I heard on the news that the US is going to require we Canadians to have a Passport to enter the US starting in 3 years. I also heard that they are sending MinuteMen to watch the Canadian Border. And I also heard that the current long delays on the US Canadian Border is costing us 4billion/5billion per year in lost trade and jobs.
Personally I don't believe in passports,.. I'll wait until we finally come to terms that we are one people living on one planet. Chances are I'll die before that happens, but once I/we cross over to the 'beyond' we will see that we are all one people living in a universe. Then we will realise how narrow-minded and egotistical we really are.
Sorry for the rant,.. but it looks like paranoia has won this war against terrorists, which is to say we have lost. The only way to end this terrorism is to completely and utterly remove them from the news. the more 'exposure' they get the more they win, and the less secure we feel. We are supposed to control OUR news, so why are the terrorists getting so much air time? Grrrr. What's the universal policy on terrorism? "We do not negotiate with terrorists!" Ha, we don't need to negotiate, we are giving them exactly what they want for free. As long as we keep reporting it, they will keep doing it.
/rant mode v2.0 off..
nuf Said, Cheers!