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Old June 30th, 2005, 01:34 PM

Warhero Warhero is offline
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Default Are reinforcements really in battle generator ?

Well I heard that someone had noticed that some his units were "reinforcements" in some battles and that they appeared during some later turns... He said that some units not appeared into map before 1st turn. Can this be true in WinSPMBT? I have not seen this personally yet in my battles... Is this really possible?

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Old June 30th, 2005, 01:44 PM
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Default Re: Are reinforcements really in battle generator

The AI *may* choose some of it's force to be reinforcements to enter the map at a later stage of the game. These are not extra troops they are units the AI set's aside from it's allotted points.

There are scenarios that give the human player reinforcements. Perhaps he was playing one of those?


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Old June 30th, 2005, 01:51 PM

Warhero Warhero is offline
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Default Re: Are reinforcements really in battle generator

Well I'm not sure if he played scen but if I remember right, he mentioned "battle generator" in same sentence. So I suppose that it was generated battle... But is it even theoretical possible that AI would set some units as reinforcements (for player too)? I didn't seen anything about this in manual...

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Old June 30th, 2005, 01:56 PM
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Default Re: Are reinforcements really in battle generator

Warhero said:
Well I'm not sure if he played scen but if I remember right, he mentioned "battle generator" in same sentence. So I suppose that it was generated battle... But is it even theoretical possible that AI would set some units as reinforcements (for player too)? I didn't seen anything about this in manual...

The only way I know of for the human player to get reinforcements while he's playing in the battle generator is if he sets up an AI vs AI game then pressed the spacebar when things got interesting to play. Then you'd see them appear.


"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?

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Old June 30th, 2005, 02:28 PM
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Default Re: Are reinforcements really in battle generator

DRG said:
Warhero said:
Well I'm not sure if he played scen but if I remember right, he mentioned "battle generator" in same sentence. So I suppose that it was generated battle... But is it even theoretical possible that AI would set some units as reinforcements (for player too)? I didn't seen anything about this in manual...

The only way I know of for the human player to get reinforcements while he's playing in the battle generator is if he sets up an AI vs AI game then pressed the spacebar when things got interesting to play. Then you'd see them appear.

Human player may get "reinforcements" if he sets up AI buy and AI deploy but human play.

AI so-called reinforcements are merely troops held back from the initial buy "off-map" to provide follow on waves.

The AI helo desants in generated battles are one of these times troops are held off-map in "reserve".

A Human can do this in a generated battle by leaving some formations on his back lines, as I already posted in the other thread discussing this matter. Otherwise - humans only get reinforcements in a scenario if so provided by the designer.

No it is not in the manual (or only mentioned in passing) - there would be no surprise factor if we told you to look out for this or that, would there? .

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Old June 30th, 2005, 05:22 PM

Warhero Warhero is offline
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Default Re: Are reinforcements really in battle generator

Thanks Andy to make this clear. Heh I must try that AI choose-thing and see what will happens...

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Old July 1st, 2005, 07:37 AM
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Default Re: Are reinforcements really in battle generator

Warhero said:
Thanks Andy to make this clear. Heh I must try that AI choose-thing and see what will happens...

AI deplay as well - and it may not work, as I think I put code in there to ensure it only works on player=AI.

In which case start n AI vs AI game, and break in with the space bar as usual then look at the rosters

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