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Old July 20th, 2004, 03:55 PM
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Default Re: defeat seeking arrow?

Originally posted by Boron:
hm according to zen's miqr a longbow of accuracy does 14 damage without strenghtsbonus .
so it is 14 + 2d6 oe right ?
I have no idea. Like I said, the damage is somewhere between a longbow and a shortbow, ie. from 10 to 13 plus whatever random modifiers show up.

so even unequipped jotun and pangenea standard mages and others with many hitpoints and / or good protection can only be hit by a lucky open ended throw so not very often while e.g. a pythium arch theurg has almost no chance to survive ?
Yes, this is what happens to all unarmored humans in the game when they are hit byvarious weapons.
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Old July 20th, 2004, 04:13 PM
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Default Re: defeat seeking arrow?

Originally posted by Curath:
Sunray's Dom 2 Library extra info on spells says Seeking Arrow does 5-15 damage. Anti-missile items and etherealness offer protection. Also, Perpetual Storm will blow 75% of Seeking Arrows off course. Province shielding spells should work, since it's an incoming spell.
do you know if it is 5-15 oe ?
i think it must be because in one spgame i played as pythium the ai got the idea at turn 10 or so to seeking arrow me for about 5 turns and none of my theurgs / archtheurgs survived

does the glamour ability of vanheim help too ? or their mirror images ?

spectators + dusk elders are both etheral so it seems that most nations are quite vulnerable early-midgame against it expect jotun , pangenea , ermor a bit because of etheralness and a few i am not so familiar with

for pythium or tien chi e.g. it seems extremely devastating ihmo if they get seeking missiled early .
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Old July 20th, 2004, 06:23 PM
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Default Re: defeat seeking arrow?

Originally posted by Boron:
does the glamour ability of vanheim help too ? or their mirror images ?

for pythium or tien chi e.g. it seems extremely devastating ihmo if they get seeking missiled early .
Glamour does not, but sneaking does. Atleast I think so. Not very useable, but in a desperate situation...

Also, as both Pythium and T'ien C'hi have air mages themselves they can search for gems and make some Robes (or Amulets) of Missile Protection, Weightless (kite/tower) Shields and/or Llightweight/ weightless scale mails. All of these items are available at Construction 2, and only amulet of missile protection and weightless scale mail require Air 2, others only need skill level of one (and 5 gems).
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Old July 20th, 2004, 09:05 PM
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Default Re: defeat seeking arrow?

robe of missile protection is the cheapest counter. that, and a bunch of non-hidden scouts. Really, all you have to do is make it not cost-effective for the casting player.
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Old July 20th, 2004, 10:40 PM

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Default Re: defeat seeking arrow?

Originally posted by archaeolept:
robe of missile protection is the cheapest counter. that, and a bunch of non-hidden scouts. Really, all you have to do is make it not cost-effective for the casting player.
The Bunch of Non-Hidden Scouts tends to be even cheaper, because the scouts, due to their leather armor, and superior hitpoints, often survive the arrowing. With so many scouts in the province, the odds that the scout is actually hit twice and killed is much lower, and you're probably not concerned with the ultimate fate and afflicted status of your scout chaff anyway. Scout chaff is good technique for all such spells.
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Old July 21st, 2004, 12:14 AM
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Default Re: defeat seeking arrow?

It's a normal shortbow (IIRC). Chest wound comes as an extra. Air shield, luck, etherealness and armor works fine.
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Old July 21st, 2004, 11:25 AM

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Default Re: defeat seeking arrow?

Originally posted by Kristoffer O:
It's a normal shortbow (IIRC). Chest wound comes as an extra. Air shield, luck, etherealness and armor works fine.
I know Air Shield and Luck work, but I don't think Etherealness has any effect, since otherwise an Ethereal unit would be missed 75% of the time....which never happens.

Armor works, to a limited extent: Even if the arrow completely fails to inflict any actual damage, the target still automatically receives a chest wound.
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Old July 22nd, 2004, 12:46 AM
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Default Re: defeat seeking arrow?

Originally posted by Kristoffer O:
It's a normal shortbow (IIRC). Chest wound comes as an extra. Air shield, luck, etherealness and armor works fine.
Ha! Told you That's also what Sunray's guide says.
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Old July 22nd, 2004, 01:02 AM
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Default Re: defeat seeking arrow?

Originally posted by Norfleet:
Originally posted by Kristoffer O:
It's a normal shortbow (IIRC). Chest wound comes as an extra. Air shield, luck, etherealness and armor works fine.
I know Air Shield and Luck work, but I don't think Etherealness has any effect, since otherwise an Ethereal unit would be missed 75% of the time....which never happens.

Armor works, to a limited extent: Even if the arrow completely fails to inflict any actual damage, the target still automatically receives a chest wound.

Sorry, but KO is right. I've had ethereal units shrug off such attacks countless times. And even non-ethereal units do not "automatically" receive chest wounds. They, too, can get lucky and completely shrug off damage/wounding.
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