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Old September 6th, 2005, 09:39 AM
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Default New Orleans .....

A scenerio about first days in New Orlans after huricane. You are a comander of first aid convoy to city where regin the anarchy. That was in last Friday. Please posts if you found some bugs.

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Old September 6th, 2005, 10:26 AM
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Default Re: New Orleans .....

Jest kilka bugow. Zauwazylem ze chciales pozmieniac bronie w kilku jednostkach. Jednak mozna je odblokowac i np oddzial scout moze miec wszystkie 4 rodzaje broni a taki smiglowiec huey moze miec mozdzierz(!). Jesli chcesz wylaczyc jakies bronie to najlepiej w edytorze po wcisnieciu D i wyborze konkretnej broni do zmodyfikowania wybrac 0 a nie ESC. Wtedy bron bedzie calkowicie nieaktywna.

Chyba ze celowo tak zrobiles ze np smiglowiec ma mozdzierz...
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Old October 15th, 2005, 06:06 PM
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Default Re: New Orleans .....

hmm, might be ok, but my mother lost here home in biloxi, ms
Keep honking...................

I'm Still reloading..........
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Old October 15th, 2005, 10:48 PM
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Default Re: New Orleans .....

My Polish Friend, I, too, descend from Polish blood, the Bronowski side before the terrible Jozef Pilsudski began his terroristic regime against the tzar upon the onset of World War I. I take pride in my Polish side. But I must regard your grand scenario with one concern. Even though we, in America, have terribly effective assault rifles at our disposal, we do not, sadly, commonly have the M60 machine gun within our arsenal. That is strictly military, from what I understand. Although, there are 'enthusiasts' who possess the M1919 machine gun, purely for their antique collection...or so they say.
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Old October 17th, 2005, 07:05 AM
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Default Re: New Orleans .....

You have right the arms for crimianals side in this scenerio is not good well-chosen. We see in TV criminals armed in the weapons taken from shops in your opinion. In your opinion what we can find in the americans weapons shops? I wait for the propositions.
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Old October 17th, 2005, 12:16 PM

Pepper Pepper is offline
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Default Re: New Orleans .....

Wikidpedia says:
In the United States, full-automatic weapons are technically federally legal, but have very restrictive requirements. They must have been manufactured and registered before May 19, 1986, require a single payment of a $200 transfer tax, approval must be met in writing prior to purchase from the local sheriff or chief of police, the ATF, submitting a photograph and fingerprints, and waiting around 6 months. Written persmission must be given by the ATF at least 30 days in advance if one wishes to take his full-automatic firearm out of his state. Due to the static number of full-automatic firearms on the market (fixed at 1986 levels), their collective value continues to increase. Most full-automatic firearms for sale cost in excess of $8,000, which for many seeking to make a legal purchase is the most prohibitve factor. Several states have decided to prohibit the sales of full-automatic firearms altogether. In most US states however, one can buy many semi-automatic firearms over the counter if the buyer meets basic legal requirements, and after completing the proper paperwork and a criminal background check.

I think you'd be lucky to have more than 10 automatic rifles floating around due to gunshops being looted, although I have no actual experience in shopping for such guns. Typical gunshop weapons in US I think are pistols, shotguns, hunting rifles, and perhaps a limited assortment of semi-auto assault rifles (but far less frequently).

One curiousity I read about some time ago was that the .50 Browning sniper rifle (used by Heavy Snipers in game) can be legally purchased by civilians in the U.S. because it is not automatic. I think Congress was trying to have it reclassified as some sort of small cannon to ban this practice, as the sales had been rising quickly (and presumably the guns were being shipped to places like Kosovo).
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