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Old July 28th, 2004, 11:48 PM
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Default Re: OT: Jibjab, Politics, the Big Bang and more!

Originally posted by Norfleet:
Is this going to replace FO/FO2's iguana-on-a-stick?
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Old July 28th, 2004, 11:55 PM

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Default Re: OT: Jibjab, Politics, the Big Bang and more!

Originally posted by Graeme Dice:
Then good for him. This just means that he cares more for those people he knows than doesn't know. This is normal.
Hey, if I had an unlimited supply of cash, I wouldn't mind helping everyone. But I don't! So you know what? I have to set priorities: Who deserves my help, who dug their own grave and should learn to dig themselves out of it.

And he wouldn't be upset if they were murdered in their sleep? After all, Norfleet's argument would be that they deserved to be killed, since they must not have protected themselves well enough.
Hey, life's hard. I fully agree that it would be tragic, but hey, times are tough. **** happens, people die every day. Life goes on. As tragic and unfortunate as this must be to the friends and family of the deceased, to me, it has no impact. To you, it also has no impact. Do you donate money to the families of every single murder victim in the world? I don't think so. So don't criticize me for being honest about it. I didn't see you donating any money to the family of my friend's nephew who was killed 8 years ago in a drive-by shooting.

Since Norfleet has demonstrated that his fictional characterization of himself is a parasite for many other reasons, this is simply another demonstration of that.
I am not a "fictional characterization". I pay my bills on time. I don't owe money. I donate more money to charity than you even earn. I am veteran. So don't go calling *ME* a parasite, you hypocrite. How much blood have you shed for YOUR country?

[ July 28, 2004, 22:55: Message edited by: Norfleet ]
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Old July 28th, 2004, 11:56 PM
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Default Re: OT: Jibjab, Politics, the Big Bang and more!

Originally posted by Graeme Dice:
It is not a value judgement at all. No person can be completely responsible for their life because no person can completely control all factors that influence their life.
Nope. You've confused being responsible for everything that happens in your life with accepting responsibility for your own life. In the latter case, you do not make excuses as to "why am I in this mess?" You deal with it. No crying and whining, no looking for others to bail you out.

If everyone did this, we would not have:

* pollution
* crime
* high divorce rates
* wars

and damned near every other problem we have.

[ July 28, 2004, 22:58: Message edited by: Arryn ]
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Old July 28th, 2004, 11:58 PM
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Default Re: OT: Jibjab, Politics, the Big Bang and more!

Originally posted by Norfleet:
No. Perhaps I need that health care for myself.
Well, since other people are also paying for your health care, that wouldn't be a problem.

You seem to think that resources are unlimited and that everyone can be rich. That is not the case. If everyone were rich, we'd simply have inflation. Some people will always be of below average means.
This is a strawman. I have not stated that everyone should be rich, or even that everyone should be well off. I have stated that everyone should be not starving, and not diseased. You can still be well below average and fall into these two categories. Your continual use of logical fallacies indicates that you are not able to actually make an argument. I suggest that you learn to debate before continuing.

I've snipped the rest of your garbage here where you demonstrate that you actually enjoy in the suffering of others.

No, but if you don't support the sewer system, you're doing this dumping at somebody else's expense....and somebody else is dumping at yours.
Why should the person who is upstream of everyone else pay for the sewer system? That's what your argument about health care is after all.

The minimum is a cardboard box in an alley.
A cardboad box in an alley will not prevent you from freezing to death for eight months of the year.

No, that's the excuse that is used to justify the system. These people have family. Friends. Church Groups. Why can't they ask THESE people for help? These people surely care about them. Why can they not get help there?
You are making the fallacious assumption that all people have such support Groups. Your continual use of logical fallacies indicates that you are not able to actually make an argument. I suggest that you learn to debate before continuing.

I've also snipped the remanider of your statements where you continue to do nothing more than parrot your immature "I'm the only one who actually matters" spiel.
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Old July 28th, 2004, 11:58 PM

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Default Re: OT: Jibjab, Politics, the Big Bang and more!

Originally posted by Graeme Dice:
It is not a value judgement at all. No person can be completely responsible for their life because no person can completely control all factors that influence their life. You might argue about the relative amounts of responsibility, but there are _always_ factors that cannot be controlled, even if their effects are not significant enough to be measured.
No person can be responsible for everything that happens in his life, but every person is responsible for coping with his own life. You made your choices, and so you must take the good with the bad. When times are good, you save for when times are bad. If you squander your resources when times are good on pampered luxury, and are broken when **** happens, well, that was your decision. I don't see why I should have to suffer because you couldn't accept the fundamental truth that **** happens, and squandered all your resources on beer.

In Dominions II, when a plague hits your capitol on turn 3 because you took Death and Misfortune, well, tough. You deal. Did you expect your opponents to give you a handout to cover you in your time of need? I don't think so.
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Old July 29th, 2004, 12:05 AM
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Default Re: OT: Jibjab, Politics, the Big Bang and more!

Originally posted by Arryn:
Nope. You've confused being responsible for everything that happens in your life with accepting responsibility for your own life.
No, I haven't. The only reason that a person should have to accept responsibility for things that they haven't personally caused is that you are too greedy to help them.
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Old July 29th, 2004, 12:06 AM

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Default Re: OT: Jibjab, Politics, the Big Bang and more!

Originally posted by Graeme Dice:
Why should the person who is upstream of everyone else pay for the sewer system? That's what your argument about health care is after all.
He's still dumping at everyone else's expense. It's not unfair to ask him to pay up for that. Health care is NOT the same. My being a healthy person, or paying for my own damn treatment, does not, in any way, detract from anyone else's health and well-being.

A cardboad box in an alley will not prevent you from freezing to death for eight months of the year.
Shows how little you know about professional homeless people. They don't freeze for 8 months of the year. They hitchhike to Florida and ride out the winter in warmth, and relative comfort. It's not as if they have moving expenses, cardboard boxes being what they are. I used to be homeless. I lived out of a car. Don't lecture me about how to survive.

You are making the fallacious assumption that all people have such support Groups. Your continual use of logical fallacies indicates that you are not able to actually make an argument. I suggest that you learn to debate before continuing.
So. You have no friends. No family. You can't take care of yourself. You can't be bothered to save for a rainy day, nor get a job. Exactly what is your value, your worth? What do you contribute to society, anyway? If everyone hates you and you can't take care of yourself, maybe you deserve to die. Why do you somehow deserve more than what others are willing to give you of their own free will? Maybe if you had been more involved with the people in your lives, you'd actually HAVE people in your lives. Funny how you should be hearing this from ME, of all people. Maybe if you can't be more independent, you should try to be more social, you know? I feel no pity for someone who can't be bothered to take the steps needed to survive. If someone cannot be bothered to care even for himself, why should I care for him?
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Old July 29th, 2004, 12:10 AM
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Default Re: OT: Jibjab, Politics, the Big Bang and more!

Originally posted by Norfleet:
I am not a "fictional characterization".
Of course you are. You're nothing more than a teenager living in your parents house.
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Old July 29th, 2004, 12:10 AM

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Default Re: OT: Jibjab, Politics, the Big Bang and more!

Originally posted by Graeme Dice:
No, I haven't. The only reason that a person should have to accept responsibility for things that they haven't personally caused is that you are too greedy to help them.
Or perhaps because *I* am saving my resources so that I do not end up like him. Perhaps because *I* happen to have foresight, and know that all good things come to an end, and someday, I might be just like him....if I do not prepare and save for it. Life is like a sandwich. Some days you eat the sandwich, other days the sandwich eats you.
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Old July 29th, 2004, 12:11 AM

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Default Re: OT: Jibjab, Politics, the Big Bang and more!

Originally posted by Graeme Dice:
Of course you are. You're nothing more than a teenager living in your parents house.
Meh, you say that, yet I don't see you doing much better. I think this is what we call "projection". Get a job, Graeme. Move out. Once you move out of the pampered world of being a student living in your parents' come, and try going hungry for a bit, you'll understand what I mean.

[ July 28, 2004, 23:12: Message edited by: Norfleet ]
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