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Old July 25th, 2004, 09:39 AM

Pickles Pickles is offline
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Default Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by Aku)

"Pickles - Ryleh
Drool - (wants Tien Chi)
Panther - T'ien C'hi (wants Ryleh)"

OK it looks like it would help for me to not be R'lyeh so I will be Man.

(Edit oh bugger it's gone I will need to think then I will choose something by tomorrow)

"I know a lot have picked nations because the map is Karan but if the majority wants cradle then we can switch, if not then we stick with Karan"

Never played Cradle but do not care either way.
I am happy with any indeps from 6-9 if more than just Drool want higher.


[ July 25, 2004, 08:44: Message edited by: Pickles ]
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Old July 25th, 2004, 02:00 PM

The Panther The Panther is offline
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Default Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by Aku)

Originally posted by Pickles:
Quoting Panther

"....Other mages (like your god) have something like a 50% chance to go stupid."

20% I believe but obviously far too high.
I calculate that a Priest has around 2% chance of surviving 80 turns not mad. Or 80 5%'s as I am not sure you roll each turn or each succcessful summon.
It sure seemed like 50% when I tried it without the priests before I knew what I was doing. This morning, I calculated that the chance of surviving 25 tries is 27.7% for the priest. This is about 80 turns since it seems like about a 1/3 chance to be successful or attacked. Obviously, I was lucky in my game mentioned below, but this is not overly excessive luck. This also means to me that the 5% likely ONLY counts when you are attacked or successful, as otherwise the probability for me would have been an extremely low 1.65%. The probablilty of Chithgul surviving these same 80 turns (25 tries) is a nice 60.3%.

"Go +3 luck to try and get good old Chithgul "

Is this the only benefit of high luck do you know? (I heard it was good for void summons but was unsure how)
I have no idea if luck helps the summoning or not. I have read that some people think so. Maybe it helps with the insane thing. Maybe that was why I got 'lucky' in my game??? I wonder if the developers even know? I did get Chithgul on about turn 10, but never needed him as my first priest did such a fine job in the void. At least Chithgul gave me a nice warm fuzzy knowing he was available as backup. Perhaps my priest knew Chithgul was waiting to supplant him so he was determined to do it right!

"Research up to the ritual of returning or some such nonsense like that. "

Aha that may be the trick to use - assuming the returning works. I have had my bodyguards eaten as well as the summoner - I seem to get things that are going to kill everything or that he can handle alone
My son is currently playing R'lyeh in his first MP game, and he tested this ritual thing quite a bit. I guess there are two kinds, one from an artifact and one from a spell. If I end up with R'lyeh in this game, I am going to have to figure all this stuff out. Or just ask my son.

"The void troops are the ONLY sacred troops that R'lyeh can get. That in itself makes it nearly imperative that you use the void gate."

I dunno that also means you need a decent bless. OTOH they have 0 upkeep which would be useful if I ever summoned any useful ones.(nothing to do with sacred)
For whatever reason, I like to have a priest or two in most of my battles. Maybe that is a waste of priests, but I found it very helpful when Ermor became very strong (which sure seemed to happen every game an Ermor comp was in).

"I did like R'lyeh as a race. In fact, if you want to swap with me Pickles, I will take R'lyeh. It does sound like this particular map ought to have a water race."

I do not want to swap but I am happy to play a different race (I want to try to do a better job with R'lyeh than I have done)
I do not care one way or the other. Being a total rank newbie, I expect that I suck with ANY race.

I did check out the map this morning. It looks cool. Certainly a water race will work, as long as it starts at the bottom of the map, which I assume would be typical. I simply don't care what race I use. So if you want R'lyeh and Drool wants T'ien Ch'i, I will take any other one that is still available.

One thing is certain: I am not the kind of guy who has to win to have fun. The game is fun in itself. So --- Let me know what you are going to do so I can make a pretender.

The Panther
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Old July 25th, 2004, 02:34 PM
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Default Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by Aku)

hm may i change my mind and play pangenea ?
if somebody else has chosen it already i stick with pythium but at least in the list pan seems to still be free
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Old July 25th, 2004, 07:39 PM

Aku Aku is offline
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Default Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by Aku)

Boron - Pangaea is still free if you want to change your mind

Still need to figue out who is keeping what nation for Pickles, Drool, and Panther

This cradle map can someone post the link because someone said something about a fixed Version.

About indep strength I think majority want it at 6. Also the cradle map how is it for water races since we do have one playing?
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Old July 25th, 2004, 07:50 PM
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Default Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by Aku)

Originally posted by The Panther:
This morning, I calculated that the chance of surviving 25 tries is 27.7% for the priest. This is about 80 turns since it seems like about a 1/3 chance to be successful or attacked.
The check is made every turn, not every time an event occurs.
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Old July 25th, 2004, 08:33 PM

The Panther The Panther is offline
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Default Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by Aku)

We might as well settle on the races if this game is ever going to start. I originally choose T'ien Ch'i on a random dice roll, so Drool can have it as I do not care in the slightest. Since I seem to be in the middle of this race picking thing, I will take Pythium and that will make everybody set on their races as follows:

Aku - Abysia
Klatu - Man
Boron - Pangaea
Pickles - R'lyeh
Drool - T'ien Ch'i
Starwarsluke - Caelum
Lukes brother - Arcoscephale
Alexi - Vanheim
PashaDawg - Machaka
Panther - Pythium

As for the game settings, the only person to object to the map was Drool. Thus, it must be satisfactory for the majority and should stay as planned. If the pro Norfleet said it would be good for newbies, then who am I to doubt him? It also is good for a water race. The settings are thus:

Number of starting provinces: 1
Stength of Independents: 6
Special Site Frequency: 50
World Richness: Normal
Random Events: Common
Score Graphs: Disabled
Hall of Fame: 15
Standard Research
Standard Victory
Renaming is Allowed

24 hour Quickhost

Map is Karan at the following URL:
Karan Map link

Now, all we need is to get an IP address and port number and we can load up our pretenders.


The Panther
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Old July 25th, 2004, 09:00 PM

Pickles Pickles is offline
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Default Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by Aku)

OK good to go

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Old July 25th, 2004, 09:06 PM

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Default Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by Aku)

I am talking to Klatu on the phone right now. He is getting it ready right now. This looks good to go give it like 5 minutes. I will post the ip and port number when it is up.
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Old July 25th, 2004, 09:29 PM

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Default Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by Aku)

Ok the server is up

port: 10275

Post in here when you have uploaded your pretender.

Abysia and Man are uploaded.

To upload just connect to the game and select your nation then you can exit it if you want because this may take a while for everyone to get around to uploading.

[ July 25, 2004, 20:59: Message edited by: Aku ]
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Old July 25th, 2004, 10:09 PM
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Default Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by Aku)

uploaded my pan pretender
@ the panther pythium is a good choice ihmo i like them
they are one of my top 5 nations but not nr.1 in terms of liking
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