The Solops
The Solop are an intelligent warrior race of machines who prefer non-atmosphere rock worlds.
The Solop race was built many eons ago to serve as a work force for a long since extinct races of beings known only as the Seiticorta. The Solop�s were de-activated and stored on the Seiticorta homeworld. During an archeological dig on the Seiticorta homeworld the vast storage complex was discovered and through the ignorance of man, the Solops were re-activated in the hopes that they could be used once again as a machine slave race. Little did the scientist who reactivated the Solop�s known, once the Seiticorta masters knew that their race was dying off, they reprogrammed their machines to act as defenders of their world. To protect it from invading grave robbers and alien invasion. Once reactivated the Solop�s quickly decimated the scientists, archeologists and colonists who had settled on the planet. Using the technology left by the murdered humanoids the Solops began to expand into the stars becoming one of the most aggressive machine races known to exist.