June 23rd, 2005, 08:32 PM
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Re: Tournament Mode- What is it?
Skirmisher said:
I understand that this is an enhanced version feature.What is a tounament game? Is it a way of playing rather than a type of game?
Check out the "CD Extended Features" link in your manual, there is detail on it there.
The PBEM tournament feature supplied with the extended CD version game is intended to allow a tournament organiser to set up a scenario for competitive play amongst a group of players. The scenario is encrypted, and a password is set for the second player. Therefore, neither player can open the tournament scenario in the scenario editor to see the setup, and the password provided for player 2 prevents player 1 from continuing the scenario as player 2 and thus seeing his deployment.
Tournament scenario games are also useful for any situation where 2 players want to play a PBEM game which a third party has set up, and which they have no editor access to - a "blind" game.