El_Phil said:
It's even suitably evil: Conquering an entire alien race just to save you a few quid on buying rechargeable batteries!
Even a few P would justify it, wouldn't it?
It really seems like everybody is always ganging up on the EEE. I mean, I have had a rather pleasant alliance with them once. I was told that my home star was going to explode in a year, but I had no colonies outside of my home star system and AIs were all around me hogging the best planets. So I put all my population in Transports and sold my home system to the EEE..... for a Huge Oxy Gas Giant (I was Oxy), a moon colony, AND several ships including at least three Carriers with advanced technology.
You see? The EEE aren't that bad at all! Especially not when they're the FRIGGIN FIRST PLACE PLAYER! lol, my people were having a massive celebration to honor my amazing skills of diplomacy, selling a doomed system to the EEE in exchange for a better world than my friggin' HW.....