First, I would like to thank you all for your congratulations.
Then, I'll try to explain these points :
- SITES ARCHAIQUES : presence of old cultures or vestiges of forgoten civilizations ;
- SITES REMARQUABLES : a special site... ;
- EDIFICES RELIGIEUX : A religion related site ;
- EDIFICES MILITAIRES : a special military related site
>> All these buildings on the map indicate the presence of a magic site (one of the many magic sites of the game). Some have archa�cs, religious or military background (directly inspired from the RPG universe of Hannoerth).
And the Last one, is simply remarquable (without archa�c, religious or military background).
I will publish, soon, a real "touristic Guide" for this map and the other, and some other stuf about the universe of Hannoerth... All these points should be clearer !
Robin le guetteur de
[ May 04, 2004, 19:40: Message edited by: Robin le guetteur ]