in the game. Quite often, it seems it's kinda hard to properly equip your ship in time. Hasn't really bothered me too much at this point.

6) I usually play kinda risky.

7) Not really. I guess I do in my head, so to speak. The more you feel a part of it, the more enjoyable it is.

8) I keep no program icons on my desktop. I do, however keep an icon in my start menu and in my Games folder on the desktop.

9) The Klakar. Anyone who'll trade you a PVC for a broken Thrint Whistle is cool in my book.

10) I played the demo of Strange Adventures and while looking for the full version found out this was coming out in less than a week. Since then, I've only played this ver.
Old May 15th, 2006, 05:59 AM
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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

Favorite features: the quests.

Favorite items: why, the PVC of course.

Least favorite features: there is nothing that is in the game that irks me.

Least favorite items: the 1-credit stuff that has no use whatsoever.

Preferred map size: Large.

Preferred ship: the frigate.

Boss difficulty: depends on the boss - Vent mothers, Garthan carriers and even Primordius go down easily if you have the right stuff (read: dual PVCs and/or Damocles) but IMHO Kawangis, deep hunters, and decimators are hard as heck when faced in combat - especially the deep hunters, you can't even run away without taking a lick from them once you're in combat.

Mode of play: I play it safe, usually, unless I want to try out new ways of dying.

Roleplay: not really.

Desktop shortcut: Yes.

Character: If I understood the question correctly, the zorg corvette.

SAIS: No, I don't.
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