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Old August 28th, 2005, 03:43 PM
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Default Found castles (e.g. Firbolg fortress) and built

In a current MP game I'm playing Oceania with a Kelp Citadel. I begin construction of a second fortress in province X. Next turn I search province X and discover a Kelp Fortress, which is supposed to be +1 Nature and a Kelp Fortress. I get the gem, but no free fort. I'm guessing that when my castle is done building I will get a normal Kelp Citadel, but I'll have to wait and find out.

Does anyone else have information on how this works? I know you can't build a fort in a province with a magic one. I assume if you have a fortress already built in a province and discover a magic fortress (Kelp Fortress, Firbolg Fortress, Castle Arcanum, etc.) the magic fort doesn't appear. What I'm curious about is what happens if I stop building my Kelp Citadel. Will a Kelp Fortress show up next turn? What happens if an enemy were to take this province (this is the only way I know of eliminating the "Continue construction" command)-- would they get a Kelp Fortress? What happens if I demolish my Kelp Citadel, does a Kelp Fortress magically appear?

Anyone have experience? If not, I shall have to start SP games with lots of magic sites and a rainbow pretender until this unlikely occurrence happens again.
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Old August 28th, 2005, 04:14 PM

FrankTrollman FrankTrollman is offline
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Default Re: Found castles (e.g. Firbolg fortress) and buil

I've run into something similar with found fortresses. I believe that it has to do with the fact that "construct fortress" and "destroy fortress" are the same command. That is, when you want to create a lab or tear an already built lab down, you go to the same place on the command menu.

So if you start building a fortress, and you find a free fortress, your character's orders become "destroy fortress" because they are on build fortress and there's already a fortress there when the command resolves.

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Old August 29th, 2005, 07:17 PM
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Default Re: Found castles (e.g. Firbolg fortress) and built

Having run some tests I'll post the results here for posterity. The game seems to only check whether to add a magic (found) castle once: the moment it is found. If you begin building a castle and find a magic site, you will never get the magic castle. If you cease construction or an enemy captures the province and disrupts the building, the magic castle will not appear. If you build the castle (which builds like normal) and tear it down again, the magic castle will not appear.
The world draws swiftly to its awful close: Yarnspinners 2:The Raveling
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