I'm trying to start up a PBeM game, and this is an open invitation.
I'll start processing turns on Monday 8th of February, and I'm planning for a minimum of 1 turn / day for the first week, then 3 turns / week. Turns will also be processed immediately when all players have submitted their turns, so the turn limit is a minimum, and turns might be played faster (at least for the start of the game)
The game settings will be:
Version: 2.08 (the current patch)
Independents at level 7, Magic sites at 55%
If I get at least 8 players, we'll use the Kingdom of Kara map (available from
http://www.illwinter.com/dom2/maps.html) with the Victory by Dominion victory condition set at ~1400 (which means your dominion has to cover about 60% of this map.)
If I get less players, we'll use the Cirlani map with the standard victory condition (Last man standing.)
If you want to join, reply by e-mail (see below), Sunday at the latest, and list the three nations you most want to play in prioritized order. There's no restrictions on what nations or themes you might use, but remember that Mictlan is not well suited to a victory by dominion game, and that the Jotunheim Utg�rd theme is broken in the 2.08 patch.
The e-mail address to reply to is (shown as an image to prevent automatic harvesting)